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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dbeasy

  1. Unbelievable. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pitching staff melt down this badly.
  2. I love getting the 2 brothers with Nigerian heritage.
  3. Ya my bad. I thought he’d been here. Nevermind.
  4. Incredible input. Really appreciate it. I think the family can deal with people as long as its not long, ridiculous lines of cars, like many have been complaining about at RMNP. I don't know shit, but based on what I'm reading, it sounds like the options are: Breckenridge - pretty cool but might be a little crowded. My wife and I went there 30 years ago, but I could see this working. Golden - have had a few different people recommend this. Wonder if we could do a day trip there. Winter Park - since the wedding is there, it would be nice to be based there, if there is stuff to do. I do like how you could hit Grand Lake, Golden, even Breckenridge from there. This seems like a good option if there was a good place to stay. The resort?? Leadville/Arkansas River/Buena Vista - my wife and I are going to hit this, but it might be a little too remote for a large family with diverse interests. Estes Park - lot's of divergent opinions about crowds or not. Not sure. Grand Lake - BIL loved it, but it does seem like a day at the Lake and a day or two in RMNP. Maybe we can drive there from Winter Park and do it that way? Vail - the MIL is not a huge fan. That rules that out. Maybe the wife and I will hit it someday. Durango - the family has already been and loved it. But, won't go again since we were just there. Telluride - too far away. Wife and I will hit that later. Lake City or Cripple Creek - probably a little too remote for a larger group. So, we are leaning Winter Park, if the place is cool, has things to do, and has cool scenary. We'd hit Golden, Lake Grand, maybe Breckenridge from there. Thoughts? Breckenridge would probably be 2nd choice.
  5. A lot of opinions, but what are the facts regarding the number of police officers per population covered over the last ten years? Is it more per officer? A lot more?
  6. Update for those that provided advice. After another few days of no responses and not being able to reach anyone on the main claim line, I filed a complaint with the TDI. They responded within a day, saying that because it was not my insurance company, they could not investigate or intervene. However, they did forward my complaint to the insurance company, including my request for TDI to investigate them for bad faith practices. That must have gotten their attention because an assessor was at my house within a day, and the settlement check was fedex'd to me two days later. Unfortunately, they are scumbags and low balled everything in the settlement summary. While I understand that it's up to the repair shop to work the parts and labor costs, I began to get concerned I wouldn't be able to get the proper payment from them to get a quality repair done. So, I rejected the payment and filed with my insurance. This whole situation is making me realize that the auto insurance industry is an absolute scam. They operate in a way to basically force you to file with your own insurance, even when it isn't your fault, so that they can all constantly raise rates for "reasons". I also got a sense I was about one person out of a hundred that even tries to not file with their own insurance when it's someone else's fault. It's almost impossible. Eff'em.
  7. I dislike the Stormtroopers comparison. First of all, the Stormtroopers are the absolute definition of a bunch of bumbling idiots who get killed by the thousands by a Big Foot rip-off, a woman who wears a bun, and a dude who used to be a janitor until he got discovered as an actor. Second, why are we suddenly the University of a bunch of Star Wars nerds? I don't get it.
  8. I was not happy with how Ewers played, but Surly has gone a little over the top on criticizing him. And delusional in thinking Murphy would replace him for poor performance. Thus, I've now decided to do a complete 180 and believe Ewers will start playing incredible. Surly in aggregate is rarely right.
  9. If A&M doesn’t go 8-4 or better this year the A&M administration might be able to convince its rube donors to pony up the buyout money to go get Elko.
  10. Were you in Gregory Gym in the fall of 1982, because that sounds really familiar.
  11. The wife has been adamant all last year and in the Rice game this year that since he got injured last year he’s played scared. Sure looks that way.
  12. The risk of the unknown is sky high in this scenario. At the very least, you would need a thorough review by a financial/bankruptcy lawyer to make sure it would work out the way you think it would. And then cross your fingers that no laws change.
  13. The other weird thing about retirement is money going out and not coming in. Even though you may have plenty of money, a lifetime of saving money is difficult to overcome so that you can feel comfortable spending money on activities. Also, I got a call last week from a friend who I co-founded a company with, along with two other guys. One of the other co-founders passed away, at age 56. Yet another reminder that people may need to make room for retirement and the diversity of experiences that brings, before they don’t have the chance.
  14. I saw him in Dallas. He could not sing. At all. But, rest in peace.
  15. He has a decent arm. He just doesn’t do great under pressure. And unfortunately, that’s a tough problem to fix. And people shouldn’t be clamoring for Murphy, unless you want multiple interceptions per game to go with that cannon arm.
  16. We are a very svelte family. What if could could bring that percentage down?
  17. I forgot to mention we did Durango in 2021. And we don’t need to do everything on the list, just a sample listing of stuff we like. What about Winter Park itself? What’s it like? My BIL stayed at Grand Lake and liked it but it seemed like there wasn’t a lot to do around it other than access to RMNP.
  18. Ewers has taken a ton of heat from Surly since yesterday, deservingly so. However, it does need to be acknowledged that he’s pretty decent at putting the ball in the right spot on the first read on short and mid range throws. There’s good velocity, good spiral, good placement. The problem is deeper balls, happy feet and poor pocket awareness. That’s usually a QB IT factor thing. He may never have it. He’s not horrible. He just may not be great.
  19. I'm taking the extended family (adult kids, grandma, grandkids) to Colorado next summer because we have a wedding to attend at the end of June in Winter Park. For you Colorado experts, do you have any thoughts where we could go for a week beforehand. We have a mix of ages (79, 60, 60, 33, 30, 28, 2, 1). The group likes the following types of activities: High Priority - Hiking; Fly fishing Medium Priority - Historical – Monuments, Parks, etc.; Special Activities – Train rides, etc; Foods/Restaurants; Breweries/wineries; Fishing; Water/Lake/Beach/Swimming; Rafting; Kayaking; Cool town; Shopping; Biking; Alpine slides; Cool drives Low Priority - Golf, Museums, Concerts, Boat Rides I'm leery of places like Estes Park because of crowds. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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