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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PenelopeWitherspoon

  1. This is one of the best things you have posted here. Agreed.
  2. Lol, no, I leave you alone except for the crap you have been spewing today. You advocated genocide against an entire people. That is pretty despicable stuff. Internet message board rep, serious bidness.
  3. You got negged because you basically said some pretty horrible things in that thread. You also have repeatedly shown your ass, showing that you know nothing about what you are talking about, and have been pointedly told that by a number of people. Sorry you got your fee fees hurt on an internet message board. Lol.
  4. We are very much in two wrongs don’t make a right territory. Hamas is a terrorist organization and is doing unspeakable things. The Israeli government has been running an apartheid state in the West Bank and has done unspeakable things. Both of these things can be true at the same time. Seems like a lot of folks have a hard time getting their heads around that.
  5. Thank goodness. Sports gods took pity after the Longhorn loss. Aggy loses and Astros win. 2 of 3 isn’t horrible.
  6. I completely agree with you, but we also committed 3 turnovers and defense sucked. We let a mediocre OU offense look like worldbeaters.
  7. What the ever living fuck, defense. We lose, this shit is on you. And of course, they are going to call PI there and not for us. Fucking unreal.
  8. Ok D, time to be the hero. They have zero time outs.
  9. Keep it going. Move the chains. Down their fucking throats.
  10. Alright, just grind it out. Move the chains. and there should be a flag there.
  11. I saw it. That’s an incidental facemask, especially in real time. You call that if you called the late hit on the midget earlier.
  12. That was a face mask. Some very obvious things being missed by this crew.
  13. That was a dumb penalty. But holy shit, Texas D, what the fuck was that?
  14. Alright boys, no looking back. Put your foot on their throats and don’t let off.
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