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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. "disciplined" = "high-fived in the station breakroom for actually following the TRUE policy of Louisville PD -- cover up your activities, always, every time" He's probably going to get plum assignments from now on, and a glowing annual review as a "true cop's cop." Remember - shit like this is NOT an anomaly. It is SOP. This is who cops are, this is what cops do. Always. 100% of the time. If the choice is "do right," or "do wrong and follow the cop code," it's not a choice at all. 100% of the time, they choose the second option.
  2. It was on again the other night. My assessment is unchanged....except it keeps climbing up my list. This movie is in my top 5. And James McAvoy is one of my favorite actors. The cast just gets better and better each time I watch it. And yeah, this might be one of the sexiest film couples of all time.
  3. I am genuinely loving this, even though it will be another brick in the wall of "humanity is doomed, and it's because we're stupid." It's the same thing that human disinformation campaigns do. First, you disseminate a false story (e.g., the 2020 election was stolen). You repeat it and amplify it. Causing 25% of the people to believe it. Then later, when queried on whether the "stollen election" is actually a thing, you say "it must be! 25% of people believe that it is!" It's a fucking loop of idiocy, and generative AI was fucking BORN FOR THIS.
  4. No lie, when Dolly dies I will cry. She’s a treasure.
  5. Dude. You’re adorable. Nobody whose name isn’t “Trump” has any say. None. Not a word. Why? Because ALL GQP voters are tied to him with a bond greater than “worshipper to their god.” Betrayal of Trump loses those voters…and those voters are all the GQP has. There is no party without Trump and his supporters.
  6. Yeah, as has been noted here before, it ain't the "hot" that's a problem. It's the "hotter, for a lot longer" that's a problem. As just one example, Austin's long-term average number of triple digit days is 15. The last 30 years? That's nearly fucking DOUBLED to 29. I can handle a few 100 degree days, I grew up in a state that had a few 100 degree days. It's the "two fucking months straight of them, and not just 100 degrees, but 108 every fucking day for long stretches" that fucks us. Kind of like how I can handle banging my shin against the furniture every once in a while, but would get pissed off if someone wacked me in the shins every fucking day for a month.
  7. I dunno, man.....I have been told incessantly that drag queens are grooming our kids to go all pedophile on them, and we all need more Jesus.....but goshdarnit, it seems like the Jesus crowd are actually the real groomers molesting our kids. I'm just floored by this turn of events, and it has me all topsy-turvy and discombobulated. But I do on occasion pretend to be an attorney. I even bought a proper suit, so I could dress the part....
  8. Bolded the killer takeaways. As just one example, people with a last name like mine aren't...you know.... "real Americans." And with that judgment/decision, we can be cast to the depths of hell without a second thought. Hannah Arendt's observation of "the banality of evil," and how evil outcomes were made possible by a lack of empathy, was and remains dead-on, balls accurate (EDIT: Twice even beat me to the Arendt reference by a second): A dehumanizing lack of empathy for our fellow humans who don't look exactly like us, or don't think or worship God exactly like us, is absolutely how we have ended up where we are, and it's why we are inexorably heading towards an inhuman hell that none of us can or want to imagine. In the end, we are going to implement and empower a movement that will do inhuman things to other humans because they simply don't believe that those other humans are actually human. A tale as old as humanity itself, and we are doomed to repeat it on a loop. Oh, and that those fucktards DARE to stand on "antisemitism is wrong!" as some supposed principled stance they take (as members of their own movement actively attack jews and (((globalists))) and the like) is the fucking cherry on top.
  9. It's okay, he can say that. He has a jewish friend.
  10. Just a selection of a few posts calling the obvious long ago (although South Austin's timeline was a bit...premature, but that's what all the ladies say about him anyway). Anyone who didn't know that she'd endorse Trump is too dumb to continue to walk this earth, and should immediately drink hemlock.
  11. There won't be. The Nazi party will never de-Nazify. Stop hoping that it will. Stop hoping that Repuglicans will ever come to their senses. Stop hoping that ANYTHING will appeal to the "better angels of their nature." Just. Fucking. Stop. They are full-on, 100% committed to fascism. It is all they are. There is not an atom of anything else remaining. There is no bringing them back, no reforming them, no "they'll eventually come around." They are intent on hurting, punishing, and flat-out destroying everyone who doesn't agree with and support them 100%. It's a fight to the death, that's what they've chose. The only question you need to answer is which death you'd like it to be, theirs or yours?
  12. Yep. And definitely THIS: And....at least there was a reply that did make me chuckle....
  13. I hear you, and feel you. And it's really hard. It's REALLY fucking hard. The hardest part is reaching that final conclusion: that on balance, these people have chosen evil. For whatever the reason, they have chosen it. And that is, in the end, unacceptable and unforgivable. Great post. And yeah, the bolded -- or 1,000 questions like it, like "when your child's spouse, who is tainted with minority blood, is rounded up and deported to a country they've never even been to even though they are a natural born US citizen but the future regime has abolished that retroactively and a crooked SCOTUS happily went along with it, how will you feel?" or "when the man who gunned down your child and her entire family when he went hunting 'invaders' at the local Wal-Mart is pardoned by the Regime because he was doing God's Work, how will you feel?" And on and on and on. Evil shit like the Holocaust didn't happen because Hitler and a few dozen bad dudes had some really shitty ideas. These things happen because millions of people EMPOWER, EXCUSE, AND PROTECT those evil fuckers, so that they can do their evil unimpeded.
  14. A cop 1) lying on a report to 2) support a specific criminal charge should 3) be automatically subject to the maximum sentence for the charge his lie tried to support. Lie to get me charged with felony assault of an officer, with a max sentence of 50 years? Automatic - no discretion, AUTOMATIC, MANDATORY - sentence of 50 years. You tried to get me tossed in prison, and you did so by LYING, UNDER COLOR OF THE LAW. All. Cops. Are. Bad. ALL OF THEM. What is it going to take for everyone to understand that? There are only two kinds of cops in that video: 1) the liar, and 2) those who backed him up on his lies, 100%, never once even ATTEMPTING to stand up for the truth.
  16. This. Make the phrase even more pointedly accurate: "They are also almost assuredly voting for the man/party that has promised to deliver a 'final solution' to the 'jewish problem.'" Yes. It makes them bad. In fact, if the point is that they aren't REALLY for mass extermination of the jews, they just like the other things the nazis are for, so they're willing to put the nazis in power (where they will commit genocide) because hey, lower taxes.....that is actually fucking WORSE. If you kill me because you think you HAVE to in order to protect your family and way of life, I can at least UNDERSTAND that. It's wrong, and super-bad, but I can at least grasp it. If you kill me because your income will go up 2%....Jesus Tapdancing Christ, that's some sick fucking shit. And if you 're willing to do the above....foolishly thinking that they won't eventually turn on you (for being too close to jews/mexicans...for being a secret jew/mexican, as they alone decide....for being insufficiently loyal to the regime...for pissing off the Supreme Leader by failing to deliver his coffee hot enough, etc.)....you're sick, evil, AND breathtakingly stupid. Evil and stupid. That's what Trump supporters are. All of them. Yes, including your family. There's plenty of stories of nazis commiting acts of kindness....Mengele was a decorated combat medic. He was outwardly kind to many children in the camps. Before he conducted horrific medical experiments on them, of course. We grade people in the balance, and there are some things that cannot be overcome. Supporting Trumpism and fascism, specifically this Trumpist regime that is built on a proud foundation of who all it is going to hurt, punish, and exact retribution on, is one of those things. I don't give a fuck if Rudolf Hess went out in the cold rain to save puppies, was scrupulously honest in all of his business dealings, treated all women he dated and married with respect and decency, was a prince to his household staff, regularly stopped to help strangers change a tire, donated lots of money to charity, etc.....he fucking commanded a goddamned death camp. He facilitated pure evil. If you knowingly facilitate pure evil, your personal balance sheet will ALWAYS end up in the red.
  17. As soon as I get a compelling reason to conclude that we're not on a shitboat captained by shitheels heading to Shittown floating on a river of liquid shit, I'll be HAPPY to do so. So far....not seeing any such reason. In fact, the river of shit just keeps rising.
  18. My cousin Al -- Al Kyda, great guy -- has had a HARD time getting new customers, that's for sure.
  19. Hispanics voting Trump - Leopards eating peoples faces party voters, example eleventy billion. It's. SO. FUCKING. STUPID. I have had my loyalty as an American questioned plenty of times in recent years, based on my last name. There are "real Americans" (white folks, with obviously white names), and then there's....not real Americans (me and my family, and everyone like us, or with a similar "foreign sounding" name). Why any of us would vote for the party that is proudly racist, xenophobic, and white supremacist (and don't tell us the lie about "no, it's just about whether they're here legally" -- the fucking leadership behind Trump wants to end ALL immigration, and has pushed to end LEGAL status (including citizenship) for anyone they can catch up in their sick process (like challenging my US citizen father, who was born in a border town back when hospital records weren't perfect)). They are racist pieces of shit, and they ARE coming for you, they WILL attack you....so don't be stupid and vote for them. And this. The GQP will never reform/moderate. They are too far gone. It's over, folks. There's no going back.
  20. The cool thing is that you can just read a collection of newspapers from the last few years to get the same story 2, electric boogaloo.
  21. Sure. They’re not fascists who want to exterminate minorities and the opposition. They’re just willing to support fascists who want to exterminate minorities and the opposition if it will reduce their taxes by $1. That’s even more evil. That’s our point. It would be one thing if they wanted to kill my family because they truly believe that we are an existential threat to the American way. It’s even sicker that they’re willing to have us exterminated to save $1.
  22. A whole lot of this. Can we find a metric shitton to criticize the US, the West, etc. about over the past century? Fuck yes. But to do so to the exclusion of the undeniable metrics of how life on this earth improved, in large part and often directly in connection with mechanisms and measures emanating from and delivered by the US and the West, is foolishness. I'm a good guy, I've done an incredible amount of positive things that have improved my community, have made my family and many others more prosperous, safe, and secure. BUT...if we want to focus on "how that dick Brisket is a hypocrite, and how he does something dickish to someone at least once every fucking day," we can certainly do that, and it would be accurate. I do many dickish things. I have lied. I have betrayed trust. I have acted selfishly. I have been mean. If you describe me and define me solely by my negative traits, then I am unquestionably an awful human being, who the world would be better off without. If, however, you consider me as a complete human being, who has faults and has often acted badly, but who also has some great strengths and has done much good, on balance I think I'm a pretty solid net positive for the world and for my community. The rules based international order is flawed. As any human-driven idea and institution will be. That approach has also led to the most peaceful and prosperous period modern humanity has ever known. That doesn't mean we overlook the bad, and don't try to remedy any harm done, and aspire to be better....but it sure as shit also means that we don't overlook or minimize the good.
  23. But…for future reference…you also decided to wait until AFTER Zoom calls end before you jerk off, right?
  24. Yep. Trump did it. Biden is old. Free Palestine! Both parties are the same. And…scene.
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