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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Ended up behind a cybertruck today. And realized you can’t see out the back. At all. The solution? A camera display on the center monitor. Do you trust that? I mean, beyond the fact that it’s Austin, and NOBODY checks their mirrors anyway. It’s a dumb fucking design. And everything I see or learn about it just makes it dumber.
  2. What the fucking fuck is fucking wrong with these people? What the fuck is he even talking about? Bringing back COVID? I hate the stupidity of this timeline. I really, really, really do.
  3. To be fair, selling all of your mint-condition track suits to buy 3 shares of stock matches that description, so.... yeah.
  4. Yeah, read that the other day. Really good piece with some interesting insight into what should be a perilous time in Iran....but won't be. Like everywhere on earth in this current timeline, the hard right hardliners will end up winning, because rational moderates get steamrolled. And the Iranian people just don't have what it takes to do what is necessary: kill the fascists.
  5. It's USC. In lieu of her speech, the university will put on a special "Distinguished Alumnus Retrospective: Remembering the Great OJ Simpson."
  6. Ahhhh.....a strategy of appeasing fascists. That's got a perfect track record of working.
  7. I love this. "Wartime CEO mode." I mean, I can see this: "Everything is exploding and in flames! I'm taking authoritative command and making hard decisions to save the ship!" That kinda makes sense. But when it leaves out the response of "but....Captain....you're the one who decided to set off all our depth charges while they were still on board to 'own tha libz.' And you're the one who pointed all of our missiles down at the deck before launching them straight into our own ship. So.....maybe we should look to new leadership who won't blow up our own ship and then yell that only he can save us?"...well, that's a pretty seriously incomplete statement.
  8. There was some talent there. That part I really enjoyed. My wife was even courteous enough to point out a few that she knew I would appreciate. I spotted the daisy dukes and bustier all on my own, though. But yeah, my days of staying out till 2:00 are a tad behind me.
  9. Last night's Madonna show report: I'd give it a B. Was less of a concert and more of a "spectacle," which I guess is to be expected, Madonna being Madonna and all. And it WAS a spectacle. Hell, my wife and I agreed that about 40% of the entertainment value was the crowd itself. Tons of women dressed up in Madonna-inspired outfits, from fun to sexy to crazy. Loved the gal in front of us with daisy dukes and a bustier she kept trying to bounce out of. And ALL tha gayz....leathers, chain mail tops, multiple fabulous drag queens. It was an awesome sight. As for the show itself, it was indeed a spectacle. Incredible staging, and her dancers clearly have to be some of the best modern dancers in the biz these days. The music was secondary, which was my biggest source of disappointment (but again, accepting that Madonna is Madonna....it makes some sense). Didn't play a good number of songs we'd like to hear, and most other songs were different mixes or portions of a song. Like a Prayer (my favorite song) was staged incredibly, but it was only about a 40% version, albeit a creative and good mix of it overlaid with some other tunes. Yeah, the 10:30 start was BS. Show ended a bit after 1:00, I think, I didn't crawl into bed until nearly 2:00. I get the "I'm reminiscing back to my start in the crazy club days where everyone parties till 4:00 am," but her audience ain't in their crazy club days anymore. The temp wasn't terrible inside. Warm, but tolerable. We dressed for it, having been advised to do so. Glad we went, saw the spectacle, can check Madonna off the list (well, my wife saw her back in 89 too). No need to go see this show again, though.
  10. “Nobody knows more about ____ than me.” The number one sign the speaker is actually an idiot.
  11. Well, it's productive in one sense: it lays bare the utter hopelessness of the situation. ESPECIALLY when the violent maximalists, or folks pretty closely adjacent, are fundamentally in charge of policy for each "side." "You should all die and be driven from the land!" "No...YOU should all die and be driven from the land!" Not much reason for hope there. People openly pushing for genocide are driving the bus for both sides. What that tells us that "somebody eventually succeeding in genocide/total ethnic cleansing" is a much more likely option than "some sort of peaceful co-existence" ever will be. Reality in this case is a bitter pill to swallow, but that doesn't make it any less real.
  12. I wasn't in Iraq. I'm just an asshole, and drive the same way.
  13. "Texas is a land of perennial drought, broken by the occasional devastating flood." - State Meteorologist, National Weather Service in 1927 So, the total storage capacity of Lake Travis is just under two MILLION acre feet. Excavation has varying costs -- can be as low as a few thousand an acre foot, to $20k per acre foot, and maybe more depending on topography. Let's go with a conservative number like $10k per acre foot. AND, you have to have someplace to dispose of all that removed earth/rocks (let's be clear, it's mostly rocks in Lake Travis, which is MUCH harder to excavate. Let's say we wanted to add 10% to the LT capacity -- that's 200,000 a.f.. The excavation cost alone, at $10k a.f., would be $2 billion. And that's before we've paid a penny to haul the rock away, much less paid for a place to haul it TO (200k a.f.....means that if LCRA bought 10,000 acres of land (a pretty big purchase), it would have to cover that land in spoil/rock TWENTY FEET HIGH. Large-scale excavation of a reservoir -- large enough to make a difference -- just isn't a cost-effective venture.
  14. Duh. Evangelical psychopaths control one of our political parties. That party is 1) all-in on Israel because it needs the state of Israel around for the final battle of Good and Evil where Kirk Cameron helps all the fundies get raptured, and 2) the party is also completely beholden to a man who is a wholly-owned property of Putin, so pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine it is. It's not any more complicated than that.
  15. Have I ever taken such ridiculous, pathetic, spineless positions, meant solely to ingratiate? Yes. Yes I have. But in fairness, it was when I was MUCH younger, and it was always in pursuit of getting laid. Thus, the honorable nature of my pursuit excuses my perhaps pathetic tactics, I'd think y'all would agree. Otherwise....what a pathetic creature he is. Simping himself out without even the prospect of a decent BJ (well, of RECEIVING one, at least -- he may well blow DJT before this is all over) at the end of it.
  16. Well, I've got some semi-good news for you! This country has no future!
  17. This.....this number is the one that is absolutely jaw-dropping. Imagine putting up a single Chick-fil-A franchise up on the stock market.....and it drawing the kabillion dollars of investment DJT has. The entire world would be asking WTF?
  18. I hear the Santa Cruz just isn't a good vehicle (crappy mileage for a small truck), so that's on Hyundai. I can see people wanting a Ridgline -- it's a "light truck" with Honda quality and reliability. I don't want one, but can understand people who would. I can't come up with any reason to want a Cybertruck other than you're a fanboi knobgobbler. Everything it's supposed to be for/do, other trucks do much, much better, with better safety, reliability, and quality. Literally the only thing it has going for it is "CUTTING EDGE ELON ZOMG LOOK AT ME IN MY ELON-MOBILE!"
  19. But less reliable. With a shitty build. That rusts in the rain. And gets stuck accelerating, with no brake function. And will pinch your fingers off if you close the frunk. And weighs a ton, so is shitty for off-roading. And about a hunnert other points of inferiority I'm surely forgetting. There's one reason to buy a : you're a bro who wants to gobble Elon's knob.
  20. We're talking about the burbs. No DQ. Just Applebees, as far as the eye can see......
  21. That's the rub, ain't it? Get it, then sell it before the music stops, because when the music stops....
  22. This is the most inexplicable part to me. The other are just sub-optimal business decisions, the sort of thing that happens. But hyper-politicizing a major consumer product? I mean, even Michael Jordan observed "Republicans buy shoes too." Ford and Chevy and BMW and functionally every other auto maker don't tie the image and marketing of their products to a particular (and extreme and polarizing to boot) political ethos. Sure, there are political identities that identify more with particular products (I'm guessing that more Republicans buy Ford and Chevy trucks, and more dems buy Priuses and Accords), but the manufacturers wisely (well, actually, EASILY, because they don't get in that game to begin with) avoided having their products tied to a politically polarizing position. Elon....not so much. AND, he picked the dumbest group to cater to. Sorry, Elon....incels and blind fanbois aren't going to produce the sales figures you need to succeed.
  23. Bingo. They'll move to a burb, get a dead-end job, finance an $80k lifted truck they really can't afford, slap a "Fuck Joe Biden" sticker on the back of it, and keep on keeping on.
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