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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. Yeah let’s ban kids from flying, that should solve all our problems. I’m tired of watching all those videos of kids assaulting flight attendants, trying to open plane doors mid flight, and all the other shenanigans that cause flights to be diverted or delayed.
  2. How advanced can it be if they keep crashing on our planet?
  3. I'll believe that aliens are here when they beam me up and stick a probe up my ass
  4. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that one demographic is just used to thinking and doing exactly what they are told.
  5. If you had an interim President and they got sick and had to step away from their duties for a period of time would their replacement be an acting interim president?
  6. Damn, did I sleep through the last global thermonuclear war?
  7. I glad Huepel acknowledges Texas and Burnt Orange as the only real UT and color of orange.
  8. The book never explains it other than to say that the Emperor was forced into a compact to place a Bene Gesserit on the throne. The implication seems to be that the agreement was in return for the Bene Gesserit somehow placing, or aiding in placing, Shaddam on the throne, but that is not really spelled out.
  9. By the time the fallout from the journalism school fiasco is over, aggy may have successfully rid themselves of every woman and minority in the school's administration.
  10. I’ve passed five kidney stones and after a few you kind of get used to it. The pain isn’t any less intense, but at least you know there is an end it. I’ve also had diverticulitis, shingles twice, and testicular torsion more times than I can count. I think my pain receptors are becoming numb.
  11. Whatever you do, don’t waste your time with In From The Cold. It’s really stupid and I watched all eight episodes just to be sure.
  12. *Hung. Hanged as the past tense of hang is used only when referring to someone who was hanged by the neck until dead
  13. That's exactly how my son broke his arm the first day he had his go cart
  14. The dog is a slave who is being forced to bite helpless black people when all he really wants to do is play fetch and have his belly rubbed. Free the dog slaves!
  15. They’ll probably make him an officer in the North Korean army and celebrate his defection because he was tired of being forced to eat pigeons every Tuesday
  16. Why did they sully our hype video with aggy?
  17. They would have to use CGI to erase all of the nipples and cooches to make it realistic
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