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Everything posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. A few do at places like Bama and tOSU but nowhere near as many as you’d think. I’d bet the blue chip bust rate for Texas hs players is greater than that of any other state.
  2. Texas HS players are overrated — they peak too early; Friday Night Lights culture is toxic for further development. They are already spoiled rotten when they arrive on campus and the combo of high pressure and NIL is only going to make this worse for all but the most driven and mentally sturdy kids. It used to be you had to at least pretend to have to earn the chance to make millions, bang the hottest chicks, practice and play at top facilities in front of tens of thousands, and drive the coolest cars. Now almost all our blue chips are handed this shit at age 17 or earlier. This is why we keep getting our asses handed to us by teams full of two and three stars and it won’t change unless we ignore the Texas $9.95ers and recruit hungrier kids from off the radar programs in state and out of state. sooooo sick of reading about our allegedly superior talent when it’s not showing up on the scoreboard or in NFL players produced. We suck because our players suck. They aren’t as good as advertised when they arrive and most only get worse in Austin and it’s increasingly looking like whoever is coaching is not the main concern. The rot in this state’s football culture is bigger than just the flagship program’s continued suckitude.
  3. Medicare Martha should be forced to sing her death song, leave society, and “unite with The Elders.” She is a one woman argument for the discontinuation of all forms of elder care.
  4. Yeah Derka you might want to be careful with insinuations about BWG’s mental health. It’s all fun and games when it’s just an anonymous message board but this approaches defamation of character.
  5. Big Lina fan and while I won’t doxx myself explicitly stating what I’ve done, I will say I very publicly defended her in a highly prominent way. But I worry those attack ads may get her via yokel voters way out in the sticks. I also wish she’d run a campaign that said more than “She’s MAGA and I’m not. Illegal abortion!” Same tactics I see from the right — bring in issues that have little or nothing to do with the office. Anyway, I hope I’m wrong and all this worry stems from PTSD. Fuck Mealer, Fuck the developers, fuck Mattress MAGA (who is showing his true colors; have always hated that self-serving, conniving ghoul), fuck Dave Ward, and fuck the Chronicle editorial board. They’ve lost some good people in the last few years and it shows.
  6. Same year I hopped on the bandwagon. As a nine-year-old. Astros fandom went into dormancy during the huge tanking made necessary by McLane’s idiotic mismanagement but Astros fandom was strong for decades before that throughout this entire city. Helo is either trolling or foolishly misjudging the history of a 60 year old fan base from his vantage point hundreds of miles away as filtered thru a message board, during a single ten year window in time (2012-22, roughly) one that happens to capture the franchise at both its pinnacle and rock bottom. This idea that the Astros should have been packing MMP during the Great Tanking is laughable, not just as applied to Houston, but to any city, and in any sport. Would you pay to go see a movie intentionally made to be shit? Eat at a restaurant admittedly serving garbage? Of course not. But that was the price that had to be paid for this long run of greatness.
  7. She was fucking the cop. That explains why his body cam was actually working. They only work right when some cop wants them to.
  8. 1. America elects a Black president. 2. Said Black president shitcans Michael Flynn for very good and valid reasons. 3. This drives Flynn nuts to the point of sedition (actual) and treason (almost; all he needs is a hostile foreign power to be in a state of open war against America.) 4. Because and only because we are a nation of laws and not men, and by the very specific intent of the founders treason is both a) defined in the Constitution; and B) very difficult to prosecute successfully, Flynn is not yet, IMO, a candidate for the gallows. 5. However, I do wonder why the army has not canceled his pension, stripped him of rank, and forbidden him to appear in uniform. He should have been Citizen Flynn a long time ago; indeed his political career has me questioning whether any ex military types should be able to flaunt their uniform and rank the way he has. I am quite certain George Washington would be appalled. 6. Along with the other cheerleaders of Jan 6 Flynn deserves prosecution and heavier incarceration than the idiot foot soldiers spurred on by their rhetoric. However we have become a nation of Status Over Fairness and so Flynn et al will walk. I’ve said it before but this is like if we convicted a slew of SS privates and NCOs at Nuremberg but didn’t even arrest the likes of Himmler, Goebbels, and yes, Hitler. And so we are quite likely to have another Jan 6.
  9. thanks for correcting my misunderstanding of this idiot. In my defense I don’t pay him much attention but prob should pay more since so many of our more challenged fellow Americans do. Fuck…. Oh and it was Elton John, not Rod Stewart.
  10. As a point of order, I will state that Rogan is not right wing. He is, however, profoundly moronic, and these days the two things tend to blend together. Recall that he endorsed Bernie in the last election, much to the detriment of the Sanders campaign. And no, it was not a ploy. Rogan is incapable of trickery because, well, he is highly regarded
  11. Just saw this one time and did not catch the name of the product…. Tight focus on some chick’s face. ”When my face gets dry and itchy, i apply a lotion,” she says. And then adds: “What about my vagina?” Well, what about it, prunepussy? Man what a leap.
  12. Our over-reverence for STEM educations leads to our society believing that engineer types’ proficiencies extend way beyond their areas of expertise.
  13. Drug treatment facilities = one ton of bananas rotting in the open air. Their founders and upper management = fruit flies. It’s the Wild West and the feds badly need to establish accreditations and other guidelines. You can’t be leaving this shit to the good Christian people of states like Kaintuck and Okla git down Homa. Under the guise of faith they turn these places into abusive hellholes and/or virtual slave labor camps. It’s a national disgrace. And don’t even get me started on the sober living racket. Are you a drunk or junkie but freshly sober? Buy a tear down in a shitty neighborhood, cram it full of others like you and charge them each a grand or so a month for half or 1/3 of a bedroom, and you are soon enough a rich drunk / druggie. Open one for females and you’ll have a dozen or so very vulnerable chicks kind of at your mercy. Many are facing court dates or on probation and will do anything to avoid more trouble, such as getting kicked out of their sober living for continued drug use. Or for an illicit fix you might be kind enough to arrange and then falsify the pee test. the people who run these things in Texas need no more credentials than the desire to run one and the cash to get it done. it’s easy to imagine this judge is if the ilk that abuses the system and the patients seven ways from Sunday.
  14. As someone who forced my only son into the army on pain of homelessness or (even worse) moving in with his hardass English Uncle Darren over in his moms very shitty hometown in the UK, I laugh my ass off at those ads. (This was one of the best decisions we ever made. The kid is out now, full of swag, and kicking ass in every direction. Those parents are morons and/or the worst kind of helicopter parents. I could see that being an issue today.)
  15. Irrational hatred for “John” from the Leqvio ad. He’s just such a dork. He’s too old to rock a jersey at a game. Don’t get me started on the Hawaiian shirts or the flat cap he’s rocking at the flower market. Fuck John and his bad cholesterol
  16. Both my kids were naturally neutral or averse to Barney. Dodged a bullet there.
  17. Someone who was high on my hatefuck list when she was NRA spox a few years ago. Haven’t seen enough of her lately to rightly place her now.
  18. OMG Watterson leaving us breadcrumbs. 12 = Supremes plus Biden’s three handpicked Marxist jurists comprising his futile effort to pack the court. As Hobbes points out this is still no match for Q. Patriots! It’s the two minute warning in extra innings of the ultimate game of Donaldball and I wouldn’t want to be a librul when the red light goes off and Flynn blows the whistle and Guantanamo’s penalty box becomes the new home of tens of millions of our enemies.
  19. Trump as African dictator was Noah’s finest moment. Hilarious and painfully true. By and large though Noah comes across as too angry. It feels like he’s yelling at you almost.
  20. She just hates everything about the town, campus and student body. No tales of old heroes can sway her, sadly.
  21. No the level of hate between Texas and Bama will never, ever approach Piggy - Horn levels. Wait and see, grasshoppers
  22. If they keep cranking up the heat in Mississippi he can always take his grift on the lam back to Scahnsin. Even his stint with the Vikings did not destroy his cult in Green Bay.
  23. That Chmura story was always fishy. I suspect Favre was pedoing it up too but they the Packers sacrificed Chmura and got Favre to claim addiction to Vicodin at around the same time. It would not shock me if a victim of his friends from those days comes out of the woodwork even if their silence was purchased back in the day. It’s just impossible for me to believe he and Chmura weren’t both participating
  24. Have no idea how I found Hornfans or what year. I do remember I had an iMac. Popular / prolific / prominent posters included Dances With Possums, Longhorn Girlie (RIP?), the People’s Elbow….And Scipio. I think it was right after one of the first Red River Shootout disasters. This is probably year 20 and this is. Y third handle and it’s one I need to retire. I only remember the cause behind one of my Blinking Envelopes of Death: in a drunken, sullen rage I callled Stephen McGee an asshole. Whalecunt herself lectured me on how that was no way to talk about a 21 year old. Shit, if an internet rando calling him an asshole got under Mcgees skin, he is a pussy and an asshole. Over the course of a few days I started to notice a drop off in the quality and quantity of posts and evidence of lot deleted posts. There were also cryptic posts hinting about the birth of TOS. Soon enough one of you assholes sent me a PM and I was an earlyish poster there. Took a few years off from about 2010 to 2015 or so…and I’ve been addicted since, at TOS and here. Here’s to 20 more assholes….
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