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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Covri

  1. Randomly got a couple tonight for the boys (and myself 1 for QC check naturally) and they were pretty good, didn't skimp on the cheese like back when they were a dollar all the time. Kids were happy.
  2. I encourage everyone to fast forward to 1:02 and tell me what you hear when she tries to say "impossible", think I'm going with Inpossumul lol
  3. Nah what you do is you hold off on any liquids and piss one of those dark yellow/brownish dehydrated pisses that stinks like urine from a block away. The kind Bear Grylls would serve as an after dinner apéritif.
  4. Not every comedic thought has to be a post. Less can be more....
  5. That honestly looks like the worst Mexican pizza I've ever seen, and I like the Mexican pizza. Is that a normal representation of the version that is now back on the menu?
  6. And his face is saying "you think this picture will have any effect on my cold black heart?"
  7. 12 schools in the top 10, classic public university education...
  8. Sir this is the ballistics velocity debate thread, if you want to discuss a loser incel killing innocent people start your own thread.
  9. Can someone post a good steam again? Kid has a soccer game 😬
  10. Not going to say it was planned for today, but having a 10 day plan start on a Thursday and end with the funeral landing on a Saturday is the best timeline they could ask for.
  11. A couple hot dog variations from leftovers from Saturday. Had some groceries delivered and they brought large tortillas. That’s a bun length hot dog for scale lol. Cheese hot dog mustard mopping sauce and honey bbq corn chips. Cheese quesadilla with hot dog chili powder and taco casa hot sauce
  12. The only correct answer is Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
  13. Oh for sure, my company has definitely paid for it when they've done that shit and lay off senior people by forcing early retirement (and they have in a couple different ways over the last five years). Which is why loyalty and longevity and working hard won't get you a gold watch anymore. And why younger workers are not loyal and job hop more often as a means to get ahead.
  14. The end to your story is exactly what younger people are using to point out that it's not like it once was. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but you got laid off from that company in the last year and are now looking for new work? All that hard work and effort and time spent ended up being just another number on a spreadsheet.
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