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mr. sunshine

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Everything posted by mr. sunshine

  1. I’m not familiar with this particular fat POS. He was scheduled to perform what exactly at the CWS? Dunking booth? Wheelies on a mini bike?
  2. Thanks. I’ve already tried the spray I use on tomatoes and some stuff I used on cabbage last fall
  3. I blame Keith Richards for the whole poppy butthole snacking craze
  4. What is this on my purple hull peas and how do I kill them/it?
  5. I thought Bob Bowlsby was the official jerky of the Big 12
  6. If we had a mascot that danced around in front of the backstop it’d be dead already
  7. No love for the Merchant Marines huh?
  8. Going up against a vaunted SEC power house in the Cotton Bowl was fun. Poooooooor Jackie
  9. Yeah I thought this sounded like a reverse Insomnia type thing. Maybe Northern Exposure with a homicidal maniac or two thrown in there
  10. Good thing we could strong arm Louisiana Monroe and UTSA
  11. Watching The Year of Living Dangerously on TCM. Never traveled that much but always thought living abroad was interesting. Also prime Sigourney Weaver. I’m getting a Bodark fence post
  12. They seem to be showing the baseball series with Kansas from a couple of weeks ago on a loop since then. Must have been epic
  13. Thanks to Sam when I need a fake name I still go with Honeyboy Wilson or Lance Manion
  14. Fuckers got me with the free tote bag. Should’ve held out for the deluxe thermal travel mug
  15. Hey we’ve got 2,987 years to turn this shit around
  16. George Miller. Idris Elba. Very much in
  17. Well I’ll have you know that Jackie Aprile Jr. is taking premed courses at Rutgers
  18. Even though I’ve never been much of a rambler…
  19. Can’t tell if Gronk is really dumb or playing dumb but he’s doing it in Subway commercials now. How fun. Hahahahahaha
  20. Fortunately he’s a got that Walmart greeter job to fall back on. Maybe a pension too
  21. Never understood “It’s win or go home.” Pretty sure both teams will go home tonight
  22. Don’t wait until you’re old like me. It’s never too early to get a jumpstart on your nitpicking
  23. I take it from his response he was no Porter Wagoner
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