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Everything posted by utee94

  1. They tied OU in the division but lost the divisional tie-breakers so OU went to the title game, similar to what happened in 2008 in the Texas/OU/Tech tie, where OU won the B12 tie-breaker rules and went to represent the South. Of course, we don't claim 2008 on our wall, as a conference championship, because we're not pathetic gomers.
  2. Well I've always thought that, while I don't personally care if fans of other schools are doing it, when it's performed on the field by a player, toward another player, then the normal taunting rules should apply. That's what makes the false narrative so stupid, that Texas administrators "whined" to have it made into a penalty. That never happened. There's nothing specific about it, it simply should be treated as taunting, same as a throat-slash gesture or standing over a player when you've knocked him down, or any of that other stuff players do to taunt one another. Also, I think taunting rules are silly and shouldn't be part of the game. These are grown-ass young men and they should be able to both dish it out, and take it. But as long as the silly taunting rules ARE a part of the game, then horns-down should be treated no differently than any other intentional taunt.
  3. Anyway, my personal thoughts on horns-down is that it's silly and it makes the person doing it, look stupid and weak-minded. Unless it's Ant Hill. Then, it just looks awesome. And I've been known to throw a smiling horns-down back at sooners or ags or whoever's doing it. It makes them confused and angry, which I find amusing.
  4. Before the season in anticipation of this game, didn't the SEC explicitly state that horns-down would not be a penalty? Shouldn't matter WHO is doing it, them or us, if it's specifically called out as an exception that will not be penalized.
  5. Zero measurable rainfall at my house in Austin since June 21. Normally I'm happy for others, but fuck all y'all.
  6. It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking some up.
  7. Santa Catarina is very good. Like DalTx said, it's a good mix of Tex-Mex and Interior. Great happy hour deals on food and drinks. They took down the kiddie playground but it's still popular with families. There's another location in Lakeway, I think that one is the original and the one in CP is the second. Both are good.
  8. We knew what we were getting into, joining the Conference of Inbred Jeds. It really is amusing though, that they'd actually believe that we could cut the A/C to a locker room during a September game in Austin. It shows you exactly where their minds are, and no doubt at least half of them are asking themselves, "Why didn't WE think of that??"
  9. What a bunch of dipshits. Texas knows nothing about playing Alabama, despite playing them just last year, and to a 1-pt game no less. And only manly macho teams with SEC-ready talent can hope to match up to Alabama, for example the ags, who lost to Appalachian State last year.
  10. WTF? The fries might be the only recognizable thing on that table. And maybe the... spinach? Collard greens? I'm assuming that bright yellow-orange mass is the mac and cheese, but only because you said there was mac and cheese.
  11. Well, and then there's all the gringos that think Colombians and Venezuelans and Argentinians are all from Mexico...
  12. That's the point I'm making. This thread belongs in CR. Always has.
  13. Oh come on man, this thread has been cloaked all the way from Page 1 to... ... the most recent post.
  14. Most criminals tend to be really, really stupid. Same as it ever was.
  15. Braised and used as an enchilada filling or a taco filling or, go with me here-- a filling for some chile rellenos made from Hatch green chiles. I use BBQ as a chile relleno filling all the time and it is so choice.
  16. I'm looking for options. It looks like there's not currently a free trial on F1TV but it's only $10/month so I could do it for a month to bridge, what is hopefully, a short gap. And honestly, since I seldom watch Euro races or sessions live, I could just go with the $3/month option that gives me replays. BUT, that doesn't solve my college football problems. Does anyone use YouTube TV for ESPN and sports? If so, does it have to be live, or are replays available? It looks like I could get a short free trial on Youtube TV that would cover the weekend anyway.
  17. Oh no, just realized that not only is the Spectrum/ESPN dispute going to cost me a bunch of football games this weekend, but it's also going to cost me all of the Monza sessions. It just got real.
  18. If the B1G ever really wants to make a move to grab Stanford as an enticement for Notre Dame, they're running out of time...
  19. That officiating was biased AF but it still doesn't equate to them spouting off the aggie and husker lies and nonsense, which was the accusation. I don't remember seeing that but this is a long thread full of bullshit so it's possible I missed it. Regardless, I don't really see him saying things like that now.
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