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  1. I have said Mac all week, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is Citlaly and Mike will have her on a short leash.
  2. Still can’t believe that Danielle Collins lost, but her opponent was reading off some “shot of her life!” shots from the 2nd set on.
  3. Why would anyone stick around for a free degree from Stanford? She has to move if she wants to be the first pick in the Major League Softball 🥎 draft and get a $10M signing bonus. A softball title from Shitball U will take her much farther in life than a Stanford degree. Yep… the ol’ Stanford degree vs OU degree dilemma that has always been such a difficult choice for the past 100+ years. She’s from Topeka fucking Kansas and escaped to Stanford. My guess is that she could have gone to OU out of high school, but for some reason chose to go to one of the best colleges in the world. Surely she understands that Oklahoma is utopia for black women.
  4. Not a stupid thing on her part, but she told me that everything that was on the front porch needed to be moved. So I just picked them up and moved them onto the back porch while she is away. CHIEF
  5. Yes, he is a cat boi and it means he likes to pretend to be a cat while getting his butt stuffed by dick when he isn't propagating Nazi propaganda. #Republicans #Conservatives #TheAristocrats
  6. Holy shit, you gave birth? Yep, turns out Republicans in 2024 are the biggest fucking snowflakes in the world. I've called a few MAGA relatives tonight and asked about recent weather, summer plans, health of other relatives, etc., just as pleasant as can be, didn't say anything about Trump, nor did they. Was really surprised nobody started talking about today's news - I was waiting for one of them to pop off about the rigged trial, and then I'd get to point out that if the trial was rigged against Trump, the appeal would be rigged against him as well. But no, just exchanged pleasantries.
  7. Highly unlikely we see Kavan on Saturday. We will save her for an elim game or the winners championship game.
  8. Rothrock pitches the game of her life. She gave up 5, 3, and 2 runs to fucking Baylor and took an L against them. Texas should be able to plate enough against her for the win.
  9. I’m feeling saucy. Now it’s time for us to finally see / hear the n word tape and get a glimpse of that pee pee tape too. I can’t just get a taste. I need the whole meal.
  10. He has a point. It’s a sad, sad day when a twice bankrupt multimillionaire who inherited multimillions and is twice divorced cannot screw a pornstar when his 3rd wife is pregnant, lie about it, falsify records to pay her off to conceal it from the voters while he runs and still wins the presidency. Do we really have a country worth saving when this Everyman cannot get a fair shake?
  11. Maloney must of got emotional again after the base running error. They sent Goode out to RF after, just didn't get to see her make a play because Teagan cruised.
  12. In Seattle for the pearl jam shows Got my wife all her PJ merch this morning. Clear day so we took the ferry to bainbridge island and had epic views of seattle Mavericks close out the series and going to the finals Trump convicted on all 34 counts Pearl Jam about to go on stage What a great fucking day
  13. Total dogshit. During the OU game, I noticed a female ump working 1st base that was terrible in the supers or regionals (I can't remember which one). She's so bad I recognize her. The quality of umpiring in college softball is abysmal.
  14. I'd call this embarrassing but we all know Minnesota fans are used to this
  15. The thing I always notice about ABIA is that the CLEAR lines are way longer and slower than TSA Pre. My wife and I flew out of ABIA two weekends ago and she insisted on using the CLEAR line. I got through the TSA Pre line in about 5 minutes. Literally took her 20 minutes for CLEAR. It always seems to be like that at ABIA, though.
  16. Trithead 's a ceithir is a new term I learned in Scottish Gaelic. Pronounced kinda like Tree-huts-a-kay-her. Trithead is 30 and ceithir is 4. Sounds better with bagpipes. You need to yell at em not to skimp on the paté.
  17. Baby cried the day the circus came to town 'cause she didn't want parades just passin' by her So she painted on a smile and took up with some clown While she danced without a net upon the wire I know a lot about 'er 'cause, you see Baby is an awful lot like me Don't cry out loud Just keep it inside, learn how to hide your feelings Fly high and proud And if you should fall, remember you almost had it all Baby saw that when they pulled that big top down They left behind her dreams among the litter The different kind of love she thought she'd found There was nothin' left but sawdust and some glitter But baby can't be broken 'cause you see She had the finest teacher-that was me-I told 'er Don't cry out loud Just keep it inside and learn how to hide your feelings Fly high and proud And if you should fall, remember you almost had it all Don't cry out loud Just keep it inside and learn how to hide your feelings Fly high and proud And if you should fall, remember you almost made it Don't cry out loud Just keep it inside and learn how to hide your feelings Fly high and proud And if you should fall, remember you almost had it all
  18. I'd swap Danny and Dan. Dan's dishes seem pretty pedestrian to me.
  19. Perhaps she stays 1 more year to finish her Stanford degree. Patty may have the locker and space reserved, but OU loses 10 seniors. That’s a lot to replace
  20. I thought it would be Morgan since they didn’t see her much in our other 2 matchups but yeah, right call. Freshman proved herself on the biggest stage
  21. Patty's got a locker and parking space reserved for her at Love field.
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