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  1. When we win this some of you people are going to be as disappointed as your wives usually are
  2. Was waiting until after the game to post this; my Weslaco Panthers are bringing home a state championship to the RGV! After playing 13 innings last night and beating #1 Denton Guyer, they come back in the bottom of the 7th and win it with a grand slam (at McCombs Field!)! I believe it's the first ever Girls team sport State championship for the RGV and I'm pretty sure first ever state championship for Weslaco High. Weslaco was down 7-3, gave up two HR in the top 7th to go down 9-3, then came all the way back. I'm pretty sure we don't have any D-1 recruits, Waco has a Texas A&M signee (#13 ranked player in the country) and a Baylor signee. Way to go Weslaco!! #Puropinche956!
  3. LSU’s seven or eight wins in a row to the SEC championship game should have gotten them in somewhere. Florida?? Maybe they thought that 15 straight regional appearances meant we might show up in our to 16th? I agree it would have been the farthest thing from a travesty if we were not given a bid. Truthfully, I did not expect one given our season. Yet here we are, going after our second win in the regional.
  4. I have a weird feeling that we are going to show up and play great tonight. Does that mean we will win for sure, no. But I do think we are gonna get some runs and be very competitive.
  5. Keep it going. First to 20 wins. Maybe we are just awesome?
  6. This is good information. I go with Cody personally who could never get in a rhythm because of some freaky injuries, but his stock may be fading a little. I'm not a huge fan of this draft. I use one of these picks for a good young starter or take it and trade into another draft lottery, probably with 8. Sucks because in a good draft, you probably walk away with your core. This draft is trickier and it's easy to see not moving the needle much. Hopefully the Spurs can get it right because the rest of this roster is pretty bad.... really bad. We had 0 guys who on a per minute basis really played winning basketball (TS > .550; PER > 15; WS/48 > .100; VORP > 1.0) besides Wemby. Tre Jones and Vassell were really close so they probably stay unless you get an insane offer on them. Anyone else? Should be eligible to move immediately if it's better for the team L-T. Jeremy Sochan is a losing basketball player as a package. I like some things he does outside the boxscore and in isolation but as a package on the court -- he's not good right now and I would argue it's because the staff has done a really bad job of defining his role. Team still needs playmaking, shooting, and some energy. Hope we can take a major step forward next year. The goal should be the playoffs.
  7. Michelle is an enigma. Some challenges really allowed her to show her talent. In others, she was a deer in the headlights. She just couldn't get off the rollercoaster. The worst part of her doing so poorly is that Manny lives to see another day...again. He has to go next week, right? Right? I really enjoyed both the quickfire and the elimination challenge this week, two things that we hadn't previously seen. That table plating concept is a great way to test creativity. Dan is clearly talented, but for him to win, I think Danny will need to have a subpar performance. If Danny cooks his best, I do not think any of the others will be able to beat him in a multi-course meal. With Laura back, I think she edges out Savannah for top three, but Laura sometimes does a poor job of interpreting the challenge. Also, Manny is still in the competition, so obviously anything can happen.
  8. Hard to envision a scenario where we win this regional without Boehm and Dre both throwing 3 days in a row unless we have Chad Hollingsworth reincarnated come down from the heavens for one of the games. Just the way it is. It's nice to have two guys you trust a lot out of the bullpen but that means they are going to have to shoulder an extremely heavy load. I have no idea where Whitehead is health-wise, but he was not in a very good spot leading up to the Big 12 tournament. I was kind of surprised they even threw him against Tech. I think the plan is for him to have surgery almost immediately after the season ends. The idea of him throwing 85 against that A&M lineup is terrifying. Would almost prefer LBJ in that spot if we are in the winner's bracket. There is a chance of a blowup outing with him, but he can also compete with that lineup if he is on.
  9. Who knows? Seriously, in decades of doing this... I can honestly say "who knows?" My first jury trial, we had one juror who struck me as an "overthinker" - I wanted to strike him, the partner kept him. Jury goes out and deliberates all day before returning a verdict in our favor. Ask the foreman what all went on, and he said "we were all ready to come back with our verdict in an hour, but that dude [juror I was worried about] made us go through each and every piece of evidence, and hold it up to each and every jury question, which took forever." I can't begrudge him wanting to be thorough -- he took his job seriously. But I'd have enjoyed winning in one hour vs. winning in six hours. Or it could be holdouts. Or it could be reasonable people trying to reign in people who just want to hang him now. "Who knows?"
  10. This team is such a beating this year. it was last year too and we managed to win the division. idk how I’m going to make it another 4 months
  11. They have anti-ship missiles. They need to throw on some drop tanks and sink the Russian aircraft carrier in Murmansk. They don’t have to necessarily “win it”, they just have to make it too costly for Russia. I would compare it to Vietnam, but that’s probably not the best comparison given that the Vietnamese couldn’t take the fight to our shores, but they destroyed a shitload of our equipment (lots of planes and helicopters shot down) and created the impression that we were not going to “win it” (even if we won many tactical engagements). Afghanistan is a much better comparison due to proximity, but even that’s not the best one, however this could be far costlier economically than Afghanistan so in the economic sense it’s an apt comparison. The best comparison is probably still us invading Mexico and barely making it out of Juarez and Tijuana, meanwhile Mexico is pounding Fort Bliss and hitting our refineries in Houston and in Louisiana. If they keep pounding away at Russian air defenses - Russia ain’t replacing a lot them, at least not anytime soon, especially those whose main production lines shut down decades ago, then they will force a lot of Russia’s military infrastructure further (farther!) back. Russia will have to keep redeploying their limited air defenses as systems are destroyed, most likely deeper into Russia proper. If they keep hitting Russia in the wallet with strikes on the oil and gas infrastructure, if Russia raises taxes like it sounds, and so on, and this just keeps dragging on, Putin will be faced with the Afghanistan problem. I feel like it’s only a matter of time until Crimea is cut off from Russia, and that might be the beginning of the end. All these drone and missile attacks inside of Russia are forcing them to move air defenses out of Ukraine and into Russia. We focus on the economic costs of the oil and gas infrastructure being hit, but the movement of air defenses is probably more important. At some point they’ll have the gaps they need to hit the bridge in multiple locations, and they will probably unleash ATACMS against the train lines,
  12. Yep. I think KAT's momentum carries to game 5 at home. Harped on it yesterday morning, do NOT give this team life. We were up 3-0 but this wasn't because we were the overwhelmingly superior team. In fact, this series reminds me a little of the Lakers/Denver 1st rd series. Lakers led for most the series but Denver found ways to win at the end like we have. Minnesota has led most this series. I'd assume maybe 85% of it? Have had double digit leads I think in all games. We won the first 3 games with their stars wilting when it matters. This can easily be 2-2 right now or hell, 3-1 Minnesota. Every single game has been close at the end. I hate we gave them life and they are the home team so they have 2 of the last 3 at home. Giving them life, 2003 Portland creeps into my head, where we didn't bury them and the series kept extending to game 7. But at least that year, we had game 7 at home. Kyrie says yesterday was their super bowl and just another game for us. Then comes out and lays a stinker. Luka passing up close range shots to kick to role players who were cold. Not taking advantage of their big men being in foul trouble a lot of that game. Luka finally did but it was too late. If this does go 6, Minnesota will have all the momentum and all the pressure is on us to close it out at home. We have had zero room for error this series. Definitely will be a nervous atmosphere.
  13. I’m super proud of your five month plan, buddy. But use that time better. Build up a tolerance for crystal meth and malt liquor. It’s gonna suck for a short while. But we going winning.
  14. I was laughing at the notion that Europe supports it. I actually like the poster, so we can drop it. It’s not going to be a state and I’m not entirely sure what’s going to be left once Israel wins the war.
  15. It doesn't have to go to the states. Just a Republican governor or legislature or state Supreme Court putting their thumb on the scale in the right place. And by the way, they won't just be motivated by "we want Trump to win." They will be motivated by the Trump mob, egged on by Trump, who will come to kill them if they DON'T do Trump's bidding. You may see Jan 6th, except bloodier, at the Georgia state house, for example. And yeah, if it goes before SCOTUS in any way at all, game over. That body is irreparably broken. It will not recover in my lifetime.
  16. This Utah thing got me thinking about why fans of schools that are currently in the Big 12 want to be in the Big 10 or SEC. The reasons admins want to be in those leagues are obvious. But for the sake of this exercise, assume that the SEC and Big 10 aren't leaving the rest of college sports, and the Big 12 (or whatever exists outside of those leagues) will have a seat in the playoffs, I don't understand why fans of non-blue bloods would want a schedule that gives them a ceiling of 7 to 8 wins and almost no shot at ever making the playoff vs a schedule that gives them regular chances at double digit wins and making the playoffs. I understand why blue bloods want to play other blue bloods and why they need access to the most possible resources to stay competitive with their peers. And of course if the Big 12 was going to be shut out of the playoffs, you wouldn't want to be there. Utah is not a peer of Texas or Ohio State. Their desire to be mediocre but sit in a wealthier tree fort is very strange to me from a fan perspective. If ISU got to go to the SEC or Big 10, I'd honestly be pretty bummed. Yeah, we'd be cashing bigger checks, but the chances of us being any better than 6-6 at our absolute best would be minute, and we'd only have one or two historic opponents every year. Bragging about being in the club has an extremely limited shelf life to my fanhood. I fully understand and accept that we aren't the same as a blue blood, and being in their conference wouldn't change that.
  17. Yeah, so much irrelevance that we have enjoyed deep postseason runs more often than not during his tenure. We have been a couple of bad breaks away from making another trip to Omaha and from winning it all. This season was a fucking disaster on paper with the roster and the team has persevered to be in a position of relevance this postseason. We may flame out or go on a run. But I am not giving up on them the way all of yall already have.
  18. I'm not going to put words in your mouth but the crowd that wants to fire him are holding him to a standard that would dilute Augie's 20 years at Texas down to 5 good years (6 if you want to throw in 2014) which is asinine, especially in baseball. We are at the point with many of you where I would almost like to see y'all running the coaching search just for the pure entertainment of it. "Yeah so Erik we really want you to be the next HC at Texas, now lets get into the expectations. 0-2 at Omaha is unacceptable have to win at least 1 game every yea...."
  19. 38 trips to the CWS. We have only won it 6x. Do the math pal. Also, do you think we go 2 and Q more or win it all?
  20. Yes I do think he can win in the SEC. Yes I do think he can win a title. We almost did it in 2021. Do I think it is likely? No. But it is hard as fuck to win multiple titles as a coach in baseball. Again, he better be replaced by someone with some serious skins on the wall or we are going to fuck ourselves.
  21. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve leaned to letting him go for a while now. But there is this small part of me that believes if he were to somehow save his job this year and then make it an ole miss type run next year (in the sense the fan base wants him fired not necessarily we would be one of the last four teams in like ole miss was), I don’t think we would still want him fired two years post winning the World Series like ole miss is in right now. It would probably be more of getting over the hump and good things continue to snowball for the program. The problem is I don’t see that happening with him as the pitching coach and not being able to attract good assistants.
  22. As I’ve thought more about it, DP has the opportunity to make the ballsiest move of all time. And piss many of you off. This regional could go anywhere from 3 to 5 games for the winning team. The Aggies are better. They aren’t going to blow a top arm in game 1. Grambling lost by a combined 47-3 versus the Pigs and LSU. Both games ended after 7. We are likely better off losing game 1 than game 2. Lose game 1, and you get Grambling. They gave up 10 or more runs 21 times against the number 274th schedule. 20 runs 5 times. If we hit, and we should, then any arm we throw should be sufficient. ULaLa will have used their top 2 guys. The Aggies will have used their top guy. We need to win 4. We will likely need to beat them twice whether it’s winners bracket or losers bracket. Go Cody Howard. If he somehow comes thru, you’ve still got your top 3 starters plus Hurley. If we lose, we have a winnable game and should be able to piece together and preserve our staff. So our choice versus ULala #3 or Aggies #2. Our least likely win is versus Aggies #1. It will never happen, but if Pierce is going down, it might as well be in flames.
  23. I’m just happy to be in a regional somewhere before going O-2 and barbecue. I did not really think we deserved a bid. Edit: Stillwater. The three other teams each have at least 10 more wins than Gata. lol. At least the streak of regional invites is still alive, questionable though it may be.
  24. That’s why you can’t go 0-2 in your conference tourney when the conference blows ass. I’ll be surprised if we win a game.
  25. So they won their conference, won their conference tourney and played the toughest non-conference schedule in the country. Sounds like a worthy host to me. I think throwing the western part of the country a bone and a reward for a difficult schedule is reasonable too. We are where we are in part for all the favorable shit the ACC/SEC have gotten the past 20 years. I suppose they could have won more conference games, but the objective is to win it. Nobody that wins a regional or super regional really cares if they go undefeated. Win and advance.
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