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  1. I was pleased for about two seconds until I realized how this thing is escalating - in a way I hope does not reach some of the possible conclusions. No one wants it to go there. Most of all the Little Kim and Putin. It would mean the end of both of them personally.
  2. Maybe to pick up a first down once or twice a game when he can do so without taking a big hit / sliding. But generally speaking, I'd rather the ball be in the hands of our weapons, which we have a ton of -- Bond, Cook, Golden, Bolden, Niblack, Moore, Wingo, Blue, Baxter, etc.
  3. “Straight White men built the roads we drive on, the buildings where we live, and the ones that fought and declared independence from the tyranny of the British for us to have freedom and the pursuit of happiness,” Gomez said. “To anyone that does not like America, GTFO [get the f*** out].” It's funny that she should say this, since the road in front of my house was redone over the last couple of months and all I saw was Hispanics doing almost 100% of the manual labor and women holding the go/stop flags at the end of the street on both ends and at least one of the supervisors was African American. I didn't question them on their sexual orientation.
  4. William Henry Harrison? 36.6% in an 1836 loss to 52.9% in an 1840 win (16.3%)
  5. Sole possession of 2nd doesn't really feel different than 3rd. Onward I guess. We have a chance to get to 4 under tonight for the first time since we were 4-8.
  6. I thought Schloss was damn near a done deal if he didn't go this far, but he did, and now I have a lot of pause.... but I pause on my pause because I think through back channels this might have gotten out by now, that Schloss won't entertain it. This discussion of Schloss/UT has to have reached the team. Maybe he told them he's coming back and every damn one of those kids have remained quiet. I dunno, tough to keep a lid on that many, and I'd expect something like that to leak out through at least one of them. But maybe he's throwing CDC a bone in some way? "I'm staying at aggy, bud, but I'll let my name hang around if it helps you out."
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/19/tech/car-dealership-cdk-cyber-incident-outage/index.html US and Canadian auto dealerships remained at a near-standstill on Thursday because of a second cyber incident at data provider CDK Global, whose software is used at 15,000 auto dealers – an outage that could last for days, perhaps eating into sales over the first official weekend of summer. On Wednesday, CDK spokesperson Lisa Finney said in a statement shared with CNN: “We are actively investigating a cyber incident. Out of an abundance of caution and concern for our customers, we have shut down most of our systems and are working diligently to get everything up and running as quickly as possible.” Later that day the company announced that most of the critical computer systems were back online. But Thursday morning, the company sent dealerships another message indicating things had a taken a turn for the worse. “Late in the evening of June 19, we experienced an additional cyber incident and proactively shut down most of our systems. In partnership with third party experts, we are assessing the impact and providing regular updates to our customers,” CDK said in a statement shared Thursday morning. “We remain vigilant in our efforts to reinstate our services and get our dealers back to business as usual as quickly as possible.” The company later told dealers the systems could be down for several days, according to two sources briefed on the situation. CDK operates numerous different products that car dealers use to handle things like keeping records of negotiated deals to scheduling and communicating about service. Not every dealer uses CDK’s products, and even those that do may not use them for everything, but the system shutdown has been a problem for many. “We have customers coming in today who had deals saved in the system,” said Jeff Ramsey, an executive with Ourisman Auto Group, which is headquartered in Maryland. To protect customer privacy, customers’ details aren’t written out on a piece of paper that’s just sitting on a desk anymore. Instead, information about deals and customer appointments is kept in a server that’s now impossible for his salespeople to access. How this affects buying a car now Ramsey said he understands, though, that CDK is doing what it feels it must to secure this sensitive data. But it’s a major hassle in the meantime and could cost his dealerships some business. Customers who are delayed in closing a sale at one of his dealerships could just find a dealer nearby that’s not having these issues and buy a new vehicle there, instead. It’s car buying season, so it’s a real concern.
  8. 1. So nobody in the Missouri Attorney General’s office knows anything about standing? 2. Please let the judge assigned to this lawsuit bring the sanctions hammer down like in the bullshit election contests, so we can add this fuckstick to the FAFO list.
  9. So a company that was about to go bankrupt (for whatever reason, despite apparently having a good software product) decided to start using its remaining cash to buy bitcoin and the price of bitcoin went up? Is that what he proved? And if the price of bitcoin had gone down? See? Market timing works and is totally sustainable and every company should just convert their dollars to bitcoins. Good for the Harvard students for seeing past the shiny object.
  10. Wish-casting is thinking you're the big bad Texas and can get anyone you want, regardless the circumstances (just winning a natty at an SEC school, possibly), to leave what they're doing and join you just because you're Texas. This is different, in the relationship that the said coach has with the other school's athletic director. Not that it makes it easy, it's still gunna be hard to pry him away and gun to my head I'd bet against it, but I just don't see it as "wish-casting." I guarantee you CDC doesn't see it that way.
  11. Decent start for Argentina. I'm rooting for them to tie Spain's record 3 straight major tournament wins
  12. "The economy" is one of the biggest pieces of successful propaganda we've seen the Right pull on people in the past 50 years. I was reading an article today saying that 60+% of R voters think the economy is "bad" or "terrible", yet if we switched to an R president tomorrow, their sentiment would immediately flip. None of it is based on reality. Just "feelings" that they've been taught to feel their entire lives by an entrenched media propaganda apparatus.
  13. "Disch Gusaugieschloss Falk?" sounds like it needs to go on a bumper sticker, ala those czech fellers with their "Jak Se Mas!"
  14. I just can’t see a guy who either won the national championship or just played for it turning around a few days later and leaving to go coach at his schools bitter rival. While that would be great and all, I put it in the category of wish casting. I just don’t believe it.
  15. Dotard is out there promising all sorts of free shit to those that loathe free-loaders. They are going to eat it up. They won't get shit in the end, but that will be Soros and Hillary's fault.
  16. I know some Belleville folk and they are, of course, aggy. Thus, I want Sanders for the good guys just so I don't have to hear about that recruitin' win over the sips.
  17. 22 years ago, we had the decision to either pay for a wedding or buy a house. So, we opted for the house. Instead, we took our best friends and their significant others down to Cozumel. We partied with them for 3 nights and on the last night got married on the beach. They left and we stayed the rest of the week. I think we were all in for around $3,000.
  18. I bet if you break it down, the bulk of the morning games (the ones that are mid day in Germany) are between lesser ranked teams in the standings, pot 3 and 4 teams (Slovakia-Ukraine fits this). The teams gotta go for it in this matchup, hence the fun games.
  19. It's a no-win situation for Longhorn fans. If aggy wins, vomit. If Tennessee wins, no way Tony V would accept a job elsewhere next season.
  20. I do think Trump's path to victory hasn't been discussed enough. He can flip Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada and still lose. If Biden wins Arizona, then Trump HAS to have Pennsylvania or Michigan. I know the 2020 election was closer than the electoral college would indicate, but Trump really has to thread the needle this year with a coalition of very different voting bases.
  21. I’m still trying to understand this argument. “Your honor, the prosecutor is a vegetarian and since I love steak they can’t possibly be allowed to be on this case where I murdered someone and I told a room full of people I was going to kill this person, then was caught with the murder weapon and the entire act of me killing the person is on video”.
  22. If he wins it all, he'll never be able to go out to dinner in CS without being swarmed by weirdos. Austin is big enough he'd still have some anonymity to have a personal life without worrying if the whole restaurant is going to come over and serenade him with the war hymn when he's trying to have a nice meal with his wife.
  23. It really is that simple. Win the blue wall, win the election. But also, run up the score - NV, AZ, GA, NC, NE-02. Fuck it, Texas and Alaska both shifted quite a bit left from 16 to 20 too
  24. Besides just being an overall ugly message, I never get the whole, “America. Love it or leave it” attitude. It also makes zero sense even when considering their “make America great again” motto. Because apparently they don’t love American today so why aren’t they leaving? in reality, we know what they mean which is that we should accept their view of America or leave.
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