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2020 Democratic Nominee


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5 minutes ago, housious said:

Is hating Jews a requirement for the 2020 dem nominee?

No, but I'd say that the current policy isn't great.

I mean, let's not get it fucked up... You don't have to hate Jews to hate apartheid. 

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9 hours ago, housious said:

Is hating Jews a requirement for the 2020 dem nominee?

Clearly not.  Otherwise, Harris would be criticizing AIPAC instead of pandering for its support.  Savvy political move given that she has no hope to secure the support of the hard left of the Ds.

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The no fossil fuel money pledge issue seems to favor certain candidates over others. It's reasonable that a candidate from Texas will rack up individual contributions over $200 from people in the O/G industry versus someone like AOC based out of Bronx. Hell, you could randomly pick a group of people from the greater Houston area and one them will be involved in O/G.


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The Human Cost of Kamala Harris's War on Truancy


On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

“You would swear I had killed somebody,” the woman, Cheree Peoples, said in a recent interview. 

In fact, Peoples had been arrested for her daughter’s spotty school attendance record under a truancy law that then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris had personally championed in the state legislature. The law, enacted in January 2011, made it a criminal misdemeanor for parents to allow kids in kindergarten through eighth grade to miss more than 10 percent of school days without a valid excuse. Peoples’ 11-year-old daughter, Shayla, had missed 20 days so far that school year.



Peoples read all this several days later in a state of disbelief. She has a soft manner and voice and has dedicated most of her adult life to caring for Shayla — who has lived with sickle cell anemia, a serious genetic illness that causes her acute pain and requires frequent hospitalization and medical procedures, since birth. 

Shayla frequently missed school because she was in too much pain to leave the house or was hospitalized for long-term care. Her school was aware of these circumstances; it had records on file from the regional children’s hospital explaining that Shayla’s condition would necessitate unpredictable absences and special educational accommodations. Peoples and the school had worked together to set up some of those accommodations, which are required under federal disability law. At the time of her arrest, Peoples claims she was fighting with the school to get it to agree to additional accommodations under an Individualized Education Plan, which she said the school had rejected. 

“This is a young woman who spends a lot of her life in the hospital,” Peoples said. “How is it that she’s giving off the impression of being a gang member? … Why are they coming after me?”

Cops are bad.

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What's with this thing all the candidates seem to be doing where they basically start up their campaign, go pound the pavement, fundraise, and even make public statements about running, but don't "officially" announce it? Beto did it, I think Warren did it, and Biden is doing the hell out of it. Is this a new phenomenon? I don't remember it from past elections. And what's the point? It's going to be some sort of focus-grouped marketing science, but I don't get it. I guess you're sort of using the "will he run?! when will he announce" as hype building for your "official" announcement? It seems to me like it takes a bit of the steam away from your actual announcement, but I guess the constant tension of "when will Biden announce" is a better strategy than a big out of the blue announcement?

It's just weird, because we knew Beto was running for months, and we've known Biden is 100% running for at least a month now.

Part of me wonders if Biden didn't realize that two of his biggest advantages (money and centrism/being a reminder of normalcy) were going to be potential disadvantages in the primary, and now he's trying to figure out what the duck to do to walk that tightrope of centrist guy that the energized far left doesn't hate. I wouldn't be 100% surprised if he backed out before he ever got off the ground.

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lol Biden has SO MUCH, though, it's hilarious

He's just fucking godawful.

Here's a clip that really shows you a dynamic that just doesn't work anymore. This was coming up on 15 years ago, and watch this exchange in which Elizabeth Warren is fighting for the rights and protection of the working classes and Biden is shilling with zero soul for his paymasters in finance.

Warren is clear, very intelligent, moral, virtuous, and straightforward.
Biden is slimy, dismissive, arrogant, blustering, bullying, and frankly kind of stupid.

Warren: "But senator if you're not going to fix that problem you can't take away the last shred from these families."

Biden: "I got it, okay. You are very good, professor."

He's just a massive, massive piece of shit. There's no getting away from the basic reality is that he fucking sucks and there's basically nothing good about him.

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This no fossil fuel pledge?  Will that include the oil used in the petrochemicals that make all those Beto stickers and the finish on those yard signs?   

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The pointless poll parade marches forward.

Biden 29% ->Bernie 19% -> Beto 12% are the top 3 and the only ones in double digits

Buttigieg is at 4%, which is lower than that 11% result in another poll, but I think this might show that his growth durable and real.

But some other results, which are interesting:

- 70% of Dems don't think age of the candidate is important (Bernie and Biden watching this number from their iron lungs)

- 84% of Dems don't think race is an important consideration (1% say they would prefer a white candidate)

- 53% of all voters (Dem, Rep, Ind) will "definitely not" vote for Trump (I want to meet the 1% of self-identifying Democrats who will "definitely vote" for Donald lol)

- 35% of Republicans would like to see Trump get primaried


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43 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Will be interesting to see where that 29% is distributed after Biden inevitably shits the bed. 




I would immensely enjoy a pollster doing a "2nd choice" follow-up.  

A) I want to see where Biden's 25-30% goes if he doesn't jump in (my guess: mostly Beto and Kamala and maybe Booker)

B) I want to see where everyone's support goes as they drop out (even though it's early, I'd like to see it)

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27 minutes ago, Js1 said:

I would immensely enjoy a pollster doing a "2nd choice" follow-up.  

A) I want to see where Biden's 25-30% goes if he doesn't jump in (my guess: mostly Beto and Kamala and maybe Booker)

B) I want to see where everyone's support goes as they drop out (even though it's early, I'd like to see it)

2nd choice rankings have been done in previous polls and Biden's first-choice voters primarily go to Bernie (as do Warren's).

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Beto wasn’t even in the race when people were asked who they would support if Biden dropped out. It’s logical to think that as time goes on and his name recognition goes up, he will pick up more of Biden’s vote. Beto isn’t picking up a lot of progressives but those people aren’t in Biden’s camp anyway.

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10 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

The majority of people that mention Biden as their favorite right now aren't really paying attention to anything. I think most of those voters will be available to any candidate as we get closer to the debates. 


The highest name recognition candidatw’s support goes to the next highest name recognition candidate. 

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