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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/19 in Posts

  1. 36 points
  2. I posted lots of pics but the best story of the day might be Herman telling the story of offering Coach Hand the Texas job. Herman asked Hand why he would leave a great Auburn job for Texas, and Hand said, I have a great job, but it’s not Texas. Then Coach Hand detailed Inside/Outside power, the short/intermediate/deep passing games, screens. His personality is electric & engaging & terrifying & hilarious & scary & amazing.
    25 points
  3. That is tough to accomplish in four years, but I wouldn't put it past Shaka.
    11 points
  4. A lot of people on here need timeouts. Go back to the fucking politics board you twats.
    10 points
  5. No he means he's amazed that you're such a fucking idiot. What's the difference? The Muslim side is a huge menacing photo of a young adult who is standing defiantly with a smirk on his face and looks like he's thinking about raping some kids. The other guy's photo is a sweet baby picture with his dad. The headline on the left dehumanizes the Muslim. The headline on the right frames the other guy as a sweet angelic child who took a wrong turn somewhere. The fonts and boldness are even different. I've probably been on these boards longer than you and have never posted anything other than travel stuff and questions on the occasional can you help me with this board. Your years and years worth of moronic shit posts finally drew me out. Also I've been wanting to ask forever. Do you really think the 99% of posters who think you're a fucking dumbass are wrong and you're right? You really think "none of the hundreds who have called me a complete idiot know what they're taking about. I'm right and all of them are wrong." If so holy shit that's crazy #1 to be so confident and #2 to be so wrong.
    9 points
  6. I lodged my member in your mom last night.
    8 points
  7. Give us a break with the kumbaya bullshit, Hugo. Switch out "red hat" with swastika armband, and change the year to 1939...are you still defending this shit bird? The number of people, "without a hateful bone" in their body who wear MAGA hats in 2019 is ZERO.
    6 points
  8. 6 points
  9. There's a reason Natural Light, Cheez Whiz, truck nuts, and Texas A&M are still in business. It's because morons will always buy moronic things.
    6 points
  10. Probably won’t really matter much because we only have around “12 years” before climate change destroys the earth’s environmental structure.
    6 points
  11. Always ask if she needs anything before you sit down. Marriage 101.
    6 points
  12. Beards grow downward though.
    6 points
  13. Confronting and despising a complete piece of garbage like Trump, is not the same as hating and spewing shit about people because they are brown.
    6 points
  14. Because they never have to practice landing?
    6 points
  15. Hey Hugo, some of us don't have the luxury of being able to examine or engage in why someone is wearing a "red hat," because we don't know whether or not that person is going to assault us, verbally or physically. Your moderated concern is duly noted, though.
    5 points
    5 points
  17. Her 10 seconds where she doesn't let Thor intimidate her was completely insufferable? Did she fuck your mom?
    5 points
  18. While the small percentage of an even smaller percentage of Americans obsessed with politics rend their garments about Beto being on some apology tour, I for one, find a leader who takes ownership of a bad statement and acknowledges it and promises to do better instead of lying about reality and hollering “FAKE NEWS!” quite refreshing. But if I’ve learned anything about the assholes that post here in the two years I’ve been a fellow asshole, is that everyone here overreacts to everything, both positive and negative. It’s all “TRUMP IS GOING TO JAIL TODAY!!!” or “WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE! TURN OFF THE LIGHTS, AMERICA IS FINISHED!!” here. Nothing in between. Whilst the rest of the country is farting along, blithely and briefly pondering for a moment about that Bego guy they saw on CNN today before scratching their nuts and telling Netflix they want to watch the next episode.
    5 points
  19. Fun fact:this is now Nate Boyer’s special lady friend.
    5 points
  20. Just returned from the memorial service for my sister in law and reception at the country club. It was a wonderful celebration of the life lived by her and the friends who gathered afterward were all sharing stories of times shared with her which warmed our hearts. Grateful that I woke up with the same sobriety date I went to bed with and was present to embrace, support, and be a part of this wonderful day. Heaven is a little brighter this day with her addition and we draw the family circle a little tighter in her absence. Going to a meeting later this evening to meet my newest sponsee. God is good.
    4 points
  21. lol “yer a fooking leetle shit cunt aren’t ya”
    4 points
  22. Made a road trip yesterday up to Shreveport to check out a few abandoned spots. It was a long day, but I came away with a few shots I liked.
    4 points
  23. 4 points
  24. A great philosopher had to have been thinking about aggy when he said something along the lines of " it's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person "
    4 points
  25. That's some 9.95 quality logic there.
    4 points
  26. https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-16/fraser-anning-egged-in-melbourne-while-speaking-to-media/10908650 Queensland senator Fraser Anning has been egged while speaking to the media at a political meeting at Moorabbin in Melbourne's south-east. Footage of the incident shows a young man watching Senator Anning from the sidelines before he starts filming with his mobile phone, and then smashes the egg on the back of the senator's head. In response, Senator Anning swings two punches at the young man, at least one of which connects with the young man's head. A staffer for Senator Anning then separates the senator from the young man, while supporters of the senator tackle his attacker to the ground. The young man was later led away by police. A Victoria Police spokesman said officers arrested a 17-year-old boy from Hampton who was released pending further inquiries. A fundraising page has already been set up to collect donations to cover the teenager's legal fees and to buy "more eggs".
    4 points
  27. Trump literally threatens violence from his supporters. This is not "both sides" here, no matter how badly you wanna wish it is.
    4 points
  28. So this happened to Fraser Anning (Australian politician who penned that horrible letter blaming the victims).
    4 points
  29. 4 points
  30. and for shits and giggles. ... lil baby NL
    4 points
  31. Y’all need to calm the fuck down. Barely anyone is paying attention to this shit right now, and an apology on things like teenage hacking and the like kills the story, while a no comment/digging in gives it air for another day or so. This is the oppo dump that helps clear the way forward to concentrate on message and let his style do its work.
    4 points
  32. Oops, forgot this is paywalled:
    4 points
  33. Too good not to post. DDA fan spirit is very strong at the disch.
    4 points
  34. I’m just a professional pilot and no more. Better than some and worse than others, but I do try to be good at what I do. The longstanding joke with the Airbus is that it was built with inexperienced pilots from developing countries in mind. In many ways it’s flying for dummies. In other ways it’s so dummed down that it takes away airmanship if you let it. With regard to that I find the 737 is the superior plane. I was a checkairman as my last stop and was particularly unforgiving of people who didn’t know where to stick the nose and put the power to get the desired result. Airmanship. We had a process for interacring with the automation called CAMI. First we would Confirm an input with the other pilot, and once that was done we’d Activate the change. Then we would Monitor to make sure the plane was doing what we wanted and Intervene if it wasn’t. That last part is what I harped on because I would watch guys stop flying the plane or worse just throw the autopilot on without methodically building up the lateral, vertical and speed parameters. They would abdicate their role as pilot first, and then get their asses in a sling when the autopilot went on a walk about while they were digging in a QRH or briefing an approach or whatnot. There is no excuse for a pilot experienced in an aircraft type to not know pitch and power for pretty much all phases of flight. The other thing I was unforgiving of was not knowing memory items and limitations cold. These aren’t hard. They’re there to keep you safe, and to keep the plane flying so that you can work the problem once you’ve got things stabilized to a degree. And not a few are written in blood. I review them before every trip. It only takes about 10 minutes so it’s not like it’s some big effort. None of the current narrowbody designs in use today are younger than 40 years old save the C series/A220. They are all fairly modified to keep current with the times and their expanding roles. The 737 added a tail bumper as it was lengthened for tail strikes. The Max has extended main gear and repositioned motors to accommodate bigger fans. The A321 doesn’t have enough wing and doesn’t land with full flaps (25 degrees compared to 40) like the 320-319. The NEO only has 18 inches of clearance between the nacelle and the ground. Pilots have had to learn and modify their behaviors to a degree as each airframe is developed. The Max is no different, and I’ve not heard a single complaint from friends who’ve flown it with regard to its handling. In other words, it’s a good flying plane like most Boeings. A very similar system to the MCAS is installed on Airbuses and no one is losing their minds over it, largely because the public doesn’t know about it. Both systems have procedures for dealing with their failures that prevent what happened in Africa and the Far East from leading to crashes. You’re ultimately going to get your wish with this, but it shouldn’t have happened in the first place. It’s easy to Monday morning QB this stuff and say what you would and wouldn’t have done differently, but there were plenty of warning signs available to both crews to cue them into the fact that pitch issues might arise, and that they may have to use that memory item every Boeing pilot has known by heart for 50+ years. Particularly the second crew who should have really had it foremost in their minds.
    4 points
  35. ^^ Its a duckbilled platapussy
    3 points
  36. 12 countries have the death penalty for homosexual behavior. Guess what those 12 countries have in common?
    3 points
  37. Johnny Sack agrees with 90% of the shit as the guy who shot up that mosque. He’s one of the biggest bigots on this entire fucking board. Racist fucking filth.
    3 points
  38. Every time I think you're on your way to being somewhat objective and reasonable your pure partisanship comes busting in the like the Kool Aid man. Let's see, what do all those guys have in common? I couldn't agree more that the "conservative" media personalities are disgusting, and I couldn't agree more that they're wildly outnumbered by the hate spewing demagogues on every other mainstream outlet with the polar opposite tilt. By far the most infuriating thing, to me, about political partisans of either stripe is the incessant delusion that any of them are different from each other in any substantive way. You rant about painting whole swaths of people with the same hate-filled brush in several posts, yet you repeatedly castigate and demean millions of vile, slavish people merely because they watch Fox News or listen to Rush Limbaugh. You're no different than any other self righteous prick turning every tragedy into a podium for his political outrage/moral superiority. And the sad thing is, I'm sure you're a fantastic husband/father/friend and great guy to watch a ballgame with. The internet just turns us all into polarized shitheads who can't have a reasonable discussion because the deference we'd show each other in person somehow gets lost. I hope everyone is having a nice evening.
    3 points
  39. The below vid is an additional story of the '76 UIL Track Meet mentioned above. It contains limited, grainy footage of the actual race. A True Longhorn Legend - RIP, Lam.
    3 points
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