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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. Trey3216

    USMNT 2023

    If was a shitty depth squad. Almost as if….a shitty national team manager who was re-signed about 4 weeks ago flexed his perineum just enough that the choke was forthcoming. I hate the USSF, but I love our team. This wasn’t our team.
  2. Trey3216

    USMNT 2023

    Never doubt a Gergg infused team’s ability to completely perplex you
  3. Trey3216

    USMNT 2023

    Good job. Good effort Gergg-ites
  4. I remember when I'd start off a Friday or saturday at a brew pub near me with an Anchor Old Foghorn. Like 14% ABV. I'd sip on that for about an hour, then would move onto the lighter things. Would end up saving me some scratch by the end of the evening rather than ripping through quantity beers every 12-15 minutes.
  5. Trey3216

    USMNT 2023

    No Shit! I'd take fucking Jason Sudeikis over Gergg
  6. Yep. If you want to look up to someone that's an athlete as a role model, there are quite a few that fit the bill. If you want to watch someone for the photovoltaic personality, the absolute mastery of skill, and the absolute absurdity of how it all blends together....Zlatan is damn near the top of that list of any/all athletes.
  7. Make sure your sun visor is up
  8. And when you get to use the US treasury debt you acquired in trade to fund your negative interest government bonds.
  9. Trey3216

    USMNT 2023

    Zeus spent 20 minutes trying to figure out why his bookie wouldn't take the USA ML wager...
  10. I'm in the "dependent for a while" stage with my 2 little ones, so it's more about bang/buck. I almost always (especially during the school year) go buy meat on Monday mornings when I know there will be lots of 25% off packages. I'll take them home and put them in the fridge so I can vacuum pack them later on. I like to spend my $$ on other worthless things like sipping tequilas and whiskeys, BBQ, and experiences with the kids.
  11. I usually turn my truck off and enjoy a cocktail while I'm "not driving"
  12. One thing about HEB, best to check your PPO (price per ounce) on shit like that. The Party sized tortilla chips are usually 3-4c higher per ounce than the smaller packages. $1 off per bag totally makes it worthwhile, but normal day purchases you're getting bent. Yes, I price compare everything even if I end up spending more $$ ( I know I'm going to use the shit, just 100% am going to get the best deal I can for the $$ over time)
  13. Trey3216

    USMNT 2023

    Yep. Aaronson isn't supremely skilled on the ball, doesn't have a lot of power behind a shot, and a host of other things. What he does have is a competitive marathon runner's stamina and the will and determination to relentlessly press the ball (both ways). He's an ideal 60th minute sub because he has the energy to kill the midfield and backline by making them work way harder to maintain possession than anyone on the pitch, which leads to openings for his teammates to do what they do best.
  14. Gonna be extraordinarily well done, if not epic. One of my favorite studies in History.
  15. Why did they post a photo of his Maddam Torshevsky's sculpture?
  16. I'd bet there is a little something for everyone at this Estate Sale... https://wacotrib.com/sports/college/baylor/brice-cherry-heres-a-chance-to-take-a-piece-of-the-dave-campbell-legend-home/article_c03a6400-1f46-11ee-b1c8-6f37c306832e.html#tracking-source=home-top-story
  17. Was out on the lake a few years back and there was a boat and jetski (both part of the same group) racing around like idiots. We had my buddy's kids with us that day, and at one point the jetski dude goes between our boat and the people that are floating on floats from our boat. Since the kids were with us, we had a bag of green apples in the cooler. The next time they passed, I launched an apple at the boat and at the jetski dude. I hit the boat's windshield. THey swing around and get all pissed off wanting to fight. After they decided they were not likely to win the fight, they speed off again like complete idiots...only to run over a house boat's anchor rope and nearly flip their boat. They were arrested for BWI shortly after. I always keep apples in the cooler on the lake now.
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