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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. Ted, if you can show us exactly where in the budget there is a line that says "NPR gets xxxx dollars" I'll listen to one of your shitty podcasts.
  2. Be honest, were you high when you heard Emily Blunt say that?
  3. Nice campaign you got there. Would be a shame if it got burned down.
  4. Hal Holbruck threatens OJ family. Watch his reaction. (1:27)
  5. I use proton VPN. If you are hooked up through Poland or where ever, and that's not working because its not in the US, you can tell it to choose another ip. It'll randomly(?) pick another ip, and about half the time the ip is in the US. I went ahead and paid, gets me the VPN and email, with I think 10 different addresses, and enough storage for me. Because fuck google.
  6. skip to 1:14. He says "...I will cut funding to anyone that opposes a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate..." Uh, ok, you fucking dumbass.
  7. Forget the racism, the abject stupidity, the narcissism, the greed and grift, the rapes, the complete incompetence, forget all that just for a minute. Is there anybody in the country who is more of a whiny little bitch than this POS?
  8. I'm guessing it wasn't one of Aggie Dad's sons who died. And aggy could win every football game starting the day after the collapse until the heat death of the universe, and they would still have died in vain.
  9. I too miss the gas prices of the Carter Administration.
  10. Did that in Austin for two summers back in the 80s to earn money for school. Never never again.
  11. I would be all in for nucular also, if it wasn't for: Instead of a grid failing because of our "business friendly" attitudes, it might be a meltdown. I'm not even joking. I don't trust our state regulators to regulate dog catching, much less something that could cause serious serious problems (even more serious than hundreds freezing to death during a freeze) when shit goes south.
  12. This is the type of thing that should result in state elected officials (every single one of them from state dog catcher to governor) being chased out of office by torch wielding peasants. What the fuck are we, China?
  13. With regards to Rude Dog, I just think its mostly a case of the higher the monkey climbs, the more of his ass you see. edit Narrator: Says the guy with an avatar of himself climbing a mountain.
  14. What did doTARd say to the juror? A lot of people are saying I'm one of the "Best" Defendents ever, top two or three, maybe even THE BEST EVER. A lot of people don't know that. I know more about being a defendent than anybody. I'm the KING of DEFENDENTS! Other Defendents come up to me, big tough defendents, straight out of Central Casting, tears in their eyes. "SIR!" they say. They always call me sir. "Sir! thank you for being the Best Defendent Ever!".
  15. making comments to a prospective juror that his attorneys are challenging. Nothing happens. News at 11.
  16. Guys cut the dude some slack on the sleep thing. Until about 11, he's still in "executive time".
  17. At grandma's house back in the day, they got two channels if it was pointed in one direction, or they could get a third channel if it was pointed in a different direction. Guess who's job it was to climb up on the roof and reposition the antenna when they wanted to watch that third channel?
  18. defense council slipped him a mickey in his morning diet coke to shut him up.
  19. Quick googling tells me its right in line with other mid sized pick ups. For 2024 models: https://www.truecar.com/best-cars-trucks/trucks/segment-midsize/by-gas-mileage/ /end thread jack
  20. Ridgelines are solid trucks. Perfect for those of with at least average size penises and normal IQs. I know nothing about the Santa Cruz.
  21. dude speaks english better than doTArD.
  22. They are falling in line. They know they will be fucked if they don't pay up and he wins. See Russia. 50 million at one dinner recently.
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