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Everything posted by Tylerocks

  1. Like others here, Bozo show every morning. TBS in the afternoon for Leave it to Beaver, Gilligan's Island or Good Times Nickelodeon for You Can't do that on Television and Double Dare Cartoons- He-Man, GI Joe, Tom & Jerry, Super Friends, Justice League, Scooby Doo, Transformers, Voltron
  2. Texas will kick their teeth in.
  3. I'm all for "still liking" them. I still like a ton of stuff that many here would consider horrible. Declaring them your "favorite band ever" and rearranging a vacation to see them is a different thing.
  4. 39-40? He graduated hs in 2001
  5. Hanging at my wife's best friends house over the weekend. Me and her husband go pick up the food. There was another couple there and her husband stayed behind. Anyway, I got a text from my wife: "Dude, Husband 3 is talking about Blink-182...his favorite band." He was actually going to leave early from a Colorado vacation to come back and see them. Generally I'm a "whatever floats your boat" kind of person, but this was a wtf moment. I can't say I've ever met anyone with strong feelings for Blink-182 I thought of this thread.
  6. Miss the thread title? lol. Generic 80's mullet rock
  7. La puerta esta abierta. La PUERTA.....ESTA ABIERTA!!!
  8. We watched all 3 over the weekend. Enjoying it so far.
  9. I really, really think Van Halen is terrible. Talented? Sure, I guess. There are a handful of bands that I hate that I don't think would fall in the "unpopular opinion" thread as I think there are a lot of folks that feel this way. Think Kansas, Foreigner, Boston, Steve Miller Band etc. Van Halen falls right in there with me. Along with Bon Jovi
  10. It's so good. Once it hits your lips.
  11. Gotcha, I guess I wasn't aware of how close I was to the end of the game. I also didn't know season2 of the show would be the second game. Thanks for the heads up
  12. Fellow SJ alum here...I'm a handful of years younger and have the exact same "Shotgun" story....same cast of characters. Barrett Robbins...they called him Chunk, was at TCU at the time but was there. Sharpstown MO was, they would show up, have a little guy come up and start shit and as soon as anything looked like it was about to happen, Barrett and some other football guys would be there to pound whoever. One of the "little" guys that would start shit actually became one of my better friends at UT. lol I think I was a Sophisticating or Jr at SJ and by that time, we had a couple guys that had gone to school with us transfer back to Sharpstown. Also had a good friend who's older brother ran with those guys....so we had a connection that would keep us out of most scraps. I came from the public school world until high school, so all of my "other" friends were Lee people, so we could pretty much go to any party and be ok.. Well, me and my gf could. I never really got busted , but had some friends get nailed. There was a Coors distributorship or some sort of thing off Ranchester/Corporate area in one of those office park type things. Anyway, we were hanging out in one of the parking lots drinking beer and someone notices a stack of kegs behind a fence. Next thing you know they're stealing these empties to turn in for discounted fullsies for the next party. Unbeknownst to them, this place had a camera set up.. Monday at school, one by one, folks were getting called into the office to talk to Brother Casey and Mr. McCardle (Principal). Of course everyone denied it.....Until they saw the video of folks climbing the fences, with their letter jackets (With their last names stitched across the back) 😭
  13. Same vain....Tuesday's Gone might be up there too.
  14. Watched Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. No idea what was going on. I was high, I fell asleep 2x and was so fucking confused.
  15. I guess I need to pause playing the game for fear of spoiling next season. Furk
  16. I don't have anything to compare it to and don't know if it's the college game in general so maybe I'm talking out my ass, but... It seems like we strikeout a shitload. and has seemed that way for a few years.
  17. As has been mentioned a few times. We like to do chicken in the air fryer. Usually thighs because they're cheap...and I prefer them flavor-wise. We'll also do a whole roasted chicken once every couple of weeks. Usually a one pot deal. Dutch oven, potatoes, whole chicken. Use the leftovers for lunches the rest of the week. Salads/sandwiches/tacos, whatever. We'll do salmon/rice. We'll do baked potatoes or sweet potatoes. There's a pasta night Breakfast/Omlette night We had a struggle night and just picked up an HEB Pesto/artichoke/chicken pizza. It was solid enough and like $8
  18. George Porter, Professor Longhair, BB King Dr. John
  19. This would have garnered a laughing emoji along with the "ok"
  20. I don't understand the jumping to the n word conclusion, but using "retard" as an insult isn't cool.
  21. Cruising around social media and came across a friends nephew. They're a baseball family. He's 14 (8th grade) and 6'2" 190 lbs. Wtf is in the water these days?
  22. Tylerocks

    King Cake

    Boil House in the Heights also sell Gambino's King cakes..
  23. I bought the game a few weeks ago and am right about the same spot in the show. I'm afraid to play anymore, I don't want to get ahead of the show. I'm at the point where Joel falls of the horse and it cuts to winter and I kill a buck. So maybe the mall scene etc is a little out of order...the preview for next week looks like where I'm at.
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