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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. If people would just stop being poor then all of the world's problems would be solved.
  2. That may be the most honest depiction of police work in television history. Cops don't know shit unless you tell them shit.
  3. Donald Trump is a deeply, deeply stupid man. History’s greatest dumbass. Trump amassed great wealth and power as an unhappy accident, the byproduct of an inherently corrupt nation designed to prop up his ilk at the expense of normal, cool people. He then used that wealth and power to brainwash our dimmest citizens into believing that he was a new messiah, with big strong ideas and even bigger, stronger pectoral muscles. He was the take-no-guff rich guy that his voters imagined they themselves could one day be.
  4. My less than 2 cents: Europe is preparing for a possible administration change in the US. They know they may be alone vs pooty.
  5. I've never burned down anything which didn't deserve it. Disclaimer: joke
  6. I would not be surprised to see fire snow.
  7. They opened up the flood gates with this move. What all these "Fin" tanks doing?
  8. It's like Spanglish but different.
  9. We need more "literal" road signs like that.
  10. Getting caught finger banging the preachers daughter at a Jr high lock in will get you kicked out of Baptist youth group with the quickness.
  11. At least half the band members must be white dudes with dreads and stink of patuli.
  12. I'm not up for lead work but I'm always happy to help with tailgate maintenance: keeping beer cold, food warm, picking up trash and keeping an eye on valuables. Tacos and beer is all I require in compensation.
  13. A Heidi Gardner sex doll would get it.
  14. This one is something else. I'm not sure how to describe it other than absolutely horrifying.
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