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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. I love watching Butler hoop in the playoffs.
  2. It helps when the average age of your players is 27
  3. Not only that, but I cant take anyone seriously that would voluntarily take a job in CS. That aggy stank is never coming off. There's gotta be a better option.
  4. I sold an integrated estimating/CAD/manufacturing software package into the large commercial MEP vertical about 15 years ago. there's good margin to be made by contractors that had shit together, but that was about 20% at best. When the economy is booming and there's more construction demand than there are contractors to fulfill it, those dudes could convince themselves they had it figured out. But when the tide goes out, like in 08, its pretty easy to tell who had their shit together and who was getting by with all sorts of leaks in their workflow. The good ones had money in the bank and didnt want to lose their best employees, so in the downturn they were buying new tools and training their employees up on BIM which was just getting going at the time. Most of the others laid off about 80% of their staff or went out of business. My territory was New England (mainly Boston and NYC/NJ) and there were some characters running some of those large commercial contractors. I had just started a demo for a drafting department and the f'n owner of the company sauntered in the back, put his feet up on a table and lit a huge joint. Proceeded to give me shit the entire time, but when he heard their competitors were buying, he stroked a check. That company was one that did not survive 08. To the best of my knowledge, they never even took the shrink wrap off the DVDs they paid $60K for. They sent two guys from Boston (who drove) for a class, but they spent the first two nights getting fucked up on 6th and missed the next mornings, so they just got back in their car on day 3 and and drove back to Boston, lulz. Anyone that would put up with that bullshit aint gonna make it.
  5. All right, but you're gonna have a hard time finding two dudes to jack off on the dance floor.
  6. Pelosi gets a ton of criticism from the right regarding the substantial amounts of money she (her husband, really) has been making in the market. I would love to see all the magtards collectively lose their shit if the next reports shows she had a huge short position on DJT.
  7. Would a tortilla press solve the rolling issue? I think I'm going to give homemade a shot, and I just figured that would be easier. Looking at prices, they are $15-$20.
  8. Probably wanted to spend more time being a father to Lana Rhode's kid. Or maybe he just wants to focus on raw-dogging more porn stars. Either way, he's a sooner so .....fuck off blake.
  9. We're talking Arkansas here. A lectern WITH a light is the high end technology equivalent of a small modular fusion reactor in areas where fucking your siblings isn't the officially recognized state hobby.
  10. I watched a few minutes of this dude testing 12.3 in Austin. It usually works, but when people check out and start fucking with their phones or rubbing one out, "usually" becomes problematic. I have zero faith everyone will be vigilant while using FSD.
  11. To be honest I cashed out of PredictIt and moved that money to Kalshi, but got busy with other shit and havent made a trade or really learned my way around the site. This article claims the max investment per contract is $25K, but I would probably want to find that on their site before saying it with confidence. https://research.contrary.com/reports/kalshi Edit to add- they have all sorts of contracts for fed rates for every month. I dont follow shit nearly as closely you do for your job, but for instance for every month they have tiers like this. You guys can probably figure out a way to hedge your deal volume with this shit.
  12. Buying puts on.....everything? Alternately I have some money in a predictions site Kalshi that works the same way as PredictIt. The "yes" bet on a fed hike in 2024 is currently at $0.16, so you could make ~5X your money.
  13. This is all performance theatre. Aint a damn thing gonna happen to that orange bag of shit between now and the election, except maybe a couple of fines which he appeal/refuse to pay. Its ridiculous that this fucking clown is still walking around after 3+ years after trying to obstruct the transfer of power and leading an insurrection. I honestly dont give a fuck about this trial, and would far prefer he take the stand and get grilled about his election fuckery, but I guess 4 years wont be enough time to get that ball rolling.
  14. Just a few days now and we will hear Trump recount how big strong accountants with tears in their eyes keep approaching him on the street, hugging him while confessing they have never seen such strong accountings.
  15. Tiger needs to get a hold of Lebron's hair guy's number. For a few years there, the back of Lebron's head looked like a muni green in August, but he seems to have solved that issue.
  16. Rubes gonna rube.. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/04/14/truth-social-investors-faith-trump/ It puts a smile on my face that all these idiots are gonna lose their ass, fucked over by their orange Jesus himself. I wonder how many of our resident magtards are balls deep in DJT?
  17. I think there must be a pile of naked women getting it on over to the amateurs right.
  18. That puts Scotty at ~$15M in prize money and its still April.
  19. Make 'em all your bitches Scottie.
  20. I think I may just go that route in the next year or two. Beats finally winning the lottery at the age of 78.
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