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Everything posted by Kennythetiger

  1. I was referencing the “Shaggy does not have my permission” part.
  2. Like almost everyone else, I got suckered into that deal when we fled Shaggy.
  3. I think that we allow nazis to walk amongst us because of the sacrifices your uncle made.
  4. What the fuck? But I am also intrigued…. That’s creative.
  5. And we don’t salute him. Thank god the Pentagon doesn’t listen to him about our proficiency.
  6. Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand.
  7. Probably. Maybe something similar to the swamp coolers in our Gleaner combines when I was a kid. I’ll bet that even when everything was working correctly it was still smelly and humid as hell.
  8. That’s some damn fine Saturday morning stuff right there.
  9. Something that I’d never given much thought until recently is that those submarines probably didn’t have freon-cooled air conditioning.
  10. He’s fucking hilarious too. Very dry sense of humor. Reminded me of Mel Tillis.
  11. I understand that part. My question to Brat is “Why? What made it important?”
  12. Remind me again why your dad was in the Aleutians, please. What was the strategy there?
  13. Ask her to clean off the blades when she’s up there.
  14. Guns are for beta pussies. Mike stares down his enemies.
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