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Everything posted by Kennythetiger

  1. I didn’t understand any of the stereotype until I hit the camping part and thought, “Fuck me.”
  2. Last 14 years of football would say…..”Yes, you can.”
  3. Kid’ll need a good poop knife.
  4. “You’ve never figured out your relationship with the idea of camping.”
  5. The ones with three are for the people who didn’t pay for the pizza. Fuck them kids.
  6. Like our kittens that slept up there when it was cold outside. R.I.P., kitties.
  7. As a mechanic, I've had more car drives like that than w/the radio on trying to diagnose a sound. My dad would never let us listen to the radio in our combines during harvest. Said we needed to listen to the machine.
  8. I’m sorry for your loss. At least your house is quieter now, and you can watch what you want to on tv.
  9. Those birds are probably destroying the paint job on that car.
  10. I wish they would do away with escalators at stores. Walking up one flight of stairs won't kill you. And is good exercise Missing one flight of stairs isn’t going to kill me either. But the escalator might, if I mistime my last second jump to safety. Which I have been practicing for about…40 years now.
  11. Fuckin’ a. Congratulations, man.
  12. I was far from normal. Aspen, I think. Bottom left.
  13. You meant to type “Nobody’s Fool”. I’d finish it.
  14. Good morning. How is today going?
  15. You look hard enough, you can find anything.
  16. Look at Mr. Big Time over here. Wife enters the same room before asking him a question.
  17. Fake. Look how skinny their arms are.
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