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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. Yeah it's dumb. Plus the cowboys have had two 13-3 seasons, not that their lack of success isn't pathetic. And was the Minnesota miracle a wild card game? Either way they didn't win the NFC that year so dressing it up as anything other than a playoff win is dumb.
  2. Binged this over the past few days. Very weird, lots of creepy imagery, but the plot and characters go off the rails. It was definitely different.
  3. So what do we guess a ticker job pays? Do all the other non host long time employees just have nothing else going for them that they live on shit pay?
  4. I don't know if I remember correctly, but I think the biggest thing that hurt her case (imo) was that she was on alert because she noticed the door was ajar, so that kind of took the reasonableness of the missed details of the door out of the equation. It probably would have been better for her had she just sheepishly walked into the apartment and then was surprised.
  5. I liked it. I don't get the hate. I've never read a comic so I have no idea if they basterdized the characters. I also feel like I am taking crazy pills with the love Marvel gets. Not that any of their movies are awful, they are just boring and paint by numbers to me. Aside from 2 or 3 of them you've seen one you've seen them all. Unless the movie is going over the top violent or getting some good adult humor I'm pretty much out on superhero films. I'd rewatch this before I sit through Black Widow, but I don't plan on doing either.
  6. So pretty much right up surly’s alley
  7. This is kind of where I am. I realize basketball is called a revenue generating sport, but my assumption that's mainly because of the tournament. How much of that goes back to the conferences to share? It be one thing if they were elite basketball and okay other sports, but they are a shit show in everything else.
  8. Why would she have you meet her in a bar at 10 in the morning? I just figured she was a raging alcoholic.
  9. I agree. It's a shame that competition is taking such a backseat. Basketball and other sports will have a path even if they are in a lessor conference, but this is all about football and the networks don't care about the niches that smaller schools have carved out.
  10. He didn't really say anything crazy just misguided. He kept saying he understood the economics of it all, but he doesn't, because the economics are points 1, 2, 3 and 4 of realignment. His stance is just that he doesn't like seeing on field competitive programs thrown to the wayside. That point has merit, but it's just not the way the world works anymore. He didn't rag on Texas or OU for screwing anybody like everyone else is doing, and even acknowledged that every other Big 12 program would have done the same thing if they could.
  11. Maybe they were yours, but I want to say Gordo has brought up emails or tweets on air making that same point.
  12. My understanding is it's cheaper and easier to procure. Apparently there is more room for error when making drugs in a garage versus a lab though.
  13. Get with your vet on heartworm prevention or that will be an expensive bill.
  14. I can appreciate the no shedding, but every poodle mix looks like a grooming nightmare.
  15. Yeah, I don't get the logic. Do people think everyone just gets a @vandy.edu email address and uses that?
  16. I just realized this is just a sorted list of their user rankings, and not a list of the 100 greatest movies. Not that I think any of the movies suck, but like said above The Dark Knight is not the 4th greatest movie of all time. I assume just like every other online rating there are severe flaws in how they can be manipulated. Which somewhat explains why so much of the list is fairly recent movies, since there is more incentive to manipulate ratings of newer releases.
  17. I don't get the Lord of the Rings. I mean the movies were fine, and maybe they employed some groundbreaking technology I'm not aware of, but all 3 in the top 15? No thank you.
  18. Do you guys actually think Saban gives a shit if one of his players makes clears 1 million in endorsements? He didn't say those things as a criticism, he said them as an advertisement for Bama.
  19. Yeah I don't think many people know about this. I get that some are in jobs that this wouldn't work, but for the rest of the population you can save yourself a lot of frustration by silencing unknown callers.
  20. It's not my bag either, but online is where the money is at these days. They aren't paying for more single player campaigns, online is a giant sandbox full of actual players engaging in a lot of anarchy. The purchases are generally going to be upgrades to your character/equipment.
  21. Just crunched the numbers and they check out.
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