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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. The challenge was to name 25 better QBs over the past 10 years, so somebody thinks very highly of him.
  2. Yeah with so many teams QB hunting moving up in this draft would be expensive.
  3. If you believe he's a generational talent then it would be dumb to take Surtain over him. Not that I want Pitts, but if that's how you have him graded you take him. Surtain is not a generational talent on anyone's board.
  4. Are we trying to argue that Sam was a top 25 college QB of the past 10 years? Like the entire NCAA and not just the big 12? I guess I haven't really thought about it but I can't imagine it being difficult to find 25 better QBs this past decade. Hell he was 23rd in QBR in 2020 alone.
  5. I didn't like it. The premise was cool, but it just missed the mark.
  6. Will Smith. While not the best actors Wahlberg and Cruise make entertaining movies. Smith's movies more or less flat out suck.
  7. Make sure the post that mounted to the ground is clear of your wife's car, or else you will have a doozy for the wives and the stupid shit they do thread.
  8. So what is the process/time frame that a nuisance stop/ticket turns into an outstanding warrant?
  9. I don't know what's funnier, that Surly posters feel the need to put Her Majesty before typing Queen, or that it's abbreviated to HM.
  10. I'm not measuring everything out. I am probably not doing a very good version of Keto but I am losing weight, but I lost a bunch a weight on a non keto path 5 years ago with just portion control and general eating better and exercise. So I don't think it's the end all be all diet. The main benefit I find is that it does curb appetite better than a traditional balanced diet. I'm not doing bloodwork so I don't know the benefits/detriments there. It won't be permanent for me due to such limitations at restaurants.
  11. I don't know if that's a scam or just a terrible business. Seems like if it was a scam side they'd just send you fakes vs an actual knife with value.
  12. He's definitely not going to stop, but with money it would be easy enough to control. Get consent, keep the # of girls to a minimum, and pay them well. With his money there are plenty out there that would be fine with that arrangement. At that point there is no story. Unless part of his thing is dropping his load on unexpecting ladies, professional athletes mixing with IG girls isn't anything new.
  13. I think each accusation is it's own trial. Having consent for women A doesn't win you the trial against woman B.
  14. I don't understand the fetish, but either he's too stupid to just hire actual prostitutes to roleplay the massage, or it has to be real for him. He's not going to have evidence of consent for all these girls.
  15. Some of the stimulus payments were paid out on pre paid cards, but if you are surly 1% you wouldn't be eligible for those.
  16. Is that a factory option or aftermarket conversion? Looks dumb regardless.
  17. Yeah there is obviously evidence of him hiring all these ladies. There is no denial of that. He's clearly into the full release, it's just a matter of everything being consensual at this point.
  18. Every bottle we buy is one less bottle on the streets to tempt Sark.
  19. I think that is pretty much the consensus view, but that's not going to stop a desperate team from taking him.
  20. I thought a while back some states made it illegal for the outside party (boosters and such) if caught.
  21. So is this an adult show? The preview made it seem like standard comic book superhero stuff. I'm assuming it gets raunchy with Mantzoukas in cast.
  22. Joe Thomas was on that gladiator style gameshow with the Rock and I had to do a double take when they mentioned who it was. He slimmed down a ton.
  23. Ejaculating on your masseuse isn't illegal it's only frowned upon, like masturbating on an airplane.
  24. If these girls didn't want to get ejaculated on, then why were they wearing such tight clothes?
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