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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. To be fair, that's a pretty fucking high peak.
  2. I thought above the fireplace was a short lived fad right after the flat panel tvs took over. I remember being in several houses with people mounted their 45" TVs above the fireplace and thinking what a beating this is.
  3. It's becoming self aware.
  4. Pull his offer for QB analyst right now.
  5. Malik did show an amazing ability to avoid contact at LB, maybe he would translate to a great RB.
  6. Jefferson ran a 4.52 at the combine. That’s fast but not sub 4.4.
  7. Yeah the meme needs to be changed to cap hit. Dak is cashing a hell of a lot bigger checks than Wentz this year.
  8. Agree a lot of factors at play there. Especially determining what someone going to do after adding 50lbs, and elite athleticism doesn't always mean elite football player. I have no idea how Sam tested at the camps in HS, or if he even did.
  9. I meant elite of the elite athletically speaking. Cosmi's numbers weren't just good but pretty much put him on par with some of the most gifted (athletically) OL in some time. No, I don't expect us to consistently field generational athletic freaks.
  10. Not to say it's not important or that anyone can do their job, but the above poster used Wylie as a great example. OU is dominating the conference with him as SC coach, but he was the major detriment for our program? My point is that S&C is down on the list for a reason a program is successful / unsuccessful.
  11. We obsess too much over S&C. I mean it's obviously important, but I don't think they have the power to make or break a program. The reason we probably won't see Sam Cosmi numbers is because he tested well across the board (both strength and agility) he's an elite level athlete.
  12. Thanks, I started listening out of context and assumed they were referring to the firing as political, not the retention. I don't think this is even a story they cover if Carlisle isn't involved.
  13. Some schools handled the remote learning better than others. I didn't want my kids back in school necessarily for social interaction, but mainly because they weren't learning anything despite their grades being fine. The prepared online course work at the grade school level was a joke. Not that that was all the schools fault they can't design a rigorous online curriculum on the fly, and nor do the parents want to be over the kids shoulder explaining everything. I assume the higher grades where more responsibility falls on the students to self study probably had better programs, but our grade school program was useless.
  14. Are you trying to say Jesus Christ can't hit a receiver in stride on a deep post?
  15. I don't think there is much of a story. I only caught the tail end this morning and googled it when I got to work. Apparently Carlisle and several other coaches were critical of the firing of ATL HC Lloyd Pierce citing mostly his off the court work for social justice and ignoring his shitty record overall. From what I heard of the musers I got the impression that he was fired for political reasons, but the actual story makes it seem like he was fired for on court reasons, but those speaking out think his off the court work for social justice should outweigh his on court performance.
  16. I was, but now you have me questioning everything I thought I knew.
  17. Just throwing darts at a list of eligible names couldn't have been worse pick than Taco. TJ Watt is the most often cited could have/should have face palm.
  18. It's still righty tighty lefty loosey, correct?
  19. I thought I heard that one was child porn related on the news this morning.
  20. This was what I took out of it. I think some of you guys just see red whenever UT is brought up in a negative light.
  21. I guess they just gave up on trying to blow Nessie out of the water?
  22. Are these new analyst replacing guys that left, or are we increasing the number of analyst on staff?
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