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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. This, and not to mention back end of the roster guys are chewed up and spit out by the NFL in a flash, I doubt many of those guys want to rock the boat and give a team anymore reason to cut them.
  2. Or why would the player? I mean maybe UTSA will get there, but currently just missing the cut for a UT offer you likely have a hell of a lot better options than UTSA.
  3. Take a shit in a box and slap a label from the auto parts company on it and send it to the address.
  4. I live in one (not express build). It sucks but the housing prices in the area are only going 1 way right now. The neighborhood will probably look like shit in 20 years, but we won't be in it much longer. I wouldn't go crazy on the upgrades because they will be cheap as well and cost you a lot. You probably better off just going base level on a bunch of stuff and upgrading yourself later on. Their higher grade fixture packages were nothing that you couldn't get a Lowes or HD for fractions of the costs. Countertops, cabinets, and multiple AC units were the only things we went with higher tier on. We've replaced most of the cheap carpet and fixtures with aftermarket stuff.
  5. Their drive thru is fast because they have very few menu options with hardly any variation and they pre make all of their sandwiches. The real magic is convincing all those people to show up for steamed sandwiches and soggy fries.
  6. Major League kicks ass. If we want to throw out overrated baseball movies the list starts with Field of Dreams.
  7. Yeah it seems it would be a lot easier to load/unload coming from there than an attic door underneath.
  8. I imagine cash tips have gone the way of the dodo bird though, or are there still a lot of cash payers left?
  9. Wouldn't the person being stiffed be the benefactor of pooling tips?
  10. Is there some sort of verification process that shows their tips + baseline wage equals at least minimum wage? My wife was a Sonic server in high school and she got a little more than the actual minimum wage + tips. So given the flexibility and that location having good tips that was a really attractive job for young person, but then I could see another location with different owners being a completely shitty job if the customer base doesn't tip or the owners decide to do fraction of the minimum wage.
  11. In the same boat. Both are great though. I'd say the "years later" last season of Parks wasn't very good and agree that the office did that for multiple seasons after Scott left. If you are judging each by their fastball seasons of 1-6 I like The Office. It's crazy to think that NBC had 30 Rock, Parks, The Office, and Community in their lineup. That is some serious fastball.
  12. I don't know why but I assumed the bunker was his place?
  13. I thought it was pretty cookie cutter special forces action movie. I wasn't really thinking wokeness with Greer. Her character was just boring. All of them were. There was no good dialogue like you expect with Sheridan either.
  14. He doesn't play fast on film. He may have tremendous athleticism buy it doesn't show up on film which is a big red flag.
  15. I agree. They could have had Fields #1 on their board and it would have been retarded to take him. Having Parsons higher rated than the CBs but willing to take the CBs isn't some ridiculous stretch.
  16. You say this because you watched Ehlinger up close for 4 years, but the some other guy they should draft school's fanbase is saying the same thing. Unless they are a nobody program. And trade their 6th and 7th rounders for what? A box of kicking tees? Because that's all they're worth.
  17. Sure instead of Ehlinger they should draft a Brady or Brown type player. Hell they should just pass on their picks after 5 and save a roster spot for an UDFA like Romo. I said pretty much all. That allows for the handful of outliers you can post.
  18. Pretty much all 6/7th round selections are wasted picks.
  19. Jaylon has sucked since that 2018 season. Even if he can bounce back to being an average LB I doubt any team wants his contract.
  20. It's probably sports clip hair cut. He is 6'2" 250lbs. I'd guess that's pretty much the typical size of an NFL LB.
  21. Kano got a chuckle out of me, the rest outside of the backstory of Sub Zero and Scorpion was all pretty dumb. I also liked how they setup a legit backstory with these two and later it's btw I changed my name to Sub-Zero now, and also my name is Scorpion because you know we are 12 years old and that sounds cool.
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