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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. Brah, it's a cactus. It's been getting rain splash. The dead one was a weed that grew in an empty pot full of dirt. I'm like, you chose this spot, it's on you. BREAKING NEWS: In the interest of internet harmony, I just now heaved some water on them.
  2. My reaction to stress is to joke. My wife says the nurses aren't laughing, they are figuring out if I'm just crazy. So maybe one day I'll get to use your pro-tip.
  3. Ironic thing is they plopped their office down in the part of Birmingham where most people wouldn't piss in 1819's mouth if their stomach was on fire. I guess we should be honored. Jefferson County (Bham) is where the Blue Dot in a Big Red State bumper sticker was invented. On a good day, it's like Austin in the 90s. On days like this, I think we need to call more Federal artillery down on our position. The good thing is that for young people here, they generally loathe this kind of shit. It's the older ones in outer burbs and out in the fields who are scared to go downtown who support the 1819 worldview. Well hell, y'all mostly live in America too, you know the deal. 1819 are in a sad spot. Publisher looks like a bag of death, and if some of his kids grow up to think for themselves, he'll be a lonely old man. Monger has a semi-job running down homophobe stories, PLUS he cost his employer money. What real paper would hire him? He gets to sit around and hate himself.
  4. From what I remember, it was the Southern Baptist hierarchy putting out the judgmental stink, not the people who knew him. Gotta admire Southern Baptists' desire to drive out anybody with a mental age of less than 80.
  5. Good for him! Shooters shoot.
  6. One of my highly-specific-number of Japanese friends told me "Gojira" meant "Gorilla-Whale. She taught Japanese, so I guess she knows.
  7. If only she could fall out of a tower and be eaten by dogs.
  8. It comes from a French word that has a vowel sound halfway between the two, so whichever one she preferred, she still sounded like a Hillbilly to us high-falutin folk. Maybe bring that up if you're bored and she won't stop calling you.
  9. Aww hell now you've got me craving a castor bean smoothie.
  10. Last I heard about Zimbabwe, people were panning gold all day until they had enough to sell the flakes to eat. Then I ran into a couple of Zimbabwean dudes eating in a nice restaurant here, didn't look like they had a care in the world. I suppose the place is part of the 90% of Planet Earth where you're either aristocracy, or else you grub in the mud to live.
  11. He seems to concentrate on a "closeted person did ____" type of story. Kinda like Torquemada going after the Conversos.
  12. I have it on good authority that all Surlsters have come to the idea that moving to Colorado will solve all woes. Who are you and what did you do to GenXer?
  13. TLDR: This was a story from a while back. Preacher had private trans persona and liked to write fan fic involving locals. Reporter Craig Monger found out and published article on him, preacher committed suicide. Monger's employer, 1819 News, which appears to exist to supply stories to talk radio programs, lost some advertisers. Monger is still on staff, when not puffing out his huge neck to attract mates.
  14. Dude, I did commit.
  15. In 2012, Cox had pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment charges after a woman claimed he said he would “make her so horny that she would wet her pants.”
  16. Not too bad. Only 545 last night, went down to 450. I think I'm dead already and don't know it like in 6th Sense. 345 this morning, Swung by oncologist and they jacked me up with 4 units of insulin before Zapping. Zapping took maybe 15 minutes, then I swung by to get my brain-swell vomit pills as well as a drug that treats high sugar. The main thing is I am OFF the Dexamethasone which was 50% of the reason I flipped diabetic, the other half being the tumor in my thalamus. And OK maybe I shoulda skipped that cookie. Got a new Day of the Dead mask to work on. As for other effects, I don't seem seem seem ghersgh seem to be problem have:;"'.
  17. It's like she followed me around for four years.
  18. Last night I stabbed myself several times with the glucose meter while yelling made-up Japanese words like a samurai. Numbers were High As Fuck, though trending down. Stalked my doc's home phone through one of those people-finder sites, she was cool about it, said it's steroids and will go away soon, but if I wanted to I should maybe stop by a Doc-in-the-Box. So I did, every one was closed, and I got home by memory because my vision blurred. I said hell no to emergency rooms because I could see getting trapped in one until my numbers went down, and I would would miss my radiation party day today. Big mistake, because I woke up dead. No, wait. Nice morning of water and non-carb food, soon to be followed by a 2-mile stroll. I'll test the glucose again after that, then we enter into Zapping World.
  19. Yep. With a good solid class, you can build up a level of group knowledge, where when the inevitable questions from last week's work crop up, instead of having to stop the whole class for the Authority Figure to backtrack, their classmates can set them straight in a couple of minutes. There's an art to figuring out how to pair the students up in small groups, but when it runs, it runs well. And if your slower kids are caught up, you can share some deeper insights into the material, get away from zombie worksheets and such. On the other hand, a small class where people miss a lot is just broken. Turns into tutoring sessions for the ones who do show. Hell, I'll tutor. I'd rather teach them all.
  20. Remember to retain enough Mercury Dimes to barter with, which we will need in a future Thunder Dome world, I am told. Never mind that 95% of Americans now don't know what a Mercury Dime is.
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