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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Take your meds then make sure and press the nurse call button to clean off your fat, feculant ass. Fucking pussy.
  2. Ive trained with Liam Neeson, I can fight any wolf or generic Eastern European that gets thrown at me.
  3. @Js1 Please keep the PB thread titles just so we continue to get hissy fits from Triggeredhouse plz...highly entertaining.
  4. And thats how egregious the hold was. He had a fistful of jersey, then grabbed him again for good measure. He left the ref no choice but to throw the flag.
  5. Exactly. Maybe if he doesn’t grab him the 2nd time the ref lets it go, but he went ahead and pulled him twice. Hard to believe that video proof, frame by frame, and an admission from the defender himself won’t mollify folks who think the game was “ruined”. You don’t have to like it, but it’s right in front of your fucking eyeballs and you are lying to yourself if you think it’s not holding. Whether they “should have called it in that situation”, is completely separate.
  6. The Balloon Scoop program is decades behind schedule at this point.
  7. Joe Montana in Tecmo Super Bowl was God. Mahomes does not have Tecmo credibility.
  8. You forgot Budge Rumpson, Skip Tittlers, and Chuck Fucklers.
  9. Guess Philly db shouldn’t have been so clearly holdy with his holding hands to hold the receiver, forcing the referee standing right fucking there to call a holding penalty. Also if he doesn’t hold then it’s a TD anyway. Fuck the eagles, but there is literal video evidence of how much he held the guy.
  10. The call is clearly correct in the sense of what the refs look for in defensive holding on a wide receiver. If you cannot admit that, then get your vision checked or develop the very basic understanding that the refs don’t call the game based on how interesting the ending of the game is to you and your fat, ugly, AIDS riddled family.
  11. That was Case McCoy level scrambling. Herpin and derpin!
  12. Can someone please insert the photo/vid of JJ failsitting after an interception against OK state? It was so very aggy and funny.
  13. Shiner is so excellent and protective with the kiddos. Good boy!
  14. If you can’t figure out that it was a joke, put down the huffing sock filled with spray paint and work on your ABCs.
  15. It’s a bit disingenuous of you to exclude the water feature/fountain in the dirty water stock pond that affronts the property. Real scenic like…
  16. Alaska? The grizzlies have mastered the art of weaponized dirigibles!! CALL THE BEAR PATROL!!
  17. Disagree. He starts each morning with a large bananas foster ala flambé and washes it down with warm buttermilk.
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