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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. The Texans should draft him. Surely nothing could go wrong.
  2. Are all the rest of the games at Moody??
  3. Nice! Perfect morning/day for it. What were you throwing at them? My LMB game needs improvement on the fly rod.
  4. I needed a third leg to go with my third arm that grows out of my upper butt area, so it’s all gravy!
  5. Yeah it’s super convenient to me (15-20 min drive) and I really like the area and walking the riverbank just for fun but never had great luck fishing. Still might give it a shot, especially if we keep getting this badass weather. unsolicited fish pic from my the last time I snuck out to Brushy Creek during “work”
  6. Damn. Thought them titties we’re gonna be bigger. jk. You fucking rock for putting this out there dude. I applaud your balls and your intentions to do what is best for you and yours. Best of luck. 🤘
  7. Thanks! I’m very close to Camp Tejas/Lake Georgetown and I know people have success there, I’m just not exactly sure WHERE along that part of the San Gabriel I should target and what parts would get me away from the crowds.
  8. Where should I go to find the whites (besides Crate and Barrel or Restoration Hardware)? I’ve tried to get out but sick kids blew up my fishing plans last two weekends.
  9. There is one we use often that I can drive to in 2 mins but fuck it. They are already a shitty company/store so this will be good motivation to make the extra drive to HEB (already go there as our pharmacy).
  10. They were actually all very good old friends getting ready for a genuine embrace. It was a beautful moment, umarred by a brutal mauling/animalistic shredding of human tissue.
  11. Whereabouts? Ive got the white bass itch and am just looking for an excuse to play hooky from work.
  12. Really rooting for karma to do its thing on this one. I understand that is his standard introduction “routine”, but it seems deliberate and mocking in nature. Fuck that guy.
  13. I was typing this, then made sure to check the new replies.
  14. This team is shit away from Moody.
  15. If we don’t win both these games I’m gonna break some rakes and throw them in the woods.
  16. Pos rep even though I vehemently disagree.
  17. Just watched the whole Netflix series mentioned upthread. Really enjoyable, if only to watch people in deep suffering see relief and be able to find some measure of happiness. @WhatTheBuck thanks for the inspiration. I’m gonna go trip balls and put one of these on.
  18. Did my first big shop at HEB in a long long time. Obviously through Covid we did curbside and kept doing that for a good while. now granted we needed a lot of groceries (kids are going to eat me out of house/home/clothes), but the total was fucking $475. Now I’ve done that at Costco before but never at a HEB. whatever, got my fizzy water and I’m making tomatillo sauce tonight.
  19. When you have no actual moral underpinnings (despite loud/sanctimonious protestations otherwise), you can contort any evil into a righteous cause. Traitorous, evangelizing, scum.
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