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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. It is literally one letter away from just being the name of the city/state that the team is located. Ive always thought that was dumb as fuck.
  2. They should be called the Houston Lean with Fat Tony as the mascot. Stands could include a "Drank Blvd" cheering section. Jolly ranchers, sprite and codeine syrup available for purchase at the concession stands.
  3. You fuckers are so goddamned stupid. You roll up Abbott style and get a goddamn escort through the airport with one of those fancy wheelchair pushing porters. The Red Sea of chuds part and you are first aboard the flight, with someone to care for you and your bag the entire flight. Extra kudos if you can stolen valor it and pretend you have battlefield injuries (can usually get a round of applause or free business class with that move).
  4. Which is what is happening yes? No negs have been exchanged, just some back and forth. At least we have people here willing to actually post their genuine thoughts and feelings. I respect the shit out of that, just think that a lot of Republican political ideas are hot trash. Nuttin more, nuttin less.
  5. Is this not surly? land of assholes? Are we not in the trust tree?
  6. The wool was pulled over no one’s eyes. The hate machine is/was operated and maintained by one political party and has been for decades upon decades. You can go on and on about how now is the time to move on, and with some respects I agree with you. But some of the posts here belie an ignorance or hope to gloss over the governmental malpractice tolerated and pushed by Republican leaders. I am not vilifying anyone, and folks should be at least recognized if they are willing to reckon with past choices that have proven to be “ill-advised” (i.e. voting for a conman, reality show host, foreign government compromised, rapist piece of shit that led an attack on the seat of government). Really it’s all we can do after the orange cunt brought out the absolute worst in some people. So yes please vote Dem even if it gives you spontaneous rectal bleeding, because the other choice is a vote for a treasonous cadre of ghouls and out of touch fuckmuppets.
  7. Those were two horseshit talking points that misconstrue and minimize, Hence my post. I’m happy that more people are coming to the side of facts and decency. Nothing “nativist” about it.
  8. 1. BUTTER E-MAILS!#!# 2. Supreme disingenuous horseshit, as mentioned previously.
  9. I mean it’s foundational to the party. The roots of the sickness run deep and have been a strategic part of messaging and candidate choice for decades. Can’t use the term “recent trend” and try and gloss that over as it being a choice the GOP has made on a whim the last several years. That’s not reality, although I know that reality has a liberal bias so maybe I need to check myself.
  10. Lifelong libtard here. Quenching the thirst of GQPers with my tears for 30+ years. I’m such a soy (sauce) boy you could wring me out over some sashimi Nomz Nomz Nomz. fuck the Republican Party. Forever and ever. amen.
  11. Probably as valuable as a Schrute Buck or one of these:
  12. hookemATL


    I have this thought constantly. I’d gladly trade my virulent atheism if the J-man would have his 2nd coming and put all these miserably evil pieces of shit in their place. so much wasted time, breath, and energy spent being hateful and cruel. I will never understand it.
  13. This is JBrooks coming out party. He will feast and Keilan gets at least one long TD reception out of the backfield. Horns win, Huskies tuck tail and head home.
  14. So a fat, gayer Andy Cohen? That tracks actually.
  15. I see you are afflicted with the same genetic defect as my wife. Sad.
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