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Everything posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. Glad I have a plumber on retainer via my oldest daughter and grandkids... No water in Kyle. Getting a trickle in my front bathroom but that is it. This started after we powered back on from a blackout.
  2. My wife and I are counting ourselves as lucky. Since midnight, we have had 6-7 outages. That is in addition to the other outages since they started rolling blackouts. Faucets are dripping though and we have a gas cook top.
  3. No sun where I am at. Stuff is melting though.
  4. Put me down for 2011 Game 6, too. Damn. 2001 Big XII championship. Saw it person. 2008 - Texas Tech and the subsequent BS that followed still pisses me off. The falls of Pete Rose and OJ Simpson... maybe suited for another thread - 'Innocence Lost aka - When did you realize your sports hero was just another fallible human being'
  5. -4 in Waco that day. 1983 in Waco strikes me as being colder than that, but it was not. However, the fact that it was 7 degrees and my truck had no heater and shabby weather stripping probably had something to do that.
  6. Preferred nomenclature is 'soda water' or 'sodie water' for the unwashed. Down in Kyle, things have been iced over for a couple of hours. Just had a brief power outage.
  7. Hotel on Duval Street was Crowne Plaza - La Concha
  8. Bahia Honda is a great place to snorkel off the beach. John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park is good. Just up-voting these previously recommended places. If you have a day (or most of a day) Dry Tortuga is a good excursion and worth the time. We have stayed at the Sheraton on the Atlantic Side in Key West. They had a shuttle running to Duval area. Stayed at a Hampton Inn on the Gulf side in Key Largo. There was a canal close by that manatees swam up and down. We stayed at an older hotel on Duval street, built in the 20's but I can't recall the name of it. It was great for convenience. The vibe down there on Duval street is worth the trip. Lots of folks just hitting bars and drinking without all of the alcohol fueled dipshittery you would find on 6th street. Also, the beach at Fort Zach provided for some great ,um, scenery. Lot's of fit European women there on one of my trips.
  9. Bermuda grass...Battling white clover already. Live in Buda\Kyle\SM area. I have hit it with Ortho WeedClear a couple of times. Last time back in December. Sprouting back up in treated areas. Used to dealing with St. Augustine. Any suggestions?
  10. Friend of mine from Waco died this past Sunday from COVID-19. He was overweight. 56 years old. Sucks. He was good friends with my brother-in-law... grew up around the corner from one another. His older brother was a good friend of mine before he died in a plane crash back in 85. Survived by wife and 3 kids, an older sister and two younger brothers. I feel worse for the siblings since they have been through this before. He is the first person relatively close(circle of family and friends) to me that I know that has died from this.
  11. I know this has been mentioned before... but the next motto *should* be - Fuck around and find out.
  12. Y'all get back in the club, it's all over with...
  13. The legal name is 'The Woodlands'. I seem to remember seeing Spring on some mail addressed to me a few times,though.
  14. Years ago, I worked for a guy who would talk about going to the woodlands to visit in-laws. I would always illicit a WTF look from me. It took a few times of him mentioning it to realize it was indeed 'The Woodlands'. I ended up living there for 8 years at some point.
  15. Obligatory... Fuck the Big XII. Looks like pollsters had some sense about the situation. Re: Craig Way Before the big TV contracts for college football, you pretty much were stuck listening to the Esso\Exxon Radio Network sponsored radio broadcasts. I grew up listening to Frank Fallon on Saturday nights in the fall. I consider Fallon to be one of the GOATs. Schoening and Way are in that same realm. Way calls UT games like he is calling a High School Championship game. He pretty much keeps any bias he has in check. The only time that *I* have heard him have a 'WTF' moment was the 2015 Okie State game. I can get why people might turn him off from 10-12, but when it is game time, we are fortunate to have him calling it from our broadcast booth.
  16. I will still watch Batman. I remember when they cast Keaton as Batman, there was a bit of a rhubarb about it. He was good enough for me for *that* movie. That being said, BR and the rest from that time frame are not worth the time at all.
  17. Just stumbled on this thread. The MJ rookie card stings. Had a chance to buy it or a Joe Montana RC... who knew. Still have the Montana RC. Any of y'all buy or sell? I have some RCs like Jerry Rice, Earl Campbell... 84 Topps with Marino, Dickerson, Elway RCs, 89 Score with Barry Sanders, Aikman RCs First year of Hoops smattering of other brands and odd collections First Beckett for Basketball with MJ on the cover. I always hear about E-bay as the way to go as far as selling. Seems like shops only care about flavor of the month type stuff. BTW...used to have an decent collection of baseball cards but my ex tossed them in the bottom of a storage room which was eventually flooded. Brett and Yount RCs that I bought as a kid were in there.
  18. The Carrie Underwood version...man. My wife's maternal grandmother was a devout Southern Baptist, every time the door is open she was in church, lady. This was her favorite hymn. In the winter of 94, I moved my family of four to the Colorado Apartments on Lake Austin Blvd from Waco, Texas. This was so I could get an undergrad degree at Texas. My wife was the main bread winner making around 20K a year at the time. Her grandmother, Nanny H., was pretty much our benefactor. She sent my daughters money and when things were underwater, she covered us. When we moved from the Colorado to Brackenridge Apts (from a 2 to 3 bedroom) she bought us a washer and dryer and continued to cover us when necessary. A few years later, I graduated and within two weeks of me landing a permanent job, she passed away. Every time we look back on that experience, we always say 'Thank God for Nanny H.' My daughters honored her by playing this hymn at their weddings. I still tear up every time I hear this song or anytime I play it and say 'Thank God for Nanny H.' As you were...
  19. Texas, given its size and land area, has over two times the amount of Bigfoot sightings, btw. https://www.bfro.net/GDB/default.asp
  20. Go back to Jersey, sonny. This is the City of the Angels and you haven't got any wings.
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