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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. Man, fuck this virus. The Alamo movie pass was the best damned thing going. I got to enjoy it for like 6 months before it all went to hell. I hope they can reinstate it soon as it was one hell of a deal and got me to the theater at least twice a week and I'd say I bought food 80% of the time even if just appetizers. I miss going.
  2. Felix

    Bidet Meta Threas

    I've been trying to time my shits for when the power is on during the rolling blackouts. I missed my window a few days ago and the shock from sitting on a cold toilet seat on my biobidet stopped it in it's tracks and I was able to avoid the indignity of wiping as the power came on a few minutes later.
  3. My wife's family has 600 acres outside Springfield MO and run a few hundred head of cattle. Her cousin's husband got in the doghouse for shooting a nice 8 point buck out the front door of their house at 6 am while the rest of the family was sleeping. He said it was too cold to go all the way outside in his underwear. Beds were peed and voices were raised. The rule now is you have to be OUTSIDE the house when you fire.
  4. My daughter works for Austin Energy and said it's up to 30,000. Gonna be a long shift for her.
  5. I've been at least 6 times and I still don't feel like I've given enough of my time. I haven't been since my 40th birthday Central Texas Museum Tour so it's time to go back.
  6. I'm a contract killer. Oh, well, it's a growth industry.
  7. My FIL is full of crazy dietary bullshit, that I could go on and on about, but my personal favorite is his contention that "regular" salt like Morton's actually doesn't provide any dietary benefit. According to him the salt in that salt isn't really salt because it's "processed". So I guess most of the population isn't getting enough salt in their diet because they are eating fake salt.
  8. Man that sucks all around, but I'd be having a little discussion with the vet about communication and wondering if he/she was more interested in my money than my dogs well being.
  9. None whatsoever. They already know everything about me. If you carry a smartphone then you basically have given up any privacy argument.
  10. I just got the google one and it was ridiculously easy to set up and my speed and signal have been outstanding all over the house including the back porch and garage area. Costco had it on sale with 4 access points. Took me maybe 30 minutes to set it all up using the app. Not terribly configurable but I don't care about that. I just want it to work. I did a side by side comparison on my old router with my laptop and saw significant improvement in ping and downloads. Uploads was about the same.
  11. As someone who lives in an unincorporated area surrounded by Austin, there's nothing stopping them from incorporating us. I wonder why they don't? Maybe it's cheaper for them not to. Hmmmmm.
  12. My favorite scene is when the PM is looking for plumpy and the little girls ask him to sing a carol and he breaks into Good King Wencaslas and his body guard joins with this incredible baritone and he turns and looks at him in complete shock. I LMAO every time.
  13. Last update from me. I'm off quarantine today per my doctor I'm no longer contagious and I feel great. In my case the isolation was worse than the illness but I know that makes me lucky and I say if you can avoid getting it, do it. My wife still isn't 100% a month after getting it. She still have a cough and low energy but she's functioning and getting better each day. She lost her sweet tooth so that's probably good, but sucks for her.
  14. A very talented individual and Bat 21 doesn't get the credit it deserves in general. Jerry was fantastic.
  15. I agree about the time jumps. I know that's the cool thing these days, but it's a better story when told in a linear fashion and letting the story unfold naturally. The production is good and I mostly like the casting but the director made a bad choice to start half way through the story.
  16. Not true in any sense when I was in. They didn't give a fuck whether you voted or not.
  17. Good point. Yes you must meet certain risk factors to get this. In my case fat and asthmatic. Again credit to my doctor for initiating the process when I notified her of my positive test and early symptoms.
  18. I got a BAM infusion last Wednesday. Long appointment but pretty easy. I had pretty mild symptoms at the time (which is when you're supposed to get it) and I'm now on Day 8 since positive test and of onset of symptoms. I feel fine. I have a slight cough but it's hard to tell if that's just my usual asthma cough or Covid cough. I had my follow up Friday and doc said if I'm symptom free and feel ok I can leave quarantine on Thursday. I think the isolation is worse than the disease for me, but who knows how it would have progressed had I not gotten the antibodies. Props to my doc for doing the leg work to get me the infusion. If you do get this let your regular doctor know just in case there's something they can do for you. I'm glad I didn't have it as bad as my wife did, and I'm sure glad it's pretty much over for me. Interestingly they told me to wait at least 3 months to get the vaccine as the antibodies I received can possibly cause the effect to be reduced or even eliminated due to my immune system being supplemented by the antibodies.
  19. I've got it. Positive test. My wife gave it to me. She probably got it from visiting a nursing home. She had extreme fatigue, no appetite, and some intestinal issues but no breathing problems and fever only on the 2nd day of symptoms. She's fine now after 6 pretty rough days. My kids all tested negative but I came back positive even though we did a pretty good job of quarantining her I thought. Minor symptoms for me so far. Mild cough, some fatigue but nothing like her, and a low grade fever yesterday. I'm asthmatic so my doc is trying to get me approved for monoclonal antibodies. I'm isolating from the kids but all in all I don't feel too bad yet. I think I'm early in the process but I don't usually get too sick even when I get sick so I'm hoping my immune system will be up the task.
  20. I've had similar issues with Chase. Recently they upgraded my account because of my veteran status and I haven't had an issue since then. They held my daughters paycheck for 10 days one time and I had to call and bitch about it and they released the funds. It's bullshit.
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