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Royale with cheese

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Everything posted by Royale with cheese

  1. All (supremely justified) bitching aside, we'll be stuck with 7WS for '23 and probably '24. The only really good thing I can say at this point is that after the season is over I fully expect him to be forced to play the HC's old tried and true get-out-of-jail-free card, firing the coordinators. Obviously, there's only one coordinator to fire and God knows it's past time. Therefore, the silver lining to the season is that we should be getting rid of Quitakowski. Maybe the new DC will even know how to identify and recruit complementary talent and use the portal. So, be thankful for small blessings. I guess.
  2. I'm finally through gleefully pawing through a big box of horse shit expecting to find a pony. I salute those few here who are still optimistic and expect this to all turn out fine, but everyone has his tolerance limit and I've reached mine. I hope CDC reached his a while ago and has already begun preparing a short list of viable candidates--maybe not for after this year, but certainly after 2023. Or maybe the guy's already on campus, I don't know. What I do know is that this just isn't working out.
  3. Well, I'm goin' out west where I belongWhere the days are short and the nights are long
  4. Can you say Malik Jefferson? I knew you could. (Thinking about it, the Malik comparison might be a tad lofty.)
  5. Yep, without any thought. Kinda' like congressmen.
  6. Your monkey should be an independent contractor--you don't tell him what to charge; he doesn't tell you what to play.
  7. "Dark sunglasses, sharkskin suitStandin' in the broken glassOf East DubuqueOn a Sunday mornin'On a Sunday mornin'" Anybody?
  8. Well, duhh; they got Big Ed Bookman--probably more than one of 'em.
  9. W. C. Fields, when reproached by an old dowager for taking a surreptitious nip, famously said, "Snakebite remedy, madam; I always keep it handy. In case I'm bitten by a snake, which I also always keep handy." So, I guess theoretically there can be good things about snakebites. Not so sure QB shoulder injuries fall into that same category, risk/reward-wise.
  10. I've been waiting for Rojo to make a surprise throw out of that package. (And guess what?--We've got a tight end.) I figured that playing the No. 1 team close and needing a boost would be just the time to break that play out, 'cause if not then, what the hell are we saving it for? But what do I know? Wulaw beat me to it, I see.
  11. Seems relevant: "I don't throw with my stomach" - Sonny Jurgensen
  12. Campbell's really just whoring for the D-cell battery lobby. He's also carrying water for Dasani, along with whatever the hell else those pricks throw at us from the bleachers. Fuckabuncha those assholes .
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