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Everything posted by HornOnTheBayou

  1. I've got rain outside, Round About Midnight on the turntable, a good book to read, and a dog on my lap. Life is pretty good right now.
  2. But isn't she just the ugly step-sister of Troxclair? Obviously conservative, but can't say it too loud in Austin?
  3. Time to derail this thread with the Best Godfather Scene Discussion. I'll go ahead and post number one and y'all can debate second place. Pacino's facial expressions in this scene are just ... amazing. Some of the best acting ever.
  4. Well that was fun as hell.
  5. Is this @immamac's way of trying to get us to forget about the derka fiasco?
  6. Did you get his business card? I bet it had raised lettering, Silian Rail. Did it have a watermark?
  7. Really, five minutes? C'mon man, no one likes a braggart.
  8. It must be my teenager's taste rubbing off on me, but I kinda like some of the Travis Scott stuff. Now the prices are ridiculous and I'm a middle-aged white guy so I definitely won't buy any of it, but it's not too bad. When I first saw the link, I thought it would be much worse.
  9. Next year, all the sports that don't air on normal cable channels will be on ESPN+
  10. I've been avoiding this thread since I was behind, but now I'm caught up. Fantastic season, but I was hoping for a cameo by Freeman-san when the cops went up on the wire.
  11. So you're mad that the lower level didn't finish the job?
  12. Yep, ugly as sin. Although I would wear it if it had some sort of terrible Korean translation on it like "The First Rank School of the Province of Tejas" or something like that.
  13. As everyone else has said, this was definitely a mixed-bag episode. Covid and #metoo should have been done three years ago. Larry not wanting to confront somebody about their bad script, book, show, etc has been done plenty of times. But floor sex was one of the funniest things I've seen on Curb all season.
  14. Oh good. That should cover my Zach Eddy jersey (with tailoring, of course). I'm going to cut my hair and do a Gene Keady comb-over for good luck on Saturday.
  15. Hey @BigOrange1, do we know what the payouts are going to be? I'm gonna go ahead and start spending my winnings now since we know Purdue will beat UConn in the final.
  16. That's it. You are not invited to my The Animal watch party.
  17. I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou.
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