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Jerry Callo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jerry Callo

  1. My landline screens calls for me somehow. Every once in a while I notice the line blinking with an incoming call, but doesn't ring. I thought about getting me one of those new fangled cellular phones and getting rid of the landline.
  2. I can't believe that is Colin Farrell. That's incredible. Also, a Michael Kelly character should fit into Gotham City well.
  3. Jerry Callo

    Austin FC

    I would hate to see Gallagher in a almost pure defensive position like Zan has been in with this new formation. Gallagher has so much offensive benefit. Maybe instead of the right back playing up, it'll switch to the left. Gallagher and Fagu is a better combination than anyone and Rigoni.
  4. Maybe its not the atmosphere at all. Maybe Moff Gideon is using a planetary comm blocker.
  5. I don't know how you people keep up with all this stuff. I watched Star Wars in '77 at the movie theater and liked Grogu driving the robot and have seen a lot in between, but I have to google everydamnbody on the show to figure out how they fit into the big picture.
  6. Didn't even know that existed. Now that I looked, they even have extra tall. Extra tall, elongated toilet with a bidet for the win. You know you're getting old when you get excited about the prospect of upgrading the toilet.
  7. Williamson Central Appraisal District has the 2023 values online.
  8. Remember, Flatonia wagyu is pronounced with three syllables.
  9. Spring is here. Momma Texas slider laying today.
  10. HEB has picanha in the case - both choice and prime. Sometimes hard to find because the put the fat cap down. Yeah. I've had Helberg's version. Just keep forgetting to throw it on cabbage at home.
  11. *Kerry. And that is not an unreasonable take.
  12. Amazing episode with outstanding acting by the kids. What a great way to stage the season. First two episodes with the kids trying to work together (in their usual dysfunctional way). Third episode kids drawn closer together through tragedy. Rest of season is back to the clawing and backstabbing. The ultimate question - who wins in the end.
  13. I have some leftover chimichurri from yesterday's picanha. Thanks for the reminder to try on in slaw.
  14. Tetris was entertaining.
  15. Balcones had a smoke infused one called Brimstone. It was horrendous.
  16. I left my cart right by the driver's door.
  17. I hadn't planned on getting chili, but 20 minutes in line outside in the cold and rain sealed the deal.
  18. Stopped at Interstellar today. Got there about 10 minutes prior to opening and was eating around 11:45. They are not the most efficient joint. Moist brisket, pulled lamb shoulder, and jalapeno slaw for lunch. Great as always. Picked up a pound and a half of peach glazed pork belly burnt ends for Easter Sunday. Picked up two bowls of brisket chili for dinner tonight - probably the last good chili weather until fall.
  19. Did you wrap in the oven or just leave in the foil boat?
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