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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Just so long as you're super cool with anyone who isn't a white citizen being called "vermin" who are "poisoning the blood of our country," and the things that inevitably follow when the party espousing such rhetoric takes power. Are you super cool with that? No? You're not? YET.....you'll still support and empower the regime that says and does such things? Cool, cool.
  2. Nope. You still don't get what we are saying, even though we've said it directly and plainly. NO, we are not saying that "every Trump voter is horrible to other kids from whom they have nothing to gain." We are saying that every Trump voter is 1) happy and even eager to vote for a regime "that is horrible to other kids/kids/humans from 'out groups'", 2), not necessarily BECAUSE the Trump regime will do that evil, but 3) because they don't fucking care if the Trump regime is that evil so long as it delivers lower taxes or somesuch. "I don't support the Nazi plan to exterminate all the jews. But, I'm still voting for them [meaning that I'm going to empower them to pursue their plan to exterminate the jews] because they'll lower my taxes and get rid of a regulation or two." That's the exact ethos we're talking about. Stop being purposefully obtuse.
  3. Yep. And to capture the contrast, one of the most pleasant afternoons I have ever had was on a beautiful June day. We picked up some fresh strawberries and some beverages, and cruised around the Havel river with some German friends of ours on a pleasure cruise. Perfect day. People out boating and swimming. Kids laughing running around on deck. After, we stopped at a biergarten nearby for more beverages and a tasty lunch. We also cruised right by the house of the Wannsee Conference, where the Final Solution was agreed upon. The contrast is the point. Good German people. Beautiful setting, ordinary days. Unspeakable horror planned mere yards from where we relaxed. The banality of evil. Hannah Arendt captured it as brilliantly as it can be captured. Eichmann is a monster. Monsters don't scare me so much. Monsters can be hunted down and killed. It's the people who create, enable, empower, and protect the monster who are the bedrock of all systematic evil that comes to pass. They are who should terrify all thinking men.
  4. Then help me with your "understanding." You stand up for them as caring about their families, and having welcoming homes. How do they feel about their chosen candidate's stated desire to inflict pain, vengeance, and cruelty on any number of out groups (including anyone who doesn't pledge 100% unquestioning loyalty to him)? How do they feel about him and his team excusing and even supporting Putin's massacre of civilians in Bucha? How do they feel about his rhetoric fueling the mass shooting of minorities in El Paso, Buffalo, etc? How do they feel about he and his campaign openly patterning their planned regime on elements of the Third Reich? How do they feel about the Trump regime characterizing immigrants as "vermin" who are "poisoning the blood of our country," knowing that that EXACT verbiage has been the foundation, time and time again, for ethnic cleansing and violence against said "vermin?" Etc. etc. I. Don't. Fucking. Care. If you are nice and kind to YOUR kids. I care whether you are kind to OTHER kids, who aren't like you, who you have nothing to gain from, and who are from "out groups" even. That's the test of whether you are good or evil. Being nice to your own family is a red fucking herring. Again, literal mass-murdering Nazis cleared that bar, so it's not exactly a great moral flex. Are you okay with supporting a regime that will exact pain and cruelty on the other, and are you okay with that because "hey, fuck it, I'm not 'the other,' so I don't care?"
  5. Yet you do nothing but cover for them. "I don't support Trump, I just support all the people who support Trump" doesn't come across as particularly sympathetic or helpful to humanity.
  6. And a whole lot of this. Fucking seriously. "Well, he's rich! He must know everything about everything!" is fucking poison, and our society drinks it by the gallon.
  7. I am indeed comparing them to Nazis. You're just too stupid/dishonest to accept that the definition of "Nazis" includes both "evil anti-semites who seized power and fulfilled their dream of exterminating jews" AND "people who voted for/empowered those guys to fulfill that dream because hey, my personal financial or other situation might be somewhat better under the Nazis, and what do I care about the jews, I'm not jewish"....and everything in between. It's not hyperbole to say that the horrors of the Nazis wouldn't have happened without "ordinary" Germans who 1) didn't have any burning hatred for jews, gypsies, or undesirables, but 2) were okay with looking the other way while the horror unfolded. Trump voters are America's "ordinary Germans." And a lot of the "in between," too, because a shitload of them make very plain and open their contempt for "the other" and their open desire to make "the other suffer." "HE'S HURTING THE WRONG PEOPLE!" Trumpism in a nutshell. In horrific times, reality seems like hyperbole. You're either willfully ignorant, or happy with the horror show because you want it to happen. Personally, I've quit caring which one it is: either one makes you a piece of shit.
  8. Tell them a lie they want to believe, and it becomes the truth in MAGA land. It's not any more complicated than that.
  9. Odds are also good that he celebrated June by sucking even more dick than normal. Because these dudes are always closeted cock gobblers. ALWAYS. NTTAWWT (the cock-gobbling part, at least. The "self-hating closeted" part, yeah, that part is shitty).
  10. Yeah. That's a special kind of evil. And it deserves a special kind of response. If you don't hate the police, you have not been paying any attention, ever.
  11. Except they wouldn't. Well, if they knew what I really thought about some things, maybe they would. But there's another layer there - in his position, I wouldn't fucking spout off as if I was an expert on all that shit. That's the point. He's found himself in a position of outsized power. So, his words matter a whole, whole, whole lot. A decent human being with any sense of judgment would take that into account. Elon? He's let that power go to his head, he believes his own bullshit, and he spouts off as if he was the expert on literally everything because he CAN, and because a large cadre of morons will listen and worship him. He's a weak, pathetic man. I have many flaws. But give me Elon money, and that wouldn't be one of them. The Dutch might. Can't trust those shifty wooden shoe-wearing motherfuckers. Sinister underbelly of Europe, I say.
  12. Wait....because I think that all human beings, including and ESPECIALLY people not in "my group" should be treated humanely and with genuine empathy....that's makes me like....Stalin? Thanks for making my point. I don't hold anyone in contempt for what they are, or are not. I hold them in contempt for what they do, and for what they will go along with/are okay with being done to others. Yes, I think that people who are okay with treating hispanics as sub-human, and are happy when they die in the Rio Grande, are fucking awful humans. Assholes like you use the word "tolerance" as a weapon to enable cruelty. You argue as if "tolerance" is a moral precept. It is not. It is a compact, a treaty. Those who will harm others, or enable harm of others, have opted OUT of that compact, and they do not deserve its protection. That's how treaties and compacts work.
  13. Sure they are. They have enough socialization not to say the quiet part out loud. But if a future Trump presidency set up .50 cals at the Rio Grande and mowed down thousands of brown people, they would be okay with it. Or they at least wouldn't be "not okay" with it. Read a history book. The Nazis and the Holocaust didn't happen only because of evil schemers who were anti-jew to their core. Nope. The Nazis and the holocaust couldn't have happened without millions of "ordinary" Germans who maybe didn't have any great hatred for jews, didn't have any particular desire to see jews murdered or persecuted....but they were okay with it happening, and were gonna go along with things because "hey, it's happening to them, not me." That's my point. That was Hannah Arendt's point. That's how hell on earth happens. Not because of a small cadre of demons. No. It's because of millions of people who are okay with demons doing demon things, so long as it's to "them," and not to "me and mine." A lack of human empathy. THAT is evil. People like you will defend and excuse this behavior all the way to and through the camps belching the smoke of burning bodies into the air. That is EXACTLY what happened before. And that is exactly the path you're following now. The hell of it is, you somehow think you and yours are different than those good, ordinary Germans. You're not. You're exactly the fucking same.
  14. Correct. He's worse than that. Because he's a little smart, about some things. But he's not smart enough to realize how dumb he is. He foolishly thinks he's a super brain genius about literally everything. Which makes him really, really dumb. Kind of like how some of the dumbest people I've ever known have been, for example, heart surgeons. They're a genius in the operating room, know their specialty perfectly. AND....because they figured THAT out, they think that they're brilliant at everything else. So guys like me end up coming along to help clean up the horrific messes they made of their businesses, families, hospitals, car crashes, plane crashes, etc., all because they thought "I'm super smart about A, therefore I'm a super brain genius about B, C, D, E, F, G....LMNOP." The post above is Elon spouting off about fucking warfare. And taking the simplistic view of "ya got the most drones, the war is over, you won." I must have missed his degree from a service academy, his decades of combat experience, his experience in wargaming asymmetrical warfare, his training from the National War College, etc. etc. etc. Elon knows fuck about war. Shit, there are easily dozens of posters on this site who are more qualified and intelligent about warfare than Elon (and this site is a bunch of assholes and idiots). But not only does he offer opinions (hey, we all do, that's life), he offers them as a fucking end-all, be-all authority, and is treated as such by drooling fanbois. But, he thinks and says out loud that minorities are everything wrong with the world, so he's beloved by....a certain crowd. And that's that.
  15. blah blah blah -- hero got to go home safely to his family, and that's what matters here. How DARE you peons question how our heroes protect themselves. THEIR lives are all that matter. Nothing else does. When will y'all get this? That's just solid policing right there. These fellas are straight shooters, with "future chief" written all over them.
  16. Yes, I will confess, I do find his views that non-white people are inherently inferior just a tad repugnant. You got me there. But I've thought he was an absurd POS long before he became a darling of Ian Miles Cheong. Again. Ian. Fucking. Miles. Cheong. You are on THAT team. You find yourself palling around with THAT. And you think your takes on anyone else's politics should even move the needle. That is fucking comical. Yet....he is. In a time of utter stupidity, where insanity and idiocy are mischaracterized as nebulous "disruptiveness," money flocks to that stupidity. For centuries, plenty of people have made fortunes on incredibly stupid things, led by incredibly stupid people. Congratulations to them. Congratulations to the rich. That makes them rich. It doesn't make them smart, unless your sole metric of "smart" is "got rich."
  17. I do. I do indeed. Most every person who we can look back on and easily categorize as "flat out fucking evil" were also the types who would "give up their lives in a second for those they love," and generally had a household "full of warmth and love." Yep. The people who planned, built, and operated the Nazi machinery of death, for example, mostly fit that description. Loving yourself and yours? Cool. How do you feel about OTHER human beings, who aren't part of your "in group?" If you're okay with them suffering immensely -- in fact, you even fucking CHEER FOR IT (that's what MAGAs do) -- then sorry, you're fucking evil. That's the whole fucking problem here. Stop excusing evil people because they are nice to their kids and shit.
  18. The phrase "stupid money" exists for a reason. Equating dollars with intelligence is something that, well, 12 yr old Brisket might have done.
  19. Yeah, that shit is sexy as HELL.
  20. Goddamn....I must have eaten eleven billion meals at the Triple C over the years. My grandparents are buried in the Bigfoot Cemetery down the road. Love the Triple C. It's a good S. Texas joint. IIRC, good tex mex, cfs, cheap steaks, good burger.
  21. Yep. Penn State should have been burned to the ground when the Sandusky/Paterno shit came out. But they didn't care. And they won't care now. The PSU football coach could sacrifice a baby on the 50 yard line during a game, eat its still-beating heart, and the PSU faithful would find a way to look right past it. Shitty program, shitty university, shitty state, shitty people. It's all shit, all the way down.
  22. Y'all buckle up for the Saudis getting involved in CFB. It's just a matter of time.
  23. Every "brilliant observation" Elon says sounds like something that could have come out of the mouth of 12 yr old Brisket. I mean damned near verbatim. I had all those sort of half-baked thoughts that someone who has managed to read a few books or articles on a subject so that he knows something....but he's not wise and aware enough to know that also means that there's 95% of the relevant info and experience that he DOESN'T have. "Man, bottom line, whoever has more tanks in a war will win!" "Chicks dig The Police, if I just play their music all the time, babes will fall into my lap!" If you programmed a computer to spit out "what would a sophomoric 12 yr old, with a decent IQ but no real-world experience and much more limited reading/digestion of actual source material than he thinks he has, say?", it would spit out Elon quotes from today. There are few things in this world more stupid than a woefully underinformed person who thinks they're smart. Fortunately, most of us outgrow our sophomoric, 12 yr old idiocy. Elon has, instead, made his idiocy the ideal. And his woefully underinformed, sophomoric fanbois worship him for it.
  24. He has never cared about any other human, ever. Which is why it is so jaw-dropping to hear dumbasses like our Lt. Gov go up to NY and say shit like this: In human history, very few statements have been made that are as false as that one. It's not that Trump is in it for Trump first. It's that he's in it for Trump only. He would shoot a baby in face -- shit, his own children -- if he thought it would give him even incrementally more power and adoration. He is pure id, nothing more.
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