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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Really damned sorry to hear this. Love to you, and Joe, and your family. Sounds like he lived life as a rich man in what matters, and that counts for a whole lot. It also makes his loss suck that much more. I wish you peace. The third anniversary of my mother’s death from lung cancer was this past Wednesday. The rough edges get sanded down over time, but they never fully go away.
  2. It’s already happened. We live in their new paradigm - it only takes one party shitting in the punchbowl of society to turn it into shit punch, and that has happened. Might as well play to win now.
  3. I love Germany. Never would have expected that, but there you are. Its great. And yeah, I dig the grub and beer.
  4. About to board a flight to OKC. If there was a women’s store called “Large N Frumpy,” most of its catalog models would be on this flight. Geez.
  5. Actually, the “back-in park” directive doesn’t come from a concept of “parking that way is safer to do” - it comes from a “in the event of a calamity and need to evacuate, it’s faster to do so if you’re already pointing towards the exit.” As was explained to me by site safety directors. I’ve driven a big truck, I’ve driven a sedan, I’ve driven an SUV. They are all easier to park nose-in. Because you are going forward. I can back-in park fine, but rarely do so because it takes more time in total, unless you’ve got a great straight shot into the space. And I’m pretty good at it…90% of the people I observe doing it…are not. So I regularly have to wait while they manage a minute-long 17-point maneuver.
  6. Oh, the relationship is over. What I’m less willing to do is dox myself. Because I don’t know if you’ve noticed, republicans are murdery and get a free pass for it from our governor.
  7. If I lived across the street from him, he’d long for the days of a simple “Fuck Trump” sign. I’d have a rotating electronic display calling Alito a piece of shit and traitor in 1000 different ways. Traitors deserve unrelenting psychological torture. He helped kill rules and decorum, he doesn’t get to invoke them anymore. FAFO, Alito.
  8. We have known each other for a long time. From before he went off the deep end.
  9. When privileged, entitled white fellas get taken down by small-dicked cops, well…that’s how we KNOW shit has gotten out of hand.
  10. The choice is “raise the black flag and start splitting throats.” The MTG’s of this world need to be attacked. Brutally, mercilessly, and relentlessly. She needs to be hated, mocked, and taunted in every aspect of her life, at every waking moment, driving her to insanity or suicide. They don’t follow rules and norms. We shouldn’t either. It’s stupid to box under Marquess of Queensberry rules when your opponent is swinging a folding chair. The better move is to metaphorically swing a nail-studded baseball bat back at her, and anyone who supports her. And slash her tires. And burn her house down. And salt her fields. Do not stop until she is crushed and defeated. Then keep going and desecrate the corpse. These are the rules now. Play by them.
  11. Should I share our private text messages from Jan 6, as the traitors were actively attacking Congress? And then a few more from the following days? The texts where he said things like “we have to sever from Trump entirely,” and “we became a cult of Trump” and “I agree he is a danger?” And there’s more. Lots more. Because Republicans are all lying hypocrites.
  12. Every one of those posts/facts is not a negative, it’s a POSITIVE for the Fatties of the world. The more racist and lawless, the better…because THAT shit puts libs in their place. That place being “you are allowed to live only at the pleasure and discretion of the Regime. Be grateful for what you have, including your life, and pray we don’t decide to take it away.”
  13. The SS Nicole will be under special scrutiny.
  14. I just like that these guys are a-ok with the precedent of “murders of those not favored by the regime will not face consequences.” Will they still be ok with it in blue states? Do they think “yes, that’s a good way to govern?” I’d like an answer to those questions. We won’t get any such answers, of course, because the Fatties of the world are intellectually dishonest cowards, but you know, thought I’d ask.
  15. Texas schools receive billions in federal funding. Texas highways receive billions in federal funding.
  16. Bingo. It’s why this path isn’t just homicidal, it’s suicidal. Which makes it breathtakingly stupid, but we are SO committed to “breathtakingly stupid” we might as well stamp it on our coinage.
  17. Correct. The die has been cast, the precedent has been firmly established. Kill for the regime, be protected and rewarded.
  18. You combat it with violence. That’s how these things end. When one side insists on inflicting and normalizing violence (and that’s EXACTLY what this pardon does: it says that violence in furtherance of the regime’s favored causes is ok), then eventually…violence becomes fully normalized as the means to accomplish…everything. This is how they want it. It’s a stupid thing to want, they will end up being just as victimized by it as those they currently hate, but they’ve chosen it. Once that path is committed - and trust me, we are fully committed to it - then it ends in blood. A lot of it. I’m just hoping that I can finish making my money and GTFO before it gets me or one of mine. But I sure as shit don’t want either of my kids ever to come back here.
  19. 2 3 1 4 But I gotta say I have some reservations about my #4. She could be the "type" who deserves a #1 spot.
  20. As an aging male, this hits a bit too close to home.
  21. Correct. The message has been sent, loud and clear.
  22. Awww bullshit....don't be telling me you don't want to join THIS cocktail party: And when you've had your fill of beverages served up by one of these saucy minxes, don't worry, relief is just around the corner.... Don't lie to us. We've known you for too long.
  23. Bingo. To MAGA, there is no difference between a n---er and a n---er-lover. They both deserve to be perforated for defying the MAGA way. The dumbest thing is all those Republicans who think they are MAGA, but they're really just idiots who are waiting for the day that the top MAGAs declare them RINOs who are insufficiently MAGA, so those apostates need to die. It's like these fucking idiots can't even thumb through the "authoritarian states for dummies" handbook.
  24. Not really. Jokes should be funny. The fact that we have completed our journey to become a full-on fascist state where the state can allow you to be murdered if it pleases the regime isn't funny. This shit stopped being funny a good while back. It's full-on dystopian now. And what makes it even worse is that the fucking idiots who keep voting for this 1) think that they will continue to be part of the "favored class," so why should they worry?....when 2) they are too dumb to read the REST of the history books on regimes like these, which contain the pages where the regime eventually turns on and kills its own. Once you have decided the regime should be allowed to have whoever it wants killed, then the only question as to the regime coming for you/someone you care about is one of timing.
  25. But.....but....I've been saving my rep points up like they was green stamps! Are you telling me that my rep points can't be redeemed for a panoply of fine consumer products?????? Then....FUCK....I have a sad.
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