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Degenerate Gardner

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Everything posted by Degenerate Gardner

  1. You’d think the last thing that guy would want to see in his free time is more kids.
  2. Sorry if this has already been discussed somewhere in the preceding BWG word salad, but when does Sims decide?
  3. You’ve had lots of solid suggestions already. I’d add that you’re relatively close to Yosemite in Sacramento. If you or your bride haven’t seen Yosemite, it could be worth the slight detour. Tourists will be lighter that time of the year and the Ahwahnee Hotel is a magical place. Crater Lake is a worthwhile detour as stated though at that elevation you could see October snow. I don’t know what might be open for you in terms of lodging.The 33 mile rim drive circling the crater has lots of spots to get out and look, and if you want to stretch your legs, it’s a short jaunt down a trail to the shore. MOPOP museum in Seattle is cool too. Another option would be to end in Vancouver/Victoria. It’s like a whole ‘nuther country up there!
  4. Are there no tapes of him against varsity opponents? I keed. Hook'em
  5. Not even Hempstead is safe on 420. What a world.
  6. This has been one hell of a week. The portal = chaos but it sure does make college basketball more exciting in April.
  7. Mass shootings are a plague of the mind. The seed was planted a while back largely thanks to our Tower shooter and it lays dormant until the conditions are right in a wrong mind. It doesn't help that we keep sewing and reaping either. I think we need to collectively treat mass shootings like suicides that similarly spread through a culture: as lurid as they are, manage reporting so that shooters aren't rewarded with infamy. Not easy but clearly many changes are needed to our status quo.
  8. No surprise there. Many of the same self-identify as Christians who utterly disregard the gist of Christ’s message.
  9. As much as I hate cell phones, everyone carrying a camera has some real upside. Sure we’ve been rendered more shallow, vain and easily distracted as a people, but at least the unvarnished everyday suffering of black folks has been put on blast. That is a real and profoundly meaningful good.
  10. He’s damn lucky that those folks are peacefully assembling out front. I’m enraged. Goddamn I am sickened by what that young man experienced.
  11. A 13 inch glass glow in the dark unicorn bong
  12. Truth. This is one of those rare cases where Herve Villechaize would have beaten DiCaprio for a role.
  13. It’s like Carol Burnett had a British show. Very physical comedy My wife was an actress when I met her. I sat through MANY of these moments in the audience. Only once did I crack after profusely drinking sake with a friend before watching her 6 Degrees of Separation show in Walnut Creek, CA. It’s the only time I’ve been shooshed since marrying. I wish.
  14. Good stuff. I particularly liked the Inception-like moment at 5:00 when Al Franken played a senator asking for advice about how to best creep on women.
  15. Inflaming the Passions of Idiots is quite the industry. Jailing the idiots is swell but I wish we’d discourage the inflamers more effectively.
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