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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. “i’m sorry, but you have no coverage for your house being burned down…” But there is no exclusion for volcanoes in the policy - I checked!!! “Sir, if you look at paragraph 27…right after “wood boring insects or termites”, it says ‘magma related events’ ”
  2. Yup. I had a lab/golden retriever mix pup who was a big boy - over 100 pounds. There was a freeze event and the “take your pets inside” announcement one day, and so when I got up at night to let him out, I stood there so we could pee and come back inside. He was a good dog, and always obeyed commands, but there was no force on earth that would make him come back inside. He simply ignored me. I checked on him an hour later. it was sleeting, and he was standing in the middle of the yard with his face toward the sleet, happy as he could be. He had a doghouse he could go to, but no go.
  3. First, you make a roux….
  4. ????? Everyone on Surly thinks that they are all involved in really hot shit.
  5. Anyone who is bored can build my MacGyver ‘d outside water inlet insulator, heater gadget. It uses a reptile terrarium heat lamp stuck in an old throwaway ice cooler. The pix will show the outside temperature in the low 20s but somewhere in the 40s in the middle of the box near the faucet. 37 degrees where the box met the bricks
  6. What kind of sick bastard puts a dog head in the oven?
  7. if he is reelected, he will assemble one or more private armies. I’m sure leading his private army will be many of the assholes who were convicted for January 6. Historically, you could eventually get the police and the Wehrmacht to do terrible crimes against humanity, but usually there were SS troops teaching, threatening and cajoling the others to do what they knew was wrong, until it became something they had less problem with - whether through fear, self preservation or a temporary mental paralysis/numbness that overcame their moral upbringing. I think Trump most definitely would pardon them….so they will gratefully then do his bidding.
  8. I eagerly await the photo of Mike and his My Pillow living under the overpass. New Business loan coming in two weeks.
  9. Simple gernblasten. I’m an idiot who read your last line wrong - or not at all. I’ll let myself out…
  10. This is a vast exaggeration. OJ put most of his wealth in real estate - the house where he lives somewhere in Florida. No matter how much your house is worth it is exempt from seizure in Florida. So whether you’re trying to collect 133 million or $133, you can’t sell a persons home in Florida - no matter how expensive - to pay off the judgment. And no matter how rich you are, or how much you have in ERISA 401k retirement accounts, no creditors, other than the IRS, can normally seize an ERISA account. Those protections apply to everyone no matter how much money they have. Now, you can do creative things using trust accounts if you are rich that poor people cannot do. They can move a ton of money from savings accounts and investment accounts to a trust - and then they no longer own that money. Because they do longer on the money you can’t seize it. Timing and intent determine if you can get away with it. My lawyer knowledge is bankruptcy light, so somebody else feel free to explain it far better than I did.
  11. Linda Tripp is eternal man….
  12. I suggest coming up with at allegedly “new” biblical sexual position. We call it the “Woke Position”, and suggest that everyone download the video of the type of sex NOT to do if you want to be a good Christian and get to Heaven. And good Christians will need to buy the video to know what not to do…unless you aren’t a good Christian Lady. We can get an endorsement from the speaker of the house and his son. “We downloaded the woke video and watched it, but monitored each other to make sure that we only watched that one time to know not to watch it again”
  13. Oddly, women, as a gender demographic are way over- represented in embezzlers. My personal belief is that the customary practice of paying women less than men leads to women deciding to independently correct that problem. Pretty soon that thrill of having new nice things takes over.
  14. Normally people might not admire murdering scum, but if you think back to Bonnie and Clyde and Dillinger, a large portion of the country had been screwed over by the man in the form of banks, and such, and we’re totally happy to see as heroes some really wretched individuals who murdered cops execution style after they gave up their weapons. ‘Cause, ‘Murkins! That Support Robin Hood against The Man mindset is a long tradition. I saw George Wallace give a stump speech in rural Florida, where he railed against the “pointy headed intellectuals who think they are better than us”. People think of him as just a nut-job deep south racist, but in 1968 he won the Michigan primary. His slogan, “Stand Up For America”, meant “Keep Other People Down…For America”. He was a proto-MAGA.
  15. ….but the footprints in the snow around the judges house. It was either the cloven hoofed pig from Amityville Horror….or MTG.
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