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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. I was going to vote, but you have to register for an NFL account. Fuck that
  2. Face on the upper sideline s $300
  3. Since the Joint Resolution Annexing Texas allowed the formation of up to four new states, maybe we should do that. Each of the metropolitan areas of Houston, Dallas-Ft Worth, Austin, and San Antonio can break away and form their own state. Let the rest of Texas become a fascist pseudo theocratic dictatorship if that’s what they want.
  4. Then you wouldn't want to use your fastball, you would want to use something off speed
  5. Yeah, the proper response would be to nail the batter with a fastball the next time he bats
  6. I switched to OD when I saw that WK lost their QB
  7. I bet you’ve had some bad experiences eating pussy
  8. Maybe if their fucking app functioned like like it was fucking supposed to I wouldn't have had to call their fucking ticket office and talk to a real live moron. I'm sorry that my being old made their fucking app not function.
  9. I fucking hate that I have do this shit. I had to call the fucking Cowboy ticket office to get my Ticketmaster account fucking linked to their goddamn app for the Big12 CCG. Now I have to do this shit all over again. After we kick UDub’s ass, I’m sure I’m going to have to download the fucking Texans app to go the the championship game. Fuck your fucking app.
  10. My little buttercup is his nickname for his wife, obviously, and apparently, she gives a mean BJ.
  11. Why are you looking at the ass of the guy sitting next to you?
  12. That episode actually sort of had the feel of the original show
  13. Frankly, I think Washington is the worst team in the CFP. We are going to kick their ass, and I hope all of their douchebag fans get their pockets picked on Bourbon Street after the game
  14. I’d be willing to engage with her in private
  15. I’m serious that I want to be young and handsome
  16. I predict that we will see a head coach/AD move the entire football program to a new school that promises to build a new stadium
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