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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. So he’s going to be South Dakota’s next Senator?
  2. It should be an act of war for any country to knowingly harbor these groups.
  3. There is a difference between unbuttoned jeans as a choice and unbuttoned jeans because your fupa/gunt is to big to button them
  4. I don’t give a shit whether or not the Horns ever cover the spread because I don’t bet with my heart. I don’t care if we get a one point win over the worst team in football. As long as the number on the left goes up by one every week and the number on the right is zero I’m going to be happy. If that doesn’t make you happy, then you probably need to get laid
  5. It's not bad enough that Christmas decorations are out a month before Halloween, but now we have to discuss this vile substance for the next three months.
  6. Well that's exactly the kind of person we want attending our games, people who don't give a shit about the game, kind of like our team the last 10 years.
  7. If he didn't have to deal with all of these bitches petty shit, maybe he would have time to turn down the volume on the Godzillatron, find some decent music, and fire Bob Cole. You pussy's quit sending him messages for a week, and let's see him get some shit done.
  8. There's probably a museum that would love to have that
  9. Maybe it's time for an official embassy in Taiwan with a named Ambassador
  10. I hate to pick nits, but if you're going to use those ratios to make calculations, then you should at least get your basic math correct.
  11. That was the first year we had our current season tickets and the first Longhorn game I ever saw in person Found video of the catch at the 2:27 mark
  12. Have we ever had a game thread that continued through the next game?
  13. What if they started winning when he fucked off to Key West?
  14. Just have the stadium toilets flush directly onto the field. Water and fertilizer all at once.
  15. Laugh if you will, but a well-made, and acted, movie about people and their relationships is a nice change from a bunch of men in tights and a cape throwing buildings around or endless car chases and heads exploding.
  16. Reverse mortgages don’t work if you have negative equity in your house
  17. Robert Rodriguez’s Desperado. I had forgotten what a babe Selma Hayek was back in the day.
  18. If he is so proud to be a UT alum, then why is he trying so hard to dismantle everything that makes it great? Fuck all of the douchebag politicians jumping on the Longhorn bandwagon to pander for votes.
  19. If you want to get technical about it, the real ut is The University of Tampa.
  20. If they fire Jimbo after this season, they would owe him $19.2 million within 60 days and $7.2 million annually through 2031. Any coach they hire will probably have a buyout they will need to fund. Let's say that's maybe $5 million. Then, they will have to pay the new coach maybe $9 million annually. So that will end up being around $24.2 million immediately and a $16.2 million payout annually. That's a big load of jizz to swallow, even for aggy.
  21. Is that like Where’s Waldo only you have to find where it says “Upper Management” on him?
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