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  1. So, WTF is the deal with this guy? Here's my understanding (and there's a good chance that I'm uninformed): He was getting some Chinese pussy. The FBI contacted him and said "dude, she's a honeypot", so he quit fucking her and cooperated with the FBI. Is there more to the story than this? He's a favorite whipping boy by the likes of Sporkfoot and Don Jr. Meanwhile, Swalwell's twitter game is pretty solid.
  2. i'm just sitting here thinking about how TJ Ford used to always say (before we fired rick barnes) that his post-basketball dream was to get his degree from UT so that he could join Coach Barnes's staff at Texas. as if he's not qualified to be a basketball coach right now, but if he can go get some PE and Science credits from UT, *then* he can be eligible to work that job. so, so, so many talented and capable people are literally ineligible to work jobs that they could *master* because they didn't go to/finish college, something that millions of fat, drunken, dumbass retards have done for decades and continue to do. are we ever going to stop following this totally illogical practice, and if so, when?
  3. Everyone blaming DAK. COWTURD: Time for Cowboys to 'make calls' for Dak Prescott, Bills lack offensive identity Also Can't trade without his consent.. DAK Contract Plus not sure how the dead money works, if Cowboys were to trade DAK...
  4. I'm a born-and-raised Texan. I'm a truck driver. I love my pickup. They have also become completely obnoxious imo over the past decade. They've ballooned in cost. They've ballooned in size. And they are more popular than ever. Yet according to this Axios article (https://www.axios.com/ford-pickup-trucks-history), it's overkill for the vast majority of people. What's going on? I feel like I've noticed an insane about of F-250 Super Duty trucks that look right off the showroom floor. Full disclosure: I drive a 10-year old "midside" truck (compared with modern trucks, it's tiny) with small bed and four-door cab. I do occasional hauling, but it's mostly for errands. I think a lot about just getting a car, but the truck comes in so ridiculously handy when I do need to haul something.
  5. Metroplex actually: https://www.cbsnews.com/dfw/news/prostitution-ring-bust/ Out of an area as populated as the Metroplex I’m not sure how this is a big blow to sex trafficking. Apparently no sex traffickers, pimps or prostitutes were involved.
  6. What Finland is doing makes so much sense: https://www.msnbc.com/ali-velshi/watch/view-from-finland-misinformation-fight-begins-with-education-161183301578
  7. Really surprised we aren't talking about Small Government Republicans in Louisiana. https://www.pcmag.com/news/louisiana-law-requires-id-to-view-porn You can either use the app provided by the State of Louisiana (which then knows you've been looking at porn), or you can use other means setup by the websites, which, yeah, do you really want to be giving porn websites copies of your IDs, education, mortgage, employment, tc.
  8. It can be called The Lone Star Bowl sponsored by Dell or the Keep Austin Weird Bowl. Austin has the stadium, the hotels, the entertainment venues and the fans willing to support it. I know some will say we have too many bowls already, but with the increased number of FBS football schools, teams will be available. Just an idea.
  9. As some of y'all may have seen elsewhere, Major (our Doberman of 8+ years) passed away around 1-1/2 months ago due to Cancer. Gut wrenching, of course. The 1st dog my kids ever had as "theirs" (my Mom had a German Shedder that was located @ her house; Otis passed on close to 6 years ago). Anyway. Yesterday, we got another Doberman. Say "hi" to Bruno. $ 300.00 got us the dog, a collar, + 1 "King Size" bag of Pedigree. Mature size, juvenile in age (somewhere between 10 months & 1 year, I think). This was my wife's idea & she was really missing Major, so that explains her emotional situation on going for another Dobie so soon. This one isn't the "black & tan" variety, Bruno is the "Red & Rust" version. We visited with Bruno @ his South Austin home last Sunday & after some apprehension on his part, he warmed up what seemed to be enough & he played with me, my teenaged kids, etc Monster is almost 16 & Roxette is closing in on 18). All seemed to be OK. Yesterday, we picked him up & brought Bruno out to Drip. Hilarity did NOT ensue. We have 3 Corgis; Tater Tot (Rascal) is the cutest evarrr fuzzball pup of around 2 months old, Rory is approx. 1 year & Scout is 2 years. Both "adult" Corgis took an instant dislike & Bruno was violently aggressive towards Rascal (pup). Bruno has apparently NOT been trained to not jump up / put his feet on you, etc. & 3x when someone had his back to him, he went near 45 deg. angle to the human & was either trying to assert dominance or going for the "play" posture (not either of these moves to a human in an overly aggressive way). After Bruno was here around 1 hour, Roxette returned after having been to the high school to do maintenance for her sheep (4H type show sheep) & Bruno apparently smelled something of interest & was very VERY aggressive to her. Everything was a mess... none of the canines settled down (other than Rascal... he's still oblivious @ that age) & we had to separate them overnight by a distance of around 6 feet from the living room to the kennel we have Bruno in. This is not working out We contacted the people in South Austin that we got him from & they are refusing to take him back. Less than 18 hours after we brought him to Drip. THEM: We already spent the money & gave away all of his stuff that we still had. US: We can work on the $$ later - for now, you have to take him back. We will even give you the bed & some rawhides we picked up @ PetCo. THEM: Nope, that's your issues. Hard refuse. US: Let's be reasonable here - this isn't working out. (re-describe issues that have come up) THEM: Nope. - - - - - - - Discuss, Shag.
  10. If you haven’t signed up for the ChatGPT AI tool, you’re missing out. It can do most of your job for you or it can do this:
  11. Lotsa douchebags (think Kardashians who go to the gym alot) in the fitness community, and the YouTube algorithms seem know I'm one of them. Algo's pushed this guy on my last winter. A Texan (sorry) who owns a supplement company that focuses on dehydrated organ meat. On his YouTube he espouses "ancestral tenants" like sleep alot, train alot and stay away from EM radiation. Do all that, and you can look like him. Other fitness DB's called him out from the start, "You can't look like that at 45! COME ON!" Even Surly-hated Joe Rogan hates him. Well one of his enablers squealed and leaked emails where he detailed the PED's he takes (alot of them). A bit surprising he didn't just deny it; emails can be faked and everyone is a liar. It's my version of trash TV. Dude's SO transparent, you can't believe anything he says. He's the physical embodyment of the inflation-driven meme culture we've been in since 2020. He's the FTX of internet fame. And I can't stop watching.
  12. WISE COUNTY (CBSDFW.COM) — A two-day search in rural Wise County amid cold temperatures led to the discovery of Athena Strand's body. The 7-year-old was first reported missing from her father's home on Nov. 30. At about 8:00 p.m. on Dec. 2, 2022, Sheriff Lane Akin said her body was found about 9 miles away from her home, southeast of Boyd. Police said that the contract driver of a FedEx truck abducted Athena and that she likely died within an hour based on digital evidence and on a confession. The driver was named as Tanner Lynn Horner, 31. He is being held at the Wise County Jail on charges of capital murder and aggravated kidnapping. His bond has been set at $1.5 million. Sheriff Akin said that at about the time Athena went missing, Horner dropped off a package at the home. She was probably abducted from her driveway, about 200 yards away from the house. According to the Sheriff, Horner gave detectives at least two false locations - including an area of CR 4599 that was taped off by police on Friday afternoon - before leading them to Athena's body. There was no information about a possible motive, but authorities said Horner did not know Athena or her family. Earlier this week, Wise County Sheriff Lane Akin said they believe Athena likely ran away but did not rule out foul play. "It could be any number of things and we're looking at all those possibilities." The Wise County Sheriff's Office said they received a call from her stepmother reporting her missing after the two had an argument while her father was not home. Police said she spent "about an hour" looking for her before contacting the sheriff's office. An Amber Alert was issued for Athena on Thursday and several hundred volunteers came out to Wise County to aid in the search.
  13. It is a dilemma, that once was pushed to the rear. Just a few years ago Racist jokes told at the country club were always preceded by a fervent look around, a lean forward, and a lowered voice. Now those jokes are told loudly and laughingly by the same folks that whispered the same jokes a few short years ago. But Trump changed all that, only because the GOP simply cannot and will not reject the racists in their party. Trump elevated the racist wing of the party, and danced with the devil when he said "good people on both sides" when referring to Nazis and White Supremacists. Most importantly there was almost no pushback at all from the rest of the party. You see... they know exactly who their most loyal voters are. Now let me be especially clear here. I am not saying that all Republicans are racist. What I am saying is that most racists are Republican, and they are necessary for Republicans to win elected office and certainly to ever have a shot at the Presidency. But the demographics are changing. And the future does not look very bright for a party that is nearly universally white at the Federal level, and whose values are simply not held by the younger generations that are beginning to vote more. The fact that young turnout has increased is a terrible indicator for Republicans. That is what you see the attacks on education, and the "brainwashing and indoctrination" of young college students. As if this silliness is a rationalization for young people turning away from a party that embrace racists as an electoral necessity. Now do I think a lot of the GOP wishes that they did not need the racist vote. But, the fact of the matter is they do. And that fact prevents the GOP from strong rejections of racism. Here is a good snapshot of the Republican reaction to Trump calling Nazis and White Supremacists "good people." I will also say that George W. Bush tried to get the party to lean away from racism. But even Bush needed the racists to win his Presidency with a minority of the votes. So the GOP is simply caught between a rock and a hard place. Denounce the racists and you risk not even achieving the narrow victories in Presidential races. But the voting population is changing and gradually getting younger. This is not to say that the Trump years have not helped spawn more you racists, because I believe that it has. But the problem is still the same, younger people are simply not as racist. The GOP could rid itself of the racist fairly easily simply by universally and strongly denying even a glimmer of support for the racist wing of the party! But what about the upcoming election they muse... So they are stuck. They can't grow their base. They have restricted voting access about as much as they can. They have gerrymandered extremely well in the states they control. And very narrow victories at the national level are still possible without the majority of the vote. But that very narrow window is closing. And I personally don't see how the party can move away from the racist base at this point. I think that the GOP could get back to having a platform and trying to occasionally actually bass legislation that is reasonable and bipartisan. And I see this as honestly the only way for the party to gradually mute the voices of those that clearly are supporters of racism in their party. But unfortunately I see the GOP playing the narrow victory playbook. I guess if there is a complete wipeout in several elections in row voices that denounce racism within the party will grow louder and louder. But right now, young people know that racist vote Republican, and they simply do not want to vote with the racists. Going forward that is going to be a numerical problem for the GOP, and I see no easy escape from what is still a base of necessity for the party. So let us hope that young people keep voting, and that in a few years the GOP can again be a party that at least attempts to become a bigger tent party. Because the current model is eventually going to lead to a dead end. And as a country we are better with strong debate, with an eye toward solutions. But you need two willing partners to come to this end, I fervently hope that the GOP can find a way to tack away from the racist base they cannot currently survive without. I honestly believe that a lot of leaders in the party wish they did not need this base. But moving away from them it is not going to be easy... just look at Majorie Taylor Greene as exhibit A.
  14. Folks requesting new 2023 Roster page. Thanks for this info @texifornia When yah get a chance, can we get a new updated roster chart and participation chart from @BornAndRaised Thanks!!
  15. Televised on Longhorn Network. Look for links in the thread. Usually a good Samaritan or three will throw some links our way for those without LHN. Radio broadcast here: https://texassports.com/sports/2014/11/19/GEN_1119144623.aspx So this is the second year of the throwback games in Gregory Gym, which I think is a wonderful way of breaking up the season for both the fans and the players. Last season it was a student only affair. This year 3500 tickets were sold to the general public, with the rest of the seats reserved for the students. It's also the 2nd season of the Leon Black Classis. Leon Black's wife and son will be in attendance. Chris Beard may be a fantastic basketball coach, but honestly as good as he is in that regard he's at his best when he's extolling the virtues of others - which he does often. It's heartwarming to hear him speak of Coach Black and all he meant to the UT program and the players who played under him. As far as the opponent I'm not going to go into a lot of detail. It should be another cupcake game - and I don't say that in a derogatory way. There's just not much of a point in going into a lot of analysis of an opponent we're going to beat by 20+ points - maybe by a whole lot more than that. They lost to KSU in their season opener in Manhattan 93-59. They also beat Northern Arizona on Tuesday in back to back games for both them and NAU 91-79. They're currently 4-2 on the season, and 0-2 on the road, having also lost to Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 97-75 in Corpus Christi. Probably the most interesting thing that has come out of this series is that the UTRGV athletic director held the same position at Arkansas Little Rock when he hired Chris Beard as the head basketball coach. In some ways he rescued Beard from an abusive situation under Billy Gillispie at Texas Tech, with whom Beard had confrontations regarding differing approaches to coaching style. This is a bit of a segue, but don't expect Tarleton State to appear on any UT schedules in the near future. Starting lineup for UTRGV is: Will Johnston PG 6-3 180 11.7ppg 4.2 apg Sherman Brashear 6-5 180 7ppg 3.7rpg Justin Johnson 6-6 185 19.2ppg 3.8rpg Ahren Freeman 6-7 230 6.8ppg 6.3rpg Dima Zidor 6-10 230 12.3ppg 5.5rpg It looks like they have 6 players who can come off the bench, including a 7' Ukrainian (slava Ukraini!) Alex Horiuk. Leading bench scorer is CJ Jackson, 6-7 196 at 6.7ppg. Matt Figger is the head coach in his second season from Eastern Kentucky. Texas beat UTRGV 88-58 last year in a game in which Christian Bishop was the high scorer with 17 points, and Tre Mitchell was the leading rebounder with 5. If you remember, that was the game that Texas only led at half by 46-41 and all of us were wondering what in the heck was going on, then in the second half outscored UTRGV 42-17, including a 33-5 scoring run.
  16. Sipping coffee in Brentwood, ready to go undefeated in the state of Kansas this season (I can’t believe I just typed that) . . . TEXAS!!!
  17. Armadillos tie! What an upset! Love this movie.
  18. Holy fucking shit. I can't even... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/texas-child-protective-services-waco-heather-wallace-b2226799.html Texas mother lost her home and job and was threatened with jail after asking eight-year-old son to walk home alone Texas mother who asked her misbehaving eight-year-old son to walk half a mile home through a quiet suburban neighbourhood says her life was upended after she was charged with child endangerment. Mother-of-three Heather Wallace, 37, a qualified teacher and child sleep therapist, faced up to 20 years in prison if convicted of the second-degree felony charge. Rather than risk jail time, Ms Wallace told The Independent she admitted the offence and carried out a community service programme. She was forced to resign from her job and is now barred from working with children. She and husband Scott have sold their family home to cover legal and medical bills, and both have sought treatment for stress as a result of the incident, she said. Ms Wallace told The Independent the nightmare began one afternoon last October when her eldest son, eight-year-old Aiden, began throwing a tantrum while she was driving home from karate practice with younger brothers Liam and Declan. Ms Wallace said she asked Aiden to get out of the car and walk the short distance back through an area that he knew well and often rode his bike around unsupervised, with sidewalks and little traffic. “When he gets like that we have our routine, we can’t engage with him. He calms down just fine after that and we can kind of move on. “I opened the door and he got out. There was no shouting, there was no argument, I know not to argue with a child in that state of mind.” Ms Wallace says a woman who lives a block away from their home spotted Aiden and called the police. Two patrol cars responded and a few minutes later, officers from the Waco Police Department knocked on the door and questioned her at length on her porch while Aiden remained in the back of the cruiser. “Aiden’s still upset that they treated him like a baby — he’s adamant he could work home,” she says. Ms Wallace says the officer told her that sex trafficking of minors was an issue in downtown Waco, a world away from their quiet residential area. She says the officer asked her prying questions about why her house was so messy. When he inquired if she would allow her children to walk home again now that she had been informed about sex traffickers, she was arrested, handcuffed behind her back and put in the back of a patrol car as her three kids watched on. Ms Wallace said a case worker from Texas Child Protective Services arrived and grilled her about her parenting habits while she was still handcuffed in the back of the cruiser. “I think they were trying to figure out what to do with me — and whether what I had done was illegal or not.” Heather Wallace says she tries to give her sons Aiden, Liam and Declan the freedom to be independent Around three hours after police had turned up at her doorstep, she was taken to McLennan County Jail and booked on charges of endangering a child, a second-degree felony that carries a mandatory two year prison sentence. Ms Wallace’s husband Scott posted her $300 bail the next day. After her release, child services forced the parents to agree to a safety plan, which meant they were not allowed to be alone with the children. Ms Wallace told The Independent the children’s grandmothers took turns spending the night at their home for the next two weeks until the order was lifted. “At the time we didn’t know anything about (child protective services) or what we should or shouldn’t agree to do,” Ms Wallace said. She hired an attorney, who told her that if convicted she faced a minimum of two-years in prison and could be sentenced to up to 20 years. “I wanted to fight the charges, but I didn’t really know what my rights were.” Ms Wallace agreed to plead guilty and carried out a diversion programme which included 65 hours work at an early childhood centre. She was forbidden from being there during weekdays when children were around, and instead worked weekends, carrying out cleaning duties and helping to develop the school curriculum. Ms Wallace said she also had to undergo random drug testing, and was forced to leave her children alone to travel to testing centres. Scott and Heather Wallace are trying to rebuild their lives after she was charged with child endangerment Due to the child endangerment conviction, she was forced to resign from the pediatric sleep consultancy firm where she had previously worked and is barred from finding work as a teacher. Under the strain of thinking they might lose their kids, both parents sought therapy, an added expense after their income had already been shorn in half. The financial toll forced the family to sell their home, and they are now living in a rented duplex nearby. They hope to eventually build on a one-acre plot of land they have purchased, where the three boys will be able to roam outside. Ms Wallace’s sister Britt has set up a GoFundme page to help ease their financial burden. Ms Wallace also said she lost confidence in her own ability as a mother, something she has been working hard to regain. “It’s all very painful. I know I need to be confident in the parenting decisions I make because they’re mine to make, instead always worrying about what other people are thinking.” She says she wants other mums and dads to know their rights and also respect other people’s parenting choices. “We’re all trying to do what’s right for our kids, they have their own personalities, and have different needs.”
  19. Well it looks like Mike Pence is no longer a complete and total coward. Well he is still a complete and total coward, but Joe Biden and the Dem's not getting wiped out by Trumpers has allowed Pence to after waiting 10 months is willing to say Donald Tumps tweet directed at him was "reckless." Not exactly a profile in courage, but a glimmer of non-cowardice. The GOP is currently occupied by elected officials who are cowards and compulsive liars. This is a top to bottom thing, with the GOP, if you do not fall into the coward and liar category, you are labeled an enemy of the party. But now that Trump did not win every race predicted in the midterms we are going to get to see a slow but steady attempt by elected Republicans to pretend that they have principles, and some degree of courage. They are going to occasionally, in the softest way possible pretend they are not complete and total cowards. They are going to start saying things that they have denied (but known) are true for several years. I cannot name a single Republican that I would deem a role model for a child that you wanted to be honest and courageous. If you can name one, PLEASE point them out to me! As I all have seen from the GOP is cowardice on a level that would allow democracy to die, rather than and Elected GOP official risk.... wait for it.... a mean tweet from Former President Trump. Our own Ted Cruz is the GOP poster boy of pretend principles and total cowardice. The only thing Cruz and nearly every elected GOP official cares about, is themselves. But that is the fallacy of following a scumbag like former President Trump. You may retain your power for a while, but at what cost? Now of course when you are a principless coward you don't even for a second contemplate any potential danger to anything but your cowardly self. But now the election has shown them that they may need to PRETEND not to be cowards and doormats to the twitter musings of a mentally damaged incompetent former President. So I expect sometime in the next month, Cruz was say something slightly non-flattering about the guy who called you wife a dog that you supported absolutely, totally, and completely. You will see Rubio say something super soft pretending he is not a coward. You will hear this trickle again and again, now that the Dems saved Democracy. It is as predictable as their cowardice is was. See when you have absolutely NO PRINCIPLES you are very, very flexible in what you do and say. Because there is no underlying foundation of principle to guide you toward honor and the truth. Now this is NOT to say the Dems don't have their own issues. But never in my lifetime ,have a see such a clear demonstration of cowardice and a lack of principles than the GOP has collectively shown our nation. So look forward to a very but timid movement towards a very, very soft speaking of the truth by Republican. NOT because the truth is important, but because their level of cowardice has declined to the point where sometimes they are not afraid to speak the truth. A country led by leaders without principles, and that is based on lies in what the GOP is today. But the rehab is now underway, with Pence's cowardly finally coming forward with the softest possible criticism of Trump. What a bunch of fucking principless cowards. They will "hardly even know Trump" by the time 2024 rolls around. Thank you to all the Patriots who voted to save out nations future from these principless cowards who would toss away out democracy for their own personal aspirations. But remember each time you hear a soft criticism of Trump is is NOT courage, is is personal political calculation, nothing else.
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