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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. And my wife thinks that I'm a dick for refusing to get on a ladder to hang Christmas lights every year. If I'm going to paralyze myself by falling off of a ladder it's going to be doing something fun, not to give Shaquandra some place to drive wide-e-wide and his family by on the annual Christmas lights tour.
  2. Apparently a guy one block over has it. His family has been spotted at Target and going for walks around the neighborhood. I think I’m going to set his house on fire later this evening.
  3. I keep trying to tell my wife that. She doesn’t seem to agree.
  4. Troublemaker https://troublemakeraustin.com/ Their burritos are allsome.
  5. I would accuse you of fucking my wife, but she doesn’t drink coffee.
  6. Thanks for giving us a big picture to work with. I'll get right on it.
  7. I’m sure that there’s a Surly lawyer that would write a threatening letter in exchange for a couple of handjobs.
  8. Don’t act like that’s the first time you’ve taken a load to the face.
  9. Perhaps you shouldn’t have bought a house with a micro driveway if it’s that important to you.
  10. Well what are you going to eat next week?
  11. Are you still talking about your wife? If so,@missinginaction may be interested.
  12. May your salet get tossed like a midget at a bachelor party.
  13. Welcome to the club. Enjoy your clean butthole.
  14. This is the kind that I had as well. It definitely tastes better than the off brand described above.
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