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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. Yes. I wouldn’t exactly be upset if there were a drive-by shooting at any bar that’s still open.
  2. My wife laughed at me when I bought one of these a couple of months ago.
  3. One isn't too bad, but it isn't something that you would drink all night.
  4. The same website suggests cooking steaks to 145*F. You keep throwing away brisket and eating well done steaks. https://www.foodsafety.gov/food-safety-charts/safe-minimum-cooking-temperature
  5. I’ve had mine for several months. Works great.
  6. A smoked brisket will easily keep for 2 weeks in the fridge.
  7. You should go this route. "Looking for for high school boy who wants to earn $50. Must have reliable transportation. Reasonable trades considered." What could go wrong?
  8. You would think that someone who manufactures and sells internets could figure this out.
  9. Looks like a great way to get shit all over your balls.
  10. I'm OK with price gouging during emergency situations: 1. It would teach people to prepare for things in advance. The more people who are prepared, the better off everyone is. 2. It prevents hoarding. If toilet paper cost 10x the normal price, I would only buy the smallest package available, if I were in need, and not five 95 roll mega packs from Costco. 3. It ensures that items are available to those who absolutely need/want them, even if its at a premium price. There's people all over my Nextdoor feed begging for hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, etc. because they just had surgery, they're old and scared that won't survive a Coronavirus infection, etc. For an extra $50 they could get some hand sanitizer or N95 masks.
  11. It would also need to include a refrigerator and a TV attachment so there would never be a reason to leave the bathroom.
  12. Gotta keep the meat warm. You wouldn’t want it to freeze, would you?
  13. For any of you that want to switch to Griddy and make both of us $50. http://ssqt.co/medZvPZ Be aware that the electricity market is a bit volatile in March because a lot of power plants are down for their spring outages.
  14. You’re welcome everyone. Please think of me every time you use your bidet. Please note that I am entitled to 20% of all bidet use fees that you make from your unprepared friends, family and neighbors. PM me for my Venmo.
  15. luke duke

    Getting old sucks

    It would have been better if he said “Kyrie Eleison”.
  16. Grown ass people who bitch about daylight savings time. Yes, it’s stupid. Deal with it.
  17. No, you got the shits from the Visine that I put in your beer.
  18. Paco did a great job on brisket. I got semi-finals in both brisket and chicken.
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