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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. In retrospect, the stormtroopers shredding those Alderaan dudes in Leia’s ship at the beginning of Star Wars was like Texas beating Rutgers in 1997. A single instance of seeming invincibility was quickly overshadowed by a long run of laughable incompetence.
  2. The Vader action sequences are incredible and McGregor is great as Obi-Wan. Almost everything else about this show is dumb. It’s enjoyable as “What if?” fan fiction, though, so that’s how I choose to view it.
  3. Lol. There are actually people out there who are shocked to learn, in retrospect, that Donald Trump was an immature dummy. Our species is so fucking stupid.
  4. Why vote for someone who might lose, when you can just buy off whoever wins?
  5. Either that or Billie D Williams will hit on Leia.
  6. Right. Everyone recalls that. It’s one of the classic scenes of American cinema.
  7. I haven’t seen it yet. But if it’s the kind of episode loved by fans who call the original movie “A New Hope,” then there’s no chance it doesn’t suck out loud.
  8. Let’s get one thing clear: this tampon shortage is not Amy Schumer’s fault. Period.
  9. I hope the Knowledge Fight guys are able to get to Austin for the trial.
  10. Oh, I know what to tell them: “Fuck you, Nazi.”
  11. You got negged for your stupid fucking commentary, not the link. Dipshit.
  12. If you’re still in the Republican Party, look at the guy to your left. Then look at the guy to your right. All three of you are Nazis.
  13. BrickHorn

    The Boys

    This show is so fucking good. That is all.
  14. BrickHorn

    The Boys

    It’s also why the show is so interesting. There’s already a series about an invincible super being doing whatever the fuck he wants at all times. It’s called “The Old Testament” and it’s boring as shit.
  15. BrickHorn

    The Boys

    They want prestige and love and cash and media opportunities. They need corporate types to facilitate that. Homelander is all powerful. But even more than super-strength and laser eyes, his defining trait is insecurity. Dude has bitten the hand that feeds him before, but he knows that an all-out takeover would be against his psychological needs. It makes perfect sense when the show is viewed as a commentary on the moral and mental rot of fame. These larger than life “heroes” that seem invincible are, in reality, plagued with anxiety, fear, and mania.
  16. You know, Nietzsche says out of chaos comes order.
  17. Even if you can explain away the formality in her initial plea, what about her complete lack of recognition or sorrow when he died on the Death Star? It’s becoming more clear that the best way to enjoy Star Wars is to watch the original trilogy and then nothing else.
  18. Three episodes in, this feels like fanfic shot as a high school AV project. I mean, were Obi-Wan and Vader dueling in a slag plant? The production is cheap, the acting is terrible (except for Obi-Wan), and the costume design and direction reminds me of a kids’ action show like Power Rangers or something. And now we have to reconcile this adventure with a bunch of inconsistent content in Star Wars. Leia thought she needed to introduce herself to Obi-Wan in her recorded message, but they had gone on an important space mission before in which he saved her life? And Star Wars implies that Vader and Obi-Wan had not met since Anakin’s fall; the idea that Vader obsessively hunted him and that they fought in some scrap yard years later is incoherent. I’m about ready to throw this series in the bin of SW shit to ignore, along with the prequels and sequels.
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