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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. I wonder if they'd refuse to serve a guy wearing sunglasses? Do you have to look them in the eye before they'll accept your order? I only use headphones when I'm doing stuff around the house, I don't get the whole idea of having to have music playing at all times. My kids used to be that way but they seem to have grown out of it.
  2. Ah, working the whole "free clothes" angle. Solid move.
  3. Avatar is Paul Stanley, the "Star-Child". Ace Frehely is the "Space Ace". Cocaine is a helluva drug.
  4. A german pegging video would not be my favorite foreign movie.
  5. With the super bowl coming up, I thought there'd be some TV deals out there. I really want a TV that doesn't have issues with fast motion. I saw a 50" Samsung for $298 but I'm told they suck for watching football, which is the main reason I want a new one. Anyone got opinions on a 50-55" for around $500 or so? Most of the 240hz options are around 800 or so but I'd like to stay under that, if possible. I'm not against 120hz if it'll get the job done.
  6. TMZ website is borked. I saw the story about a plane crash on twitter, didn't pay it any mind. Sad for his children.
  7. Dawg, they ain't here to serve and protect. They're here to tax and collect.
  8. Y'all might be fucked https://www.kxxv.com/news/local-news/brazos-county-investigating-suspected-case-of-novel-coronavirus BRAZOS COUNTY — Brazos County Health District is investigating a suspected case of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The patient traveled from Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus originated. Health care providers were aware of public health guidance on novel coronavirus and quickly recognized that the patient met the criteria for coronavirus testing and is being kept isolated at home, while the precautionary testing is done. If there is a confirmed case, we will promptly announce it. Those that have traveled to Wuhan, China and have flu like symptoms are encouraged to call the health district at 979-361-4440. Flu like symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and sore throat. If medical care is needed, please call your healthcare provider first before arriving. Nonessential travel to Wuhan, China should be avoided. The general public is encouraged to practice general preventive actions: Everyone 6 months and older is encouraged to get a flu shot. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay home when you are sick. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  9. I bought a pack of smokes when I was in Canada in the mid 90s. There wasn't a little warning label about "cigarettes could be hazardous", there was a huge label on the front "CIGARETTES WILL KILL YOUR UNBORN CHILD". Still have that empty pack somewhere.
  10. I believe that was Lawrence Phillips. Or maybe LP dragged his girl downstairs by her hair?
  11. I never spoke to her or saw her in person. My kid said she was really nice (obviously, wink wink) and a good teacher. The guy that replaced her was a mega douche and my kid's grade suffered because when asked for help, his answer was always "You should know this.". What's really sad is that her husband was an assistant FB coach and I guess he'd had enough of kids snickering at him because he flew into a rage one day (or so I'm told) and told everyone to fuck off. He was fired after that.
  12. When Bradford got drafted, the local FOX station said they were making sure every fucking Rams game would be televised. I hated the Rams anyway, that just made it worse.
  13. My wife thinks she is the queen of dishwasher loading, so I have always left that duty to her to complete. But she thinks it is unfair to have to unload the clean dishes, as loading the dirty ones is such an arduous task, so she won't do anything unless the dishwasher is empty. I asked her once why I always have to unload the dryer myself to put in the wet laundry but tone. I had unloaded the dishwasher the other day, so it was empty but the sink was beyond full of dishes. I made an offhand comment but it was pretty much ignored. I got sick of looking at it last night, so I started to load up the dirty dishes (mostly plastic cups, nothing with caked on food). I get halfway done and she says "You're gonna make me feel bad about not doing that", to which I laughed and said "I'm not making you feel that way, you did it to yourself.". She then made a half-hearted attempt to help but I was already done.
  14. This is my kid's former teacher. Also, this report is old.
  15. I had no idea he'd been there 5 years. I figured 3 tops.
  16. I know the past has nothing to do with this current game, but I remember when my 49ers played Dan Marino in SB 19. His offense was fucking insane and he was supposed to be unstoppable. Then they played the game and it wasn't pretty. Eat shit, Dan Marino.
  17. My wife and I went to check out the purple bed today. I really like it but the reviews are giving me pause. Many folks say it's good for a year, then it goes to shit. My current mattress is only 3.5 years old and it's got big (IMO) indentions in the top. It has a 25 year warranty, so I called the furniture store and they sent me the claim forms. I'm 99% sure they're gonna tell me it's not bad enough to qualify for replacement.
  18. Kyle lost a SB when he was up 28-3. He's gonna burn all the clock he can.
  19. Anne, she was actually the 2nd child. Charles, Anne, Andrew the Pedo, Edward.
  20. I just can't imagine how he came to that decision. "Yeah, you're right. I don't want to live in palaces or have a staff of servants that handle my everyday needs. And I certainly don't want to be paid a salary for just walking around, breathing and shit. Fuck my grandma's stupid lifestyle, let's move to Canada." I can understand why he wouldn't want to be in the limelight but he's not the heir, his brother gets to take all that shit. He can chill in relative anonymity if he wants. I constantly forget the QEII has a fourth child, Edward. You ever hear about that dude? Nope.
  21. Pennington looks like every 30 year old douche I ever saw at Lake Eufaula, Oklahoma. Right down to the tattoos and board shorts.
  22. 46, married 10 years to the greatest woman ever, twins are 18 and starting college in the fall. Wife makes good money, I make less but my job is cake. I can see the good life just on the edge of my horizon and I'm heading straight at it. I have no room to complain, life is good.
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