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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Just finished this, really enjoyed it. Pitt was fantastic, Leo as well.
  2. Just finished watching it. What a dud. Should've let Rey die and had Ben live, then he would have to spend the rest of his life trying to deal with all of his loss. Could've even made for a good story on it's own. Searching for redemption or whatnot.
  3. That iphone ad with the giant snowball fight. Fuck those stupid kids and their overdramatic shit. Jumping around like they're in a marvel movie or some shit.
  4. CTD from the top fucking rope!
  5. Most of us OSU fans weren't surprised when he left because there was always talk that Gundy didn't let him run the offense. He stayed as long as he did because he was a nobody D2 coach that got a chance at a P5 school. Once he started getting good pub for a couple of years, he went to a bigger program. I don't blame him for leaving.
  6. Somewhere around 96-98 I got my mom a picture for christmas. It's a Picasso print of a mother and infant. I thought it looked like something she'd like and she really loved it. She passed away in 2007 and my dad allowed me to take the picture home. It hangs in my living room and will do so until I'm gone as well.
  7. Ehh, the last thing I'd do as a guest is start loading appliances. Some folks have a certain way they like things to be loaded. If they rinsed their dishes and put them in the sink, that's a win in my book.
  8. I've got to give Amazon props. I was late ordering a gift for my kid (fucking forgot, I suck) and after I ordered the stuff, it told me the est. delivery date was 12-26. I was prepared to tell her the bad news when she got the other gifts but the items arrived yesterday. Score one for amazon.
  9. OSU is fucked. Dunn made Blackmon, Washington and Wallace stars but Gundy wouldn't give him the OC job. But hey, Gundy talked his son into walking on in 2 years, so we got that going for us, I guess. There's alos a rumor that our current OC might leave for fucking Rutgers. Great job, mullet.
  10. So it would be just like if he was at Texas, right?
  11. I get so enraged when I'm typing in the search bar and the auto-fill options show the EXACT thing I'm looking for, yet the product isn't available on amazon at all. My main issue isn't with shipping or things being late (although that's happened a few times), it's that they just don't seem to have what I want anymore, or the price is more than I want to pay. We used to order several items a month, now it's a handful per year.
  12. I heard that the 3 dudes that were announced were 6 game suspensions for PEDs and they're appealing those.
  13. I think they should have one where Romo shows up at the desk but now there's another desk right next to his and it's Jay Gruden with a Corona Light visor on.
  14. The guy lived in several different cities over a span of years. I doubt he wanted to lug his shit all over the place. Especially at the end when he didn't know how long he'd last at any particular location. Makes sense to have a spot to keep your shit away from any sticky-fingered relations. My dad's older brother will take anything that isn't nailed down, if it looks valuable. I'm sure Vince has one or two of those types in his family as well.
  15. Why would I want to help the guy who's trying to fuck my daughter? He can deal with the bullshit just like the rest of us do/did.
  16. This one has good video but no audio https://daddylive.live/channels/stream-31.php
  17. Just about every stream went down right before the walkout. I'm now on some pixilated stream with no audio.
  18. Obama needs to put more effort into his porn name.
  19. A pair of Adidas Ultraboost running shoes she's had her eye on and a couple of novelty t-shirts. She's pretty easy to shop for.
  20. I really enjoy listening to Christmas music and sharing my thoughts on which version of each song is my favorite.
  21. I'm not an aggie hater, but I expect them to be mediocre every year. So no, they haven't failed to live up to expectations IMO.
  22. My wife got me one a while back. I liked it but I would wake up in a pool of sweat, I mean standing water on my chest and arms. And my room gets cool in the winter months but it still made me sweat like hell. I don't use it anymore but it works as far as getting me relaxed and to sleep quickly.
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