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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. Y'all make sure you stick around for the post credit scene.
  2. You should just tell them that last part with a deadpan face and see what their reaction is. Also, do you do anything with the skins of the animals you kill?
  3. I think only allowing state level law enforcement agencies to carry out no knock warrants could be a good first step towards reform. Also, the investigating officers seeking the warrant have to be first through the door and unarmed. Also, also, state level approval must be granted, not some local good old boy judge. Maybe that would cut down on BS no knock warrants while still allowing them in cases where they are truly needed.
  4. Wooden AK's? They need some wooden NATO arms so they can have better basic cross platform familiarity.
  5. Finished it last night. I'll eco what others have said. It's a fun series that is hard not to binge. It won't be winning any awards, but it was fun to watch and came at a time when there weren't really any other shows with new episodes demanding my time.
  6. I'd bet they are much more common than most people realize. I jumped one that was stalking a deer while I was driving around a bend in a county road near Hallsville about ten years ago. Pretty cool just to get the chance to see one.
  7. Let's not forget the tornado that was so powerful it destroyed all but two wagons, yet nobody's hat blew off. Or the horse named lightning because it was so fast, but apparently only when racing indian ponies and not when running from bandits.
  8. Springfield Leather is good to order online, but if you just need a small piece Amazon is probably easier. Just look at the reviews and see what people who are using it for a similar thing are saying.
  9. This is more of the police as an institution being responsible for the death rather than the individual cops who shot him. The individual cops were provably told they were serving a warrant on a dangerous individual and responded as such. Unless of course the ones serving the warrant were the ones who pushed for it to be a no knock raid. And that, to me is a worse sign than if one individual cop went and murdered someone.the entire system needs to be fixed.
  10. The Ghost was in the final battle of Episode 9, so I bet we get Hera for sure.
  11. Cad Bane's hat in the animated series was actually much bigger with the brim sloped down kinda like one of those asian hats. This is an improvement, but still close enough that fans of the animated series could immediately recognize it.
  12. Yeah, the earlier episodes set the stage for this and what is to come. Maybe they could have condensed them slightly, but not by much.
  13. Still above freezing behind the pine curtain. Rain is supposed to stop before the temps drop, so hopefully we will be spared the worst of it.
  14. What kind of muzzleloader do you shoot? Are you one of those apostates who shoots an inline, or do you embrace the holy black?
  15. Going back and reading some of the earlier pages in this thread, it's pretty clear that a lot of people don't understand how Filoni (and now Favreau) works. Episodes that seem slow or filler are him carefully moving his pieces on the chess board so that when it comes time to go on attack every piece has a role to play and it all comes together beautifully in the end. It's kinda like GRRM in game of thrones, except for the end part.
  16. Do you worship at the feet of a statue of Dick Proenneke?
  17. That first sentence started out kinda dark...
  18. I think it's a good thing to have a black woman on the court, and like Twice I believe they should have experience in criminal justice. However there is a difference between announcing you are going to nominate a black woman and campaigning on it, particularly when using it to distract from past actions that negatively impacted the black community.
  19. Hard rubber, or gutta percha. Been around since the 1830's. The first generation Colt SAA's grips were made out of it.
  20. A cowboy on a drive made about $30 a month back then, for reference.
  21. Unfortunately our system isn't set up to find justice in a situation that is basically he said/she said. There are a lot of child molesters walking free because there is no proof other than what the child said. While I can't condone vigilante justice, maybe the threat of it will make some people think twice.
  22. One thing that bothers me, and I know this is nitpicking and happens with pretty much every western, is the hats. Why does almost every hat have to be on the verge of being worn out? A good hat should last decades unless it is intentionally abused. Yet every hat is on the verge of being tossed out.
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