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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. I used to sit in a cube numbered 66 so of course I added another 6. The zealots caused a huge stink over it. I reported everyone of them to HR for religious discrimination and started wearing a balphomet necklace every day. A couple quit and the others got transferred to another floor. Fuck those superstitious nut jobs.
  2. There is no more terrifying creature than an angry teenage female. That incel dipshit is about to be canceled into bolivia.
  3. I was called "Sir" the other day, and liked it. For the first time it wasn't followed by, "please leave", or "don't touch that".
  4. Oh, like I want to be the daddy that causes the trauma.
  5. Also I've given up on finding a partner and putting all my wealth into sexbots.
  6. I put a T shirt on the other day, and when I looked in the mirror I saw its the 2003 Spurs NBA title t shirt bought at the parade in SA. Disturbing in so many ways.
  7. That cunt is already doing it. Jeff Fisher 2.0
  8. I can still feel the scar 30 years later.
  9. My worst encounter was getting hit in the head with a bat. I remember nothing, but my friends on site remember everything. Absolute horror ensued from what I'm told.
  10. This one time at boy scout camp...
  11. Infinite and 3. I didn't stay this pretty by losing fights.
  12. I'm a HUGE fan. I've got the Rambo, Rocky, and Expendables classic DVD collections. The doc really brought forth his motivation to do everything he did. He recognized his limits and his strengths. Didn't fight either to bring forth 3 franchises of badassery.
  13. Where was this picture taken? Asking for a friend.
  14. So all they need is a turkey pan to contain it.
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