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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. Sweet neckbeard, Sasquatch.
  2. I'd like to think this guy arrives at the lake in a similar fashion. Maybe towed behind a souped-up riding mower.
  3. Acknowledging that Trump really has no loyalty, it is interesting to see that he and Mike Johnson will be holding a press conference at Mar-a-Lago on Friday to discuss election integrity. If he is planning on using Johnson for some election fuckery, it seems strange that MTG would put herself in the crosshairs of Trump by trying to torpedo his speakership. But then again, not much goes down in the GQP that makes sense to me. Except the grifting....that makes perfect sense. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/10/politics/trump-johnson-news-conference/index.html My guess is this means MTG will ultimately shut the fuck up and go back to burying her face betwixt Trump's buttcheeks.
  4. Saw this on Reddit, kind of cool looking austin storm.mp4
  5. No one's gonna do a fucking thing about it. Because 'murica!
  6. Caught driving around in this crap, so I ducked into a parking garage when the hail started. Place filled the fuck up in a hurry. Probably marble sized at the largest in this round(triangle area).
  7. I think his pay is in the top 10. https://sports.usatoday.com/ncaa/salaries/mens-basketball/coach It also appears that he has a nice bonus lined up https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaab/2024/04/09/uconn-coach-dan-hurley-bonus-championship/73255649007/
  8. 10 seconds in, lulz. Somewhat NSFW video https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/1bzczeu/always_protect_your_eyes_during_an_eclipse/
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/tech/tesla-trial-wrongful-death-walter-huang/index.html Huh. I for one am shocked Tesla lawyers didnt want the capabilities of FSD debated in a court of law with damages at play. I'm sure they had a winning case and would have won, but decided to do the Huang family a solid. I would love to know what they paid.
  10. Does this look accurate? https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/GE/general-electric/stock-splits
  11. There's the shot I figured someone would grab. Badass!
  12. I dont particularly like/dislike either of these schools but seeing Purdue pull off the upset would be cool. Win it for Jonathan https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/college/purdue/2024/04/07/purdue-student-is-dying-from-hospital-he-got-final-four-for-the-ages/73211806007/
  13. Yeah this was about 5 or so mins before totality. I don't really put a lot of effort into getting good shots for events like these (and it shows) because there are always tons of people with fancy camera gear that will flood the internet with better pics than I can muster. I'm sure some mofo from the other angle captured both the tower and the eclipse in a single shot. Just gotta wait for that to surface online.
  14. I'm sure many people captured the tower better than I did. Dont know what the fuck happened to the photo I took, but this is a screengrab from a shitty video I took
  15. Sitting down on campus (LBJ) just caught 4 seconds of a peek through the clouds. It's something I guess The number of people staring up at the clouds with no glasses is non trivial.
  16. I have to ask... when did "the NIL become a thing" because last year's class was ranked....checks notes... #1. He may have shit the bed with that talent, but he was getting talent. And for good measure, here's his current class before the announcement, another 4 5 stars and ranked behind some nobody named Duke.
  17. No shit. Should I be cursed to live to the age of 94, I would feel fortunate if I was able to be out and about with some trim 32 years my junior and not requiring an oxygen tank and/or rascal.
  18. Restaurants in Lexington are deploying slipcovers as a defensive measure as we speak.
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