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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Dude works out harder/more often than ~95% of this board. Hell I bet he can still get a full erection, with no ancillary support.
  2. hookemATL


    "Father, please direct all inquiries and contact through my attorney, Mr. Jackie Chiles"
  3. Hopefully its just a very very very long phase Good luck dudely. I know you got a lot on your plate, and a hormonal daughter with an axe to grind against you surely does not help in the stress department. I am sure down the road she will realize her behaviour is a bit unfair and her old man is just doing his best to love and provide for her. Best of luck!
  4. Me, a father of two girls, reading this post:
  5. The only reason it hurts so bad is because of the sheer amount of love and happiness she brought to you and your household. ❤️ dogs are fucking magical creatures.
  6. RIP sweet girl. Labs are perfect life partners, and I am sure she was no exception 🤘
  7. Gun is $100, trigger is $50,000.
  8. Badass. That’s a slab of a bluegill. welp looks like I’m going to have to go fishing again this week. Thanks for the inspiration!
  9. Danny Rolling killed 5 women over only a 4 day span. Total berserker mode.
  10. I’ve never really considered relocating, and with a family farm and two single digit aged kiddos, I am not sure it’s feasible. And that is setting aside the money issue. This state is running off productive and valuable citizens (from all walks of life) for the furtherance of general fascism and specifically white hegemony. If you are a Republican voter in this state you are directly contributing to the pain and suffering of wide swaths of your neighbors, friends, loved ones, and millions more that just want to exist without having to fight tooth and nail for a basic right to pursue and maintain happiness. you may have been born here, your family roots may run deep, and you may consider yourself a True Texan. But you’d be wrong. You are a cancerous growth, and whether benign or malignant via your words/actions, you make this state a worse place to live/work/build a family. fuck the GOP. Fuck Republican voters in this state. And fuck the traitorous cunts in the Senate and House chambers actively looking to disenfranchise and hurt citizens of this state.
  11. Essentially it’s the equivalent of a player shittalking Michael Jordan in the NBA Finals. Why ever provoke an entity with that kind of power?
  12. God fucking dammit I hate this fuckhead. That how they hold their rods up in Canada, eh Tedward?
  13. Trump/Nixon’s Ghost 2024 ”Make America………awwww fuck it let’s do CRIMESSSSSSSSSSS!”
  14. If I focus real hard can I just swap souls with one of these pups? They look so damn happy.
  15. Rice is the transmission Disu is the cooling system Morris is the alternator Bishop is the rear differential Mitchell is the power steering
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